Throne of the Grand Magus: The beginning

Chapter 75 - Big Brother (2)

Luna knew that Luca was making sense. Arya had been alone in this world for 4 years, and who knows what type of people may have taken him in. There were even times that Luna feared the worst, she feared that maybe the church had hunted him down, or maybe he had already been eaten by the wolf that grabbed him out of Amana's clutches or worse.

Luca also had his doubts at times, but something inside him told him that his brother was still alive. He just had a feeling that his brother was out there somewhere, lonely and scared.

"You're just like your mother," muttered Luna as she gave up. She knew that she couldn't keep Luca there, even if she didn't allow him to leave, he would just sneak off on his own.

Currently Luca and Luna were a few towns away from Ravaryn, living in a small cottage off the outskirts of the major town of Yordumlin. 

They had been living a modest life, Luna had secured a large amount of gold in her dimensional storage from her days as a high mage, and used a bit of it to sustain their daily needs.

There had actually been a number of times she tried teaching Luca dimensional magic in order to move the gold to him, however it seemed that Luca just wasn't gifted with it.

Dimensional magic wasn't even classified as magic anyways, it was an anomaly that only a few mages were able to use. The reason why it wasn't classified as magic was because it didn't use any of the four basic elements or light and dark magic, and unlike variants, it wasn't a mixture of elements either.

"But you have to follow three conditions," said Luna with a stern look on her face.

"Yes, anything Aunt Luna," replied Luca, excited that he would be allowed to go to Lokreem Academy.

"First, you have to lie that you are 13. You are already too tall for an 11-year old I'm sure that everyone would believe you if you claimed to be 13. Second, you are only to utilize water magic until you are established as a slightly gifted mage." said Luna listing her conditions

"What? But my water magic isn't as strong as my ice magic. How will I garner the support of nobles without it?" asked Luca, distressed by Luna's second condition.

"That's one of the reasons I want you to only use water magic. You've been focusing solely on ice magic and I feel you've forgotten that you are attuned to two elements instead of one. Remember a variant's strongest asset is the fact they can silent cast two elements. You need to learn how to silent cast both water and ice and to do that you need to focus on them equally." replied Luna.

"And third, you're going to act like a 0-star mage," said Luna, surprising Luca.

"But Aunt Luna how will I do that?" asked Luca. He was sure that it wasn't possible for him to act like a 0-star mage in front of his lecturers at Lokreem Academy. Sure he would be able to fool the students by using weak spells, but master tier mages would be able to tell he was acting just by sensing his mana signature.

"That's why today I'm going to teach you mana cloaking. It's usually a trick used by at least 3-star mages to completely mask their mana signature to prevent being found by enemy mages. But even if you're just a 2-star mage, if it's you I'm sure you will be able to learn it." replied Luna, lowering Luca's hesitance by a bit.

"But Aunt Luna, won't it be suspicious if I don't have a mana signature at all?" asked Luca still confused.

"For a genius in magic, I must say you're rather dull at everything else child. We will just make it so that instead of completely masking your mana signature, only a part of it is masked. So that you appear weaker than you are." replied Luna.

"But won't that be difficult?" asked Luca.

"That's why you better start learning. The opening ceremony for Lokreem Academy is just in a few months, so if you really want to go you have to master it before then.

"Ahhh," complained Luca. He was already overworked by Luna as it was, but now he had to work on a higher-level concept. And what's worse he had a time limit.

"Brother, sister, wherever you are thank the gods you didn't end up with Luna." thought Luca as Luna began teaching him how to mask his mana signature.


*"You're not going anywhere until you are able to completely morph into a human."1 said a deep voice in demonic tongue.

*"Master, I don't mean to question your orders. But why would you want me to change into a human? My current body is way better at fighting than a human's ever could." replied the beast as it struggled to manipulate its life force into that of a human's.

*"Because I have no use for a fighter. I need someone to act as my agent in the human world, and a 2m tall beast does not fit the description." replied the deep voice that seemed to be coming from Arya's mouth as he kicked the beast's leg.

The two were hiding in a cave, walking next to a beast in broad daylight was bound to arouse suspicion.

Unlike the previous night, Arya's eyes weren't glowing as brightly and it seemed he was sluggish.

*"Hurry up. I don't have much time left." said the deep voice, urging the beast to try harder.

Morphing into a different species wasn't something simple, however demons were naturally gifted at deception. So for them it came as easy as learning to tie your shoes. However it seemed that the demonic beast that now served the dark figure was a mindless brute who couldn't even learn something so simple.

*"I'm trying." replied the beast, scared at what his master might do if he took too long.

*"Forget it, I can't hold him back any longer. Remember what I asked you to do. By the time we meet again you should be able to speak the human tongue and turn into a human at will. Also remember I am always watching. If you try to even so much as put a scratch on my vessel I will kill you." said the deep voice as Arya passed out.

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