Throne of the Grand Magus: The beginning

Chapter 101 - Orientation (2)

"Your student cards will give you access to various areas within the academy grounds depending on the number of points you currently have. Apart from deciding which class you will be placed in, the points also act as a currency, various objects can be bought within the academy premises using these points," announced Frode from the top of the stage. 

"Spacial magic!" gasped Trent, as he grabbed the floating student card in front of him.

"Fret not if you feel like you didn't collect sufficient points. There is a point reward system for students who complete quests given out by the academy. However, that will be discussed in detail later within your home room classes."

"Now that that's out of the way. Let the orientation ceremony commence," as Frode said this the roof of the hall they were in disappeared, revealing the bright blue sky above them.

"What is that?" murmured a few students as an object moving so fast it left a streak behind it appeared in the sky.

"It's coming this way," 

The object suddenly changed trajectory and began plummeting towards the hall, just as the blur was about to crash onto the stage, it suddenly stopped.

"It's the manticore," muttered Trent under his breath just as he was about to run out of the hall.

"Welcome students of Belgard. My name is Dregnar and I will be your survival instructor for the year." announced the manticore as it landed on to the stage with the grace of a ballerina.

"It seems your zest for theatrics hasn't died out Dregnar," announced another voice as a black cloud appeared right next to the manticore.

Out of the cloud came a pale, slender figure 1.94 meters tall. The figure dressed similar to a vampire, however, this just confused everyone even more as he had the ears of the elf.

"My name is Valkuy, and I will be your instructor in the dark arts," announced Valkuy with a deep husky voice.

"Your one to talk Valkuy," said a familiar voice.

"It's her," mused Trent and a few other boys as Nera walked onto the stage.

"Welcome students. My name is Nera and I will be your instructor in the arts of potion brewing," announced Nera in her usual seductive manner.

"Ahem. Welcome students" boomed a loud voice as the hulking figure of a man walked onto the stage.

"I am Arden, and I will be your instructor in combat and sword arts." Arden had long black hair tied into a bun. With muscles so huge that they seemed to want to pop out of his ivory-tanned skin. He had a gleaming smile that just oozed with confidence and stood even taller than Valkuy at a height of 1.98 meters.

The stage was beginning to become crowded with very interesting figures.

"Can you sense what level their mana cores are at?" asked Arya as he looked at all the seemingly powerful individuals in front of him.

"No, but they're all very powerful. The queer thing is that none of them give off the smell of a human," replied the dark figure. 

"Let's get this over with." said another voice in an irritated tone as a man of short stature but strong build walked onto the stage.

"My name is Ronkor, and I will be your lecturer in the art of smithing magic," said the dwarf dressed in a dirty apron, stained black with what seemed to be smoke.

"Couldn't you have cleaned up at least a little?" whispered Nera as Ronkor made his way to stand beside the instructors that had already introduced themselves.

"And why would I waste my time doing that woman?" replied Ronkor loudly.

"So many instructors," murmured a few students as a very uptight looking woman walked onto the stage with perfect posture.

"Welcome students, my name is Reylin Arentos, and I will be your instructor in magic theory," said a woman with blonde hair tied into a tress. Her tender green eyes hid behind thick black spectacles and she wore a robe similar to headmaster Frode's but with fewer streaks.

"It seems not everyone is here." said a disembodied voice as a blinding light appeared on the stage.

Out of it came a man of average build. He was rather dashing with his platinum blonde hair and very sociable demeanor. He was dressed in white robes similar to those worn by priests and spoke in a very loud and clear voice.

"My name is Filidei, and I will be your instructor in magic history as well as the instructor in variant elements. May the divine beings be with you" announced Fillidei.

"These will be some of your instructors for the year. The other instructors were unable to attend the ceremony due to personal issues, but you will meet them soon enough as classes start. Reylin, you may proceed." announced Frode from the front of the stage before moving back.

"Welcome once again students. I am aware that the road to Belgard was a treacherous one filled with many dangers, however, as a mage, you will constantly be put in life or death situations, so this much is to be expected," announced Reylin as she took Frode's spot.

"Although you have successfully completed your trails, you should be aware that the real challenge begins now. The details will be explained more by your homeroom instructor, however, note that failure to score above a certain threshold of points will result in expulsion."

"Although I'm sure that the dorm supervisors have already explained to you the dorm rules, there are separate rules that apply to the academy as a whole that can be read in the guidebook in front of you,". As Reylin said this, brown covered books, titled 'Rector libri' appeared in front of all the students."

"Make sure to read it to avoid any unnecessary trouble."

"Also, I'm sure many of you have noticed how there are currently more students present than passed the final forest trial. These students have transferred over from other academies and will be attending their first year with you. They too have faced trails of their own, so I hope that there will be no ill feelings from those that suffered during the forest trails"

"One final thing. Please take care not to anger the seniors. Although we have made it so that only first years could attend this event, please be aware that you are not alone in this academy. And that the academy is here to teach you magic in the hope that you can one day contribute to its growth. We are not here to hold anyone's hand, and will only intervene in life-threatening situations. Rules have been placed in order to minimize such incidents, but there are always outliers so you have been warned," announced Reylin before taking her place beside the other instructors once again.

"Here in Belgard, the sky isn't the limit. The floating city is proof of this. Aim further than the heavens, aim higher than the Grand Magus. Diis Major. We are greater than the gods," announced Frode before all the instructors disappeared into thin air.

"What a ceremony," whispered Trent as he was still dazed in awe.

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