The group managed to finish cleaning the toilet in just a minute to an hour. 

"Very well then, you may proceed to your classes," said Lucia as she came to see whether the group had finished right at the hour mark.

"I don't think I like her as much as I once did," whispered Trent to the others as Lucia told them where to find their classes.

"See you later Neville," said Trent in goodbye once the group split up to go to their respective classes.

"I assume you're the group Ms. Lucia told me about," said a short man with glasses and a white stubble on his chin.

"Anyways you're the only ones who haven't had your elements read out yet. To avoid any issues, we require all students to have their attuned elements read out by the orb. Now place your hand on it and get to your seats once your element has been made visible," ordered the teacher.

The classroom was the same as a traditional university lecture theatre, with an auditorium-type sitting arrangement.

Sheela held his hand on the translucent orb on the teacher's desk and a brown color covered it completely.

"Earth, very well. Please take your seat."

Trent was next, he held his hand on the orb and a blue color covered it completely.

"Water, very well then. Please take your seat."

Arya was next, once he touched the orb a cold chill traveled up his spine.

"Oh, dark, that means we have five dark wielders in the year's class. Very well then please take your seat."

Arya had a shocked expression on his face. He was certain that the orb would shine blue, showing that he had a water affinity, however, it became completely black, showing that he had the dark affinity instead.

He wasn't the only one that was flabbergasted, Marya, Averos, Trent, Abiyama, Yuuki, and even the laid-back Sheela were all shocked as well.

"W-wait there's got to be some kind of mistake. There's no way he's a dark mage, I saw him use i-" Trent was about to explain before the teacher cut him short.

"Yes, yes. The other four basic elements can be cast even if you don't have an affinity towards them, so even if you saw him use another element it doesn't matter. Now please sit down, you've interrupted a good portion of the homeroom session as is." retorted the teacher forcing, Trent to take his seat.

As Arya walked to take his seat, the whole class stared at him, dark users were almost as rare as variants, and since the orb couldn't show whether someone was a variant or not, the one's with light or dark attributes were looked at with the most interest.1

The few dark users in the room looked at Arya with uninterested looks.

"A zero star mage at best," whispered one of the boys, he had pale skin and fangs protruding from his mouth.

However, amongst his classmates, those who had been in the same group as him earlier looked at him with the most interest.

'I see, so he was hiding the fact that he is a dual wielder?' thought Yuuki as he watched Arya take his seat.

'What the hell is going on here?' wondered Arya as he tried to focus on what the teacher was saying, however, all the gazes upon him caused his instincts to go wild.

"He's really pretty isn't he?" whispered a few girls sitting behind Arya.

His long white hair was tied into a bun, and a few strands hung over his face, making him look like the MC of some romance novel.

"Yeah, I've never seen anyone with white hair before,"

"Doesn't Ayaz, Avion's brother have white hair as well?"

"But he has strands of black as well. That guy's hair is fully -" the girl was about to reply before the teacher cut in.

"If you're going to talk can you do it outside my homeroom? I don't tolerate disturbances in the classroom, even if you are from a noble family," retorted the teacher making the girls keep quiet.

Ayaz who was sitting a few seats in front of Arya turned around to look at him, before quickly turning back. 

'Why does it seem like I've drawn more attention to myself than necessary? I don't have time for people to make my life hard simply out of jealousy,' thought Arya.

'Well, then I suggest that you only make use of dark magic. If people catch on that you can use ice magic as well, then it's undeniable proof that you're a dual wielder, and then the jealousy won't just stop at first years, but maybe even seniors might come looking for you,' replied the dark figure.

'You bastard, this was your doing wasn't it? You manipulated the orb to show dark magic,' replied Arya, trying to keep himself from shouting out loud.

'No way, you can't fool the magic orb. All I did was boost your dark affinity a little, allowing it to express itself over your water affinity. But don't worry, I'll personally train you in dark magic, if you want you can even borrow some of my power to perform necromancy, of course, it comes at a price.' replied the dark figure.

'Fuck you! I'm in enough shit as it is. I don't have time for half the school to parade me because I'm a necromancer as well. I preferred it when the light figure was here as well, I can't deal with your nonsense,' 

"Mr. Arya! Are you listening?" asked the teacher, the whole class was staring at Arya as if he were supposed to be answering a question.

'Repeat after me,' said the dark figure.

"The dragons were the ones who first gave the four basic elements as well as the light element to the lesser races. The demons were responsible for the dark element, and the divine beings granted the church divine magic," answered Gray, repeating exactly what the dark figure had told him.

"Very good, but please respond faster next time," 

'You're welcome. And by the way, it's come to my attention that you have yet to address me by my name. It's Sauron, and the light figure you speak of is Asbeel,'

'Why do I have to be the one with voices in my head?' complained Arya, realizing that he would be in for a long and strenuous year ahead of him.

"Okay, please move on to your next class. Read the schedule on your student card and make sure not to be late," said the teacher, making sure to emphasize the late part while looking at Arya.


"Dude why didn't you tell us you were a dual wie-" shouted Trent, as he and the others approached Arya once the class was dismissed.

"Shhh! Keep it down," said Arya quickly, covering his mouth before he could finish his sentence.

"Whamph? Arf you simph trieh hidph iph?" muffled Trent as Arya covered his mouth.

"I didn't know okay. But I've already drawn enough attention as is, could you guys keep it to yourselves?" asked Arya, looking to the rest of the group as well.

It wasn't Arya's style to rely on others for help, however, if word got out that he was a dual wielder, and that one of his elements was rare while the other a variant, the whole school would go crazy.

"I understand. If he wants to keep this a secret then we should respect his wishes," said Yuuki.

"What? Are you kidding me? If everyone finds out that Arya's some sort of genius, I'll become famous by association. And then all the girls will be all over me," replied Trent with a faraway look, the last part of his sentence being an indecipherable series of squeals and blushes.

"Yuuki's right. And anyway I don't want others coming after my rival out of pure jealousy," said Averos as she patted Arya on the back.

'So even in our fight in the forest, he was holding back? There's no way he didn't know he was a dark mage. He must've been waiting for the right time to reveal it, as expected of my rival,' thought Averos as she stared at Arya.

Abiyama and Marya just stared at Arya in disbelief. They were still shocked at the revelation.

'He's combat abilities surpass that of Averos, and he's a dual wielder, to top things off, both his elements are rare. And he's good-looking, maybe if it's him father might reconsider,' thought Abiyama, her face turning red at the thought of marrying Arya.

'So in total, he has the potential to silent cast four elements. Counting ice, water, and dark, if he can use necromancy, that will put him at the level of a one-man army,' though Yuuki as he analyzed Arya's current battle strength.

"Hey you. Come over here for a second," said Ayaz as he approached the group.

"What does he want?" scowled Trent, showing hostility.

"Down boy," teased Sheela as he held Trent back.

"Why should I?" replied Arya, his instincts on high alert.

'He's dangerous,' thought Yuuki, Averos, and Arya in unison, their instincts all telling them the same thing.

"I just want to have a word with you, nothing else," replied Ayaz in a broody voice.

"It's okay guys. I'll be right back," 

The two walked out of class down the school hall to a corner before stopping. Ayaz then released his magical pressure, causing Arya to react instinctively by pulling out his dagger.

"Sorry, it seems I was mistaken. Forgive me for wasting your time, you may leave," said Ayaz before withdrawing his pressure and walking off.

'What's his deal?' thought Arya, however, the feeling of fear still made his heart beat fast.

'Best avoid that guy. He smells suspicious,' replied the dark figure.

'It seems brother was mistaken. He isn't a dragon born, his hair must be some sort of birth defect. Plus I've never heard of a Dragonborn with the dark attribute,' thought Ayaz as he moved on to his next class.



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