Throne of the Grand Magus: The beginning

Chapter 23 - 22: Happy Birthday (2)

On the day of Arya's birthday the family woke up extra early to complete the tasks they would usually do so as not to be busy during the party. Ava gave the excuse that she was going to remind her friends so that she could squeeze in an extra training session with Raul. Luca went of into the wilderness between Draquerth and the outskirts to practice his ice magic away from prying eyes. Neel and Lillian sat together to meditate and Luna kept watch over Arya.

Arya felt creeped out by Luna as she was staring at him intently as if waiting for him to do something. After a while of him doing nothing Luna stood up yawning and walked out of the room. Arya took this chance and began trying to inhale mana, lately it felt as if he was close to breaking through the barrier that prevented him from inhaling mana. It had taken him a whole year of practice and growth but he was finally close to unlocking another technique.

Although Arya's own technique worked just as well, he was stuck at a bottle neck. No matter how hard he tried he was unable to copy Luca's fourth tier ice magic. Arya believed it was because there was some kind of flaw in the technique he was using and decided it would be to his benefit if he was able to combine both techniques together.

Luna watched Arya trying to inhale mana from behind a wall. "It seems they have birthed another monster. I was wondering how the seal I placed on him was already so weak but it seems he inadvertently invented his own breathing technique. Although crude I have to give him props, the kid developed it as a baby he might be a bigger genius than his brother. With proper training he might be capable of taking on an Arch-Bishop, maybe even a Cardinal." thought Luna to herself as she used mana sense to look at the mana particles Arya was interacting with.

"I wonder how developed his mana core is. I'll have to check once he breaks the seal. I'm sorry Lillian but you can't hide this one from the world." whispered Luna to no one in particular as she entered the room Arya was in.

"Okay child it's nearly time for the guests to start arriving. We have to get you cleaned up." said Luna as she picked up Arya.

"Already?" said Arya in a babyish voice.

"Yes. Already little imp." said Luna as she walked to the bathroom.

Meanwhile in Draquerth

Many buildings were destroyed, the city now looked like a wasteland. Charred bodies and debris lay on the ground. The screams of people could be heard as they ran out of their homes and children cried for their moms.

The sky was clouded by smoke clouds and several people wearing skin tight black uniform could be seen shooting giant fireballs onto the city. White wings extended from the back of their gear which made them look like angels to the people of the city. The scene looked like the start of an apocalypse. "And the angels came and destroyed the city of Dlavencraw, for the sins they committed were too great to overlook and the lord called for divine punishment." said a beautiful voice as a man landed right beside Deon in the town square.

"Damien, 'The Ascalon' to what do I owe the pleasure of another Arch-Bishop in the same city?" asked Deon as visible annoyance could be seen on his face.

"What ever do you mean brother? I am just here to witness the fall of an evil city. And I heard that the dragon born and Ice-witch may be here as well. I though you might need some help." said Damien with a voice as sweet as nectar.

Damien was a slender man with beautiful features. He stood 1.92m tall with golden blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. Both Deon and Damien looked like god-sent angels in their white robes, the difference came in their demeanor and build. Where Deon was build like a body builder, Damien was built like a model. Where Deon was fiery in the expression of his emotions Damien seemed to be more reserved and calm.

"I don't need help Damien. The cardinal gave me this task and me alone you can go back to Ecclesia. Now if you would excuse me." said Deon as he pulled out his amulet.

"It would be wise to accept his holiness's offer. After all I do not underestimate your prowess but do you think yourself able to take on both the Ice-witch and the prince of dragons by yourself?" said a womanly voice behind Damien.

"Clare. Hold your tongue, you're talking to an Arch-Bishop. Or do I have to discipline you myself." said Damien as he smiled and turned to look at Clara. Clara was a voluptuous woman about 1.75m tall. She had brunette hair and eyes to match with a sword hanging from the hip of her skin tight black suit.

"Sorry your holiness, I didn't mean any disrespect." said Clara apologetically. "Now have you found the dragon born yet or do I have to help you look?" said Damien.

"Don't bother. Amana is already on it, it's only a matter of time before she tracks them down. She's the best tracker in the inquisition of course your Clara must be painfully aware of that." said Deon with a smug look on his face.

"Well two heads are better than one. Clara go assist Amana in her search, I'm sure your skills have improved since the academy days." said Damien with a smile on his face.

"Yes your holiness.." said Clara as her body glowed with a fiery aura and she took off at supersonic speeds leaving a sonic boom behind.

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