Arya's hands broke due to the impact that all his attacks caused. Too much power was being used and Arya's immature body couldn't handle the strain, so his bones snapped with every hit he gave. However, the hands quickly healed themselves and Arya used the darkness around him to cover his body completely, reappearing on the ground shortly after without so much as causing a single speck of dust to fly into the air.

Arya walked towards the monster slowly, as if he had all the time in the world. Arya manipulated the darkness around the beast, picking it off the ground.

The scene looked weird. A small human the size of a child, looking up at a 2.1m beast condescendingly.

The beast began to feel fear. It had felt the sudden change in Arya's presence but it only just realized that whatever Arya was, he wasn't human anymore.

"Who sent you here?" asked the deep voice that came from Arya's mouth.

The beast looked at the human in fear as it didn't understand what it was saying.

"Impertinent mongrel. You don't even know the human tongue?" asked the deep voice as it rephrased its question.

(AN: from now on the star sign at the beginning of a dialogue represents the demon tongue is being spoken."

*"Who sent you here?" asked the deep voice in a low guttural tongue that seemed to be a mix between screams and howls.

*"I don't know. I just woke up and found myself here." replied the beast, realizing that the human it had been fighting with was actually a demon.

*"Don't lie to me." said the deep voice, using the darkness to tear off one of the beast's legs, causing it to howl in pain."

*"I am not lying please spare me." replied the beast in a pained voice, well as pained as it could sound.

*"That's out of the question. First you try to kill my vessel without my permission. Then you try to attack me, making me break my precious body, and now you make me speak in the peasant tongue." replied the deep voice with a wide grin on it's face. The grin was blinding as light constantly pulsed from Arya's mouth.

*"Forgive me. Please have mercy. I-I will serve you. I'll do anything." replied the beast, even more scared than before.

*"Is that so?" asked the deep voice as Arya turned to look at Arcem's corpse.

*"Arise." said the deep voice as Arcem's body stood up in an inhuman manner, almost like a zombie would in the movies.

*"A genera-" the beast was about to say before Arya used the darkness to bind its mouth shut and reattached its leg.

*"If you can defeat my spawn. I will let you serve me." said the deep voice as Arcem disappeared in a flash and reappeared beneath the beast, punching it into the air causing shockwaves to reverberate in the air.

Of course the impact was so much that Arcem's fist was completely crushed, it hung limply on the side but the undead Arcem didn't seem to feel any pain.

"This won't do, you can't even throw a punch properly." said the deep voice as it watched its spawn fight the beast.

Unlike Arya, the undead Arcem's body didn't heal itself, however this didn't stop Arcem from fighting. As soon as the beast landed on the ground, Arcem disappeared once again appearing on the right side of the beast, aiming to kick its head.

The beast was not expecting such speed and was sent tumbling away, once again shockwaves reverberated in the air. This time the beast's skull exploded and its body lay limp several meters away.

Arcem's legs were completely mangled, the undead Arcem balanced itself on a single leg as it continued looking at the beast's lifeless body.

"Sigh, I didn't even have time to enjoy the show." said the deep voice, disappointed by the beast's abilities, as Arya turned around to walk back to his horse.

However the beast quickly stood up, this time growing even bigger than before. The beast was now 2.6m tall, giving off a stronger presence.

"A soldier? It seems you still have some fight in you." said the deep voice as he turned around to continue watching the show again.

"What the fuck is going on?" shouted Arya in the abyss of his mindscape as he watched what was going on from a spectator's point of view.

Arya couldn't understand what the dark figure and the beast had been talking about when they were speaking in demon tongue, but he didn't like it.

Although the dark figure had saved his life, he didn't like that it was controlling his body. Arya's eyes widened in shock as he watched Arcem's body come back to life.

"Is he able to resurrect people?" wondered Arya as he watched Arcem appear beneath the beast and punch it into the air with incredible force.

Arya was shocked to see that Arcem's hands had been destroyed from the force of the punch, to make it even more shocking, Arcem seemed fine with it.

"No, that isn't Arcem." thought Arya as the hope of resurrecting his family was squashed.

"Why are you playing with it?! Finish this fast and give me back my body!" shouted Arya, but the dark figure didn't reply. It was enjoying it's show.

The beast seemed faster than before, this time it was on par with the undead Arcem on one leg. If there were other people here they wouldn't be able to see the movements of the two fighting properly.

Arcem and the beast were blurs of black as they fought in the moonlight. With every hit a shockwave was sent out. However, shortly after the fight began Arcem's body fell limp on the ground. It tried to stand with its destroyed body parts but it wasn't physically possible.

It seemed its vessel was too weak to support its power.

The beast ignored the defeated Arcem and approached Arya with a grin on its face.

*"Well a deal is a deal. You are allowed to serve me." said the deep voice as Arya looked up at the humongous beast.

The beast didn't seem as scared as it was before. It seemed confident in it's new form.

*"Kneel before your master." said the deep voice as the darkness around the beast pushed it to its knees.

*"Yes master." replied the beast, realizing that even with its new power it was no match for the being in front of it.

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