Throne of the Grand Magus: The beginning

Chapter 21 - 20: Birthday Troubles (2)

As Deon entered the tavern it became deathly quiet. It wasn't only just the fact that he wore a white robe with 4 stars around a single cross which signified the rank of Arch-Bishop that caused the people to keep quiet, but it was also his stature. Deon was 1.93 m tall with the build of a body builder. He had jet black hair with light brown eyes that seemed to be able to see through the crimes of everyone in the tavern. In great contrast to his body his face was beautiful like that of an angel making some women in the tavern blush with excitement.

As he walked to the bar keep one of the pub-crawlers stopped him and said "Hey are you looking for you're buddy Father? I remember the church knight that was here about a year ago. I kept telling people he was a knight but no one believed me. Can't ever forget the size of him, you two are nearly the same size though you're buddy is a tad bigger."

" Oh yes, unfortunately I've lost contact with him and I was wondering when he was going to come back to the church." said Deon. Although Deon wasn't sure who this drunkard was referring to there were only so many people bigger than he was and it could never hurt to check.

Deon activated one of the church's artifacts which checked whether someone was being truthful or not.

" Sorry but he doesn't live around here. He left after the fight with the shadow creatures and the vampire-" the drunkard tried to say when a woman who seemed to be his wife came and stopped him.

" I'm sorry Arch-Bishop Lenard just had too much to drink don't mind him." said the woman.

"What vampires?" said Deon now even more sure that the man being referred to was Neel because only a few humans could fight against a vampire and win.

"I'm telling you I saw it with me own eyes. That guy swooped down to save a woman and cut the vampires had right off-" he tried saying.

"Lenard! This is blasphemy and you're doing it in front of an Arch-Bishop" she tried saying to snap her husband out of his stupor.

"I swear this on me life your holiness. The man breathed holy fire from his mouth though I could not clearly tell his features I'm sure as day that was him." said Lenard putting his right hand on the left side of his chest.

" Lenard you were drunk, you don't know what you saw!" the woman tried pleading.

"I know what I saw woman!" Lenard snapped back. As the couple continued their bickering Deon walked out of the tavern and spoke into his amulet again.

"Amana the situation got a bit more complicated. Contact HQ tell them to send people from the inquisitions 'Raze' division. Draquerth is stained and cannot be saved, vampires have infested the area." said Deon .

"Yes your holiness." said Amana with a few drops of blood on her face as she dragged Rirren's frozen body through a portal.

"The Arch-Bishop requests a Raze squad." Amana said to one of the women she found standing on the other-side of the portal. The place she went to had many large white buildings all covered with gold markings. The side walks were laid with golden yellow bricks and the walk ways were cream white. There were many cathedrals being used for different purposes and in the center stood a 50 story building that seemed to touch the sky and had a huge cross at the top. Everyone around them seemed to be wearing white robes except for Amana and the two women she found waiting for her at the other side of the portal. All three of them wore black skin tight suits which signified being a full-fledged member of the inquisition forces.

As a few of the normal church members passed by they murmured "Look it's the demi-god of ice". Amana seemingly did not hear their comment and handed over Rirren's frozen body to the other woman.

"He is still alive although barely. Take him to the healing priests and then to an interrogation room. The Arch-Bishop would like a thorough interrogation done on him." said Amana as she wiped the blood of her face.

"Also I would like to pick the members of this Raze squad myself." she continued.

"Yes ma'am, but if you don't mind me asking why would you need a Raze squad? I mean both you and Deon of the Excalibur were sent and I don't th-" one of the two women tried saying as she was interrupted.

"I don't think I asked for your opinion Katz. Or do you mean to question the Arch-Bishop's reasoning?" asked Amana still keeping her usual distant demeanor. "Anyway if you must know it seems some vampires have infiltrated the city of Draquerth and we're to destroy every trace of it from the face of Merrum." continued Amana as she walked ahead towards a cathedral.

"Vampires!" thought Katz as she followed Amana and her body began glowing red with fury. Katz was a well endowed woman with good proportions. She was 1.76m tall and towered over Amana, however you could still tell who was superior. She had red hair and brown eyes that were currently glowing red with mana.

The other woman was Fiona. She had a rather calm demeanor as she dragged Rirren's frozen body to another temple as Katz and Amana walked to the cathedral. Fiona was 1.74 m and had an average build but her glasses made her look more attractive. She had green hair and very dark brown eyes, so dark they were nearly black.. As she turned to look at the Rirren's body she smiled and said "I can't wait to have fun with you."

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