Throne of the Grand Magus: The beginning

Chapter 42 - A Call For Help (2)

As Arya opened his eyes he found Teressa looking down at him with worry in her eyes. "You're awake!" she said as tears streamed down her cheeks and her face relaxed as if a heavy burden had been lifted. "I didn't know what to do, I wanted to run but I didn't want to be alone anymore. So I came back but I didn't have a -" Teressa's breakdown was stopped as a woman dressed in white robes appeared.

"You're putting too much strain on him, he needs rest. Also I need you to leave while I talk to him, there are a few questions I need to ask about his health." said the woman dressed in white robes. As Arya stood up from Teressa's laps he realized he was no longer in the basement of the old man but was instead outside.

It was nearly day break and the outside of the warehouse was swarming with guards. Other people in white robes could be seen removing things from the warehouse and placing them into a carriage. Some of the neighbors where being questioned, the scene reminded Arya of a crime scene from the series he would watch back on earth.

"What happened? Wait there was an old man where is he?" asked Arya as he began recalling the events that transpired before he went for his little nap and became more alert.

"The old man escaped, however you are very lucky to be alive young man. The old man that held you captive is a death mage who has been experimenting on human life right under our noses. You're lucky that we found the boy named Randel as he was about to bury the body of a man he had killed, or else we wouldn't have known about this warehouse or found you when we did."

"When we arrived the death mage was about to kill both you and the girl, if we had arrived a second later you would've been dead. I don't know if you understand the severity of the situation kid." said the woman in white robes as she looked at Arya with a tinge of surprise on her face.

"This kid, he shouldn't be this calm after an experience like this. I expected him to be seeking comfort from me, it might've been easier if things went that way but this works as well. I can get straight to the point." thought the woman with white robes.

"Listen kid I need to ask you something important and you have to answer honestly or we might never catch that death mage. I know it might be hard for you to understand as you're still very young, however we found traces of ice magic in the warehouse meaning that there was an ice mage during the fight."

"You might not know this but ice magic isn't common, we need to know if there was another person there or if the death mage was capable of ice magic as well. We've already checked and there are no ice mages currently living in Calburg, that is any registered mages." said the woman with white robes as she inched closer to Arya.

"It's totally okay if you can't recall what happened, but please don't make up stories it does more harm than good. Your friend there claims that you cast that spell and as funny as that may seem to her this is a serious matter and we require your cooperation." continued the white robed woman before Arya could answer.

"Sure he does seem to have a dynamic mana flow but that may be a side effect of the experiments done to him. There's no way a kid could use magic at this age, much less ice magic." thought the woman as she waited for Arya's reply.

"I-I don't remember." replied Arya. The woman then began asking him the full story to check if both Arya's and Teressa's story's checked out. "If you remember anything just go to the city guards and ask for Constable Erry." said the white robed woman as she walked back into the warehouse. As she entered the basement she found the other city mages burning the bodies of the humanoid figures found in the cells. "God I hate death mages." said the white robed woman under her breath as she joined the other mages.

"Are you okay?" asked Teressa who seem to have calmed down considerably and was back to her distant demeanor.

"Yes I am, thank you." said Arya, his voice sounded weird to him as it had been a while since he last heard it.

"Oh you can talk?" asked Teressa surprised by Arya's words. She had assumed that he was mute since he never replied to her directly. "Do you have a name then?" asked Teressa getting closer to Arya's face.

"Please don't get so close, and yes I do. Arya, my name is Arya." said Arya as he pushed Teressa back a few spaces. "Oh sorry I've just never seen someone as weird as you. You can talk yet you don't? Why is that?" asked Teressa annoying Arya slightly. Arya decided to stop responding and started thinking of what he would do form this point onward.

"Its pointless to continue living in the orphanage, with Randel in custody and so many of the other orphans dead the caretakers might be less willing to take care of me since I'm involved in both stories. Its time I start moving, that old man spoke of undead so I'm guessing there is a way to bring people back from the dead. I mean I'm here right now aren't I, yes that's it. I just need to look for a way to bring them back." thought Arya as he started walking in the opposite direction from the orphanage.

"Brother you're finally listening. Let's set off adventure awaits." said a voice in Arya's head excited by the turn of events. "Oh dear, Arya has all sense left you? Look at yourself, you're four with a scrawny body at that. What will you eat? Where will you sleep? Where are you even going? Am I the only sensible one here?" asked the other voice seemingly unhappy by what was transpiring. "Doesn't, matter I have magic." replied Arya simply as for the first time in a long time his face seemed more relaxed, as if at least a small pebble had been removed from the mountain that weighed him down.

"Arya you're going the wrong way." said Teressa as she ran towards Arya. "Oh I'm not going back to the orphanage, though you better get back fast. You have ought to explain to the caretakers the situation before they chase you out." replied Arya as he continued walking.

"You aren't going back? Okay then neither am I." said Teressa with determination in her eyes. "Listen it won't be easy for a kid to travel to the places I'm going to." replied Arya. "But you're younger than I am.". "That isn't the point, if you're not going back than why are you following me?" asked Arya as he looked at Teressa in the eyes.

Teressa shied away and replied, "You saved my life and I don't have anywhere else to go and besides I want you to teach me that thing you did earlier. I tried saying the same words you said but it doesn't work." said Teressa as she chanted what Arya had chanted before but to no avail.

"Brother take her along to keep you company. Who knows in a few years she could become part of our concubine." said the first voice. "Concubine! Arya you can't be seriously considering this, have both you're fathers taught you nothing?" said the other voice in distress. "What are you two going on about? Who said I'm going to get into any romantic relations to begin with." replied Arya embarrassed by what was going on in his mind.

He and Teressa continued walking towards the city gates and were going to head further east into the Kingdom of Erandel. "Arya you do know where we are going right?" asked Teressa. "Of course I do!" said Arya with a confident face.. "Liar!" said both voices in unison.

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