Throne of the Grand Magus: The beginning

Chapter 57 - Village In Erandel (1)

"Forgive me, you fought your battle and won, do not be angry at me for fighting mine," said Arya as he shot an ice beam at the air Ryen. Arya knew it wouldn't be long before other animals discovered what had happened and try to take prizes for themselves as well. So he hurried to take what he could and get out of there quickly.

As Arya approached the fire Ryen's corpse he heard the air Ryen growl in protest. "I'm not here to take your life. Even in your weakened state, I doubt I could fight you and come out unscathed," said Arya as he ignored the air Ryen and made his way straight for the fire Ryen's corpse.

He tried using the sword he got from Gren's corpse to cut its hide yet the sword couldn't pierce through its thick fur. "Swords can't even cut through it? You guys sure are tough aren't you," said Arya to the air Ryen as he used his sword the cut away at the gum of the fire Ryen to pull out a fang.

Being alone for so long had mentally scared Arya even deeper than before, so it wasn't uncommon for him to talk to things that wouldn't reply to him. Yet the air Ryen seemed to hold intelligence in its eyes. It seemed to realize that Arya wouldn't try to hurt it and began licking its woulds.

"Haven't you gotten a bit too comfortable when there is a potential threat in front of you? Honestly, you young ones need to be taught some manners," said Arya as he used the fire Ryen's fang to cut a piece of its (the fire Ryen) hide. The air Ryen turned to look at Arya as if he were crazy, almost as if it could understand Arya.

"It was a joke sheesh," said Arya as he cut out a piece of meat from the fire Ryen's corpse and threw it at the air Ryen. "This is a thank you for doing my dirty work for me," said Arya as he stood up. He collected as much meat from the fire Ryen as he could fit into the make-shift bag he had crafted from its pelt. He then took the Gryvel the fire Ryen had hunted -which was a charred mess- and slung it over his shoulder.

"Anyway this is goodbye. If you really want to survive then I'm sure you will. Good luck on your journey." said Arya to the air Ryen as he ran away from the scene before any other animals could come.

Winter was fast approaching and the cold had been a problem for Arya since he had started his journey. He had discovered earlier on that starting fires in the forest attracted unwanted attention so the fire Ryen's pelt really helped him keep warm at night. The meat he had collected was enough to last him a couple of weeks and the new dagger he had gotten, helped him a lot throughout his journey, both as a hunting tool and a skinning tool.

Arya spent his days running through the forest, hunting and cooking his meat. He spent his night practicing magic combos he could use in a fight, and continued trying to make sense of the journal he had collected from the shed.

When Arya finally arrived at a village on the outskirts of the Kingdom of Erandel, the locals were surprised at his state. His hair was long and unkempt, its once snow-white color and silky texture turned brown and greasy due to dirt and blood. His skin was tanned brown due to exposure to the sun and mud and he had a rather wild look in his eyes. The villagers were a bit skeptical to approach him at first until Arya realized his mistake.

The village was typical of what you would expect in medieval times back on earth. It had brown wooden cottages arranged in a circle and field further out. However due to the cold the fields were barren and there didn't seem to be any crops growing.

"Hello, I'm lost could you help me?" said Arya as he remembered normal human etiquette, yet no one replied. They were still skeptical of this wild man wearing a large Ryen's pelt as a coat. "M-m-my father went into the forest to hunt some m-m-meat for our family but he never returned, so my mother and I went looking for him. But she got caught by a R-r-ryen and I barely escaped." shivered Arya as if he had really been attacked by a Ryen.

"How can you all just stand there and do nothing. Can't you see he is but a boy who has lost his family, have you no sympathy?" asked an old man as he approached Arya. "Tell me boy what is your name?" asked the old man. "Arya sir," replied Arya, inwardly grinning at his genius. "I wish I could stay a kid forever." thought Arya as he shivered to the old man's touch.

"The boy's still scared. I never thought that our village would be degraded to such a state that we are hesitant to help those in need." said the old man to the others as they looked away in shame. "This old man seems to be the leader of this village." thought Arya as the old man directed him to a house.

"You can sleep in my cottage tonight, we will go report this incident to the village council tomorrow morning." said the old man as they entered the hut. The inside of the cottage was much like those back on earth, it had a fireplace with an animal pelt lying right in front of it. The cottage had a homey feel, with a small kitchen and two beds right in the living room. "My wife used to sleep here, but I lost her a few years ago to a ..., never mind. You can take off your clothes, I will run you a bath." said the old man as he gestured for Arya to come in.

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