Throne of the Grand Magus: The beginning

Chapter 97 - Demon Subordinate Part 3

"Wha-" Before Naamah could finish, one of the human corpses that the Acari had collected severed its own head and placed it on the Acari's body.

The corpse's head fused with the Acari's body, bringing it back to life. "Thank you my beauty," said the Acari as it stroked the headless corpse's body.

"It seems I had forgotten about you, however, please forgive me. It's just that you were so insignificant I forgot to pay attention to you," taunted the Acari, as it stared at Naamah with malice.

"But don't worry, this time I will leave you with something to play with," as the Acari said this, all the corpses she had collected came to life.

The corpses were akin to zombies, their mobility was rather slow, and their movements sluggish. Their faces were already in the late stages of decomposition, painting an ugly scene. Their one redeeming factor being the aquamarine glow coming from their eyes, but even then, they seemed to lack intelligence of any sort.

"These aren't perfect undead," said Amon via mind-link as he prepared for the battle.

Due to his earlier death, Amon's body had become stronger in order to cope with the opponent in front of him. His demonic form now stood at 2.8meters, and two long blades protruded from where his hands should have been.

As Naamah looked at his new form, a single thought went through her mind "The gift of a soldier, if more soldiers are summoned to earth, they might actually have a chance at becoming true demons. I need to hurry up and get stronger as well,"

"But what do you mean these aren't true demons?" asked Naamah via their mind-link.

"Unlike the undead my master created, these ones lack power, if anything they feel more like echoes of life than actual life."

"Your master has the power to raise the dead?" asked Naamah, flabbergasted by the extent of the master's power.

"Did I not say that my master can stand toe to toe with an archdemon?" 

As the two were conversing something interesting was happening with the Acari's corpses. All of them had crowded on top of each other and fused, creating a humongous monster over 5meters tall. 

The tremors it created with its footsteps woke up the people in the nearby buildings.

"What's going on!" shouted a man from one of the building's windows.

"We have to hurry up before the humans get here. They will just act as fuel for the Acari," said Amon before disappearing and reappearing behind the gigantic monster.

"Of course, leave me to fight the Acari that not even you could handle alone," complained Naamah as she turned to face her opponent.

The Acari now had the face of a middle-aged man, just like its previous face, it was devoid of eyes and instead had black hollows.

"You really are unsightly, you know that right" taunted Naamah as she manipulated the shadows around the Acari, turning them into thin threads similar to those used by the Acari.

"Oh my, it seems you've copied one of my skills. However I wonder if a prostitute like you can control threads at the same level as an Acari can," replied the Acari, pulling on its threads to maim Naamah.

Naamah manipulated as many shadow threads as she could to mitigate the attack, however, that wasn't enough. As the remaining threads were about to slice of her neck, she turned into a black mass of shadows, allowing the threads to pass through her.

"Who're you calling a prostitute insect? I didn't want to use this, but it seems I have no choice," said Naamah as the shadow cloud approached the Acari.

"I was going to use this against Amon when we fought earlier, but he was too fast to capture. This Acari on the other hand is a sitting duck," thought Naamah as her shadow cloud surrounded the Acari.

"It's no use, you aren't fast enough," said Naamah as the Acari tried to run out of the cloud, but it was too late, the cloud formed dozens of limbs that restricted the Acari's movements.

Naamah returned to her demonic beast form, leaving the Acari bounded by her shadows. 

"I rid the world of an annoying bug," smiled Naamah as she was about to use one of her shadows to pierce through the Acari's head, however before she could do this, the gigantic monster self-destructed creating a huge explosion.

"Get down!" shouted Amon via their mind link, prompting Naamah to use the shadows around her to create a protective shell.

"What happened?" asked Naamah as she came out of her shell and looked around the battlefield.

As the dust settled, Naamah saw that the surrounding buildings had been turned to rubble, the humans that once inhabited them crushed by the debris and turned into a bloody paste.

Amon's skin had been disintegrated but was regenrating at a noticeable rate, however, he still seemed disappointed.

"Where's the Acari?" asked Naamah.

"Gone. She used her spawn as a diversion. She probably fled the city,"

"Shouldn't we chase after her?" 

"It's no use. We have no idea what tricks she may have left, and while we chase her we are going to waste precious time that could be used to find others."

"So we're just going to let it go after what it did to us?"

"Don't be mistaken Naamah. For the crime of rejecting my master's invitation, it has chosen death. Should we ever come across it again, we will use our full might to erase it from the face of the human realm, but for now we have a job to finish." said Amon as he turned back into his human form.

"Have you gotten bigger?" asked Naamah as she stared at Amon's human figure, it had grown by nearly one inch.

"Wait, don't tell me you aren't able to properly control your human body's image." laughed Naamah as she turned back into her human form as well.

"Such skills are unimportant, all I need is strength to properly serve the master," said Amon, trying to mask his shame.

"Yeah right. Let's get out of here before the city guards come. It will be troublesome if we have to face them," said Naamah before disappearing into the dark.

"I know how to control my human form," whispered Amon, trying to sound confident as he followed close behind Naamah.

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