Throne of the Grand Magus: The beginning

Chapter 84 - Demon Subordinate (Part 1)

*"Finding other demonic beasts to serve my lord seems harder than I thought it would be. The demonic beasts I've met so far were too weak to join the lord's army."1 thought the demonic beast that the dark figure had turned into a subordinate.

After a week of continual practice, the demonic beast was now capable of turning into a human at will. Which would've granted him a severe beating had the dark figure learned it took him this long to master it.

In his human form, he was known as Amon. Due to his rather large size in his demonic form, he had to create a suitable human vessel to contain his power without its bones breaking every time he hit something. So because of this, his human form was a giant figure at a height of 2m with the build of an orc that just happened to lift weights as well.

Even as he walked among humans in this form, they still looked at him like some kind of monster. However his face was another thing, since his master was the only presence he acknowledged, he decided to model his facial features after Arya, making him look rather dashing.

If not for his domineering presence, most of the lady folk that passed by him would've jumped into bed with him without a second thought. However Amon was on an important mission and didn't have time to partake in human desires.

He was currently walking around the dark alleyways of Arector- a minor town towards the south of Erandel-, he had sensed a demonic beast's presence here and hoped that it would be powerful enough to serve his lord. However the beast was very slippery, every time he was about to catch up to it, it would disappear without a trace.

*"It's probably not a soldier like me." thought Amon as he walked to the area where he last sensed the demonic beast. 

Among the demonic beasts, the soldiers were the strongest when it came to physical prowess. This was due to their ability to continuously grow in strength with every fight they lost. However, they were also regarded as the lowest class as they couldn't use any type of magic and had to rely solely on their brawn.

The only supernatural ability they could use was shapeshifting, but that was a skill that all monsters born in hell were equipped with.

*"Come out, you can't continue running forever." said Amon in demonic tongue as he reached the end of the alleyway.

*"Why have you been following me?" asked another demonic beast, as the shadows in the alleyway formed a figure behind Amon.

This figure was smaller than Amon even in his human form, it had a rather curvey shape, with something that looked like long hair flowing from its head. From its voluptuous figure Amon could tell it was a demonic beast from the seventh hell, the hell of nightmares, lead by the Succubus queen Arch Demon Lillith.

*"I have been tasked with creating a force for my master." replied Amon, changing into his demonic beast form. He grew to over 2.6m tall, with long arms that had claws as sharp as blades at the ends. His beautiful face became a black slate with gleaming red eyes and a wide bloody smile.

*"Master? We are demonic beasts who have been brought out of hell without our master's knowledge. And you mean to tell me that one of the Arch Demon's of hell has sent you, a soldier, with the task of gathering an army?" asked the succubus demon beast in front of him.

*"My master is not an Arch Demon and does not reside in hell, however, he is someone that can stand on par with them." replied Amon walking closer to the succubus. highlighting the difference in their size.

*"Pfft, have you gone delusional? I heard soldiers were dumb, but to think that someone on the earthly realm could compare with an Arch Demon." laughed the succubus before Amon disappeared from her field of view and pierced through her stomach from behind.

*"I am not here to debate. Either you serve my master or you perish." said Amon before the succubus turned to a smokey mass of shadows.

*"It seems you've fought some rather interesting humans for you to be this powerful already. But never forget your place soldier. I will show you the difference between a being closer to being a true demon and one who is at the bottom of the hierarchy." said the succubus as she manipulated the shadows around Amon holding him in a vise.

Demonic beasts weren't actual demons, rather they were the creatures true demons created to do their bidding. True demons were many times more powerful than demonic beasts, however, a demonic beast could be promoted to a true demon if they became powerful enough. And of all the demonic beasts, soldiers were said to have the least likely chance since they required strong opponents to become stronger themselves.

The downside of this was that if they met an opponent many times stronger than them, they would be sent to oblivion before they had the chance of becoming stronger from the fight. So in hell it was very hard for them to become true demons. However, Amon had fought against both his master and Arcem's overpowered corpse and had been spared. Meaning that he got a huge increase in power level.

The succubus laughed as she watched Amon being crushed by her shadows, however Amon just looked at her with disinterest.

*"You are rather weak, but you will have to do for now. My master will be angry if he comes back and finds out I have collected no one for his army." said Amon as he used brute strength to break through the shadow vise.

The succubus was confused, never had she heard of a soldier strong enough to break out of a shadow vise. However little did she know that compared to the dark figure's shadow vise hers was like a toddler's.

*"Now submit or perish." said Amon as he held the succubus by the neck and lifted her off the ground. After Amon broke out of her vise, she knew that no matter what she did, she wouldn't be able to escape this. Fighting him without being able to kill him instantly would just make him stronger, so she had no choice but to submit.

*"I-I submit." said the succubus as Amon let her fall to the ground.

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