Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 910 New Soldiers on the Battlefield

Bai Tu didn't expect this to happen so suddenly.

He had just arrived yesterday, and the relevant tasks fell the next day.

Facing this sudden situation, Bai Tu glanced at Soros who was sitting in the main seat.

Soros's words seemed to be asking for Bai Tu's opinion, but in fact, there was a hint of provocation.

[Are you trying to see what I can do? ]

Almost at the same time when this thought flashed through his mind, Bai Tu's voice rang out in the conference room.

"Colonel Soros, my troops and I just arrived at the fortress yesterday. We are not familiar with the environment here. If I take over this task directly, I'm afraid it would be inappropriate."

Bai Tu's answer surprised Zhou Chongshan.

As the only person present who had some interactions with Bai Tu, Zhou Chongshan actually knew that Bai Tu was eager to make a contribution, and he thought that the other party would agree directly.

Unexpectedly, he refused.

Facing Bai Tu's euphemistic refusal, Soros laughed.

"I neglected it. Let me send a troop back to carry out your daily tasks so that you can get familiar with the environment here as soon as possible."

"Then I'll trouble you, Colonel."

The unexpected situation made Zhou Chongshan look at him more.

But this also proved that he and Bai Tu were not familiar with each other.

Bai Tu wanted to prove himself, but this did not mean that he would be greedy and reckless.

Although he was young, his country was destroyed and his family was ruined in his early years. He became a slave and his temper was severely polished, making his mind much more mature and stable than his peers.

After a meeting, Soros looked at Bai Tu's back as he left, and a trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

He did have a sudden idea and wanted to test the other party to see what he could do.

But if Bai Tu got excited and took over the matter directly, Soros would be disappointed, because in his opinion, this was a sign of not being calm enough.

Who would dare to give him an important task if he was easily provoked?

Even if he could really do a good job, Soros would think he was reckless.

Just as he said at the meeting, Soros arranged a troop to carry out daily tasks and familiarize himself with the environment as soon as the meeting ended.

As the temperature gradually dropped, the harassment frequency of the small group of ratmen began to increase.

This is to increase the intensity and try to find out their situation.

This action often means that the large group of ratmen is about to arrive at the front line.

At that time, they will soon form a rat tide and launch an offensive!

On a new day, Bai Tu, who quickly became familiar with the environment here, also had a chance to perform soon.

The rapid whistle sounded, and the specific frequency allowed him to determine that it was a small group of ratmen who appeared in the area he was responsible for as soon as he heard it.

"Just like in training, follow the tactics!"

In response to this situation, Bai Tu had already made comprehensive tactical arrangements in advance.

Now that the situation has emerged, he gave an order and his soldiers immediately took action.

The patrol team that discovered the small group of ratmen will be used to contain them, and when the frontal troops arrive, they will immediately join forces and line up to meet them.

During this process, the troops that had deployed roundabouts in advance also saw the opportunity and appeared one after another, which directly stunned the small group of ratmen who came to perform harassment missions.

Although the ratmen's troops are famous for their size, such a small group of troops that mainly harass is basically only about 500 soldiers, and the main focus is flexibility and concealment.

In the past, when the lizardmen here dealt with them, they had at most 200 to 300 troops.

At this moment, this group of human troops that came out of nowhere in front of them had at least 1,000 troops!

This made the ratmen, who always liked to suppress their opponents with their troops, feel the suppression of the enemy's troops for the first time. For a moment, they were actually confused, and the whole situation changed instantly from offense to defense.

Under Bai Tu's arrangement, the soldiers responsible for the frontal attack were basically composed of veterans, many of whom had participated in the original greenskin invasion war.

These ratmen look shabby and can easily make people feel physically uncomfortable, but this is basically in the category of "disgusting". Compared with those greenskins, they are far less intimidating.

This made the veterans basically fearless, and they rushed forward with their spears in their hands.

The recruits who were mainly responsible for flanking and intercepting were very nervous at first, but when they saw that there were veterans in front, and they were obviously outnumbered, they were suddenly full of confidence.

Looking at the rapidly formed encirclement, the rat slave soldiers who realized that their retreat had been cut off tried to fight back desperately.

However, the five-meter-long spears were enough to easily curb their offensive. At the same time, the shield wall formed by the large shield soldiers in the front row was even more tight, completely eliminating any chance of the ratmen to counterattack. Combined with their superior strength, the battle in front of them soon became a one-sided situation.

The soldiers held spears and advanced step by step. As the encirclement continued to shrink, large groups of rat slave soldiers were constantly stabbed to the ground by them.

The whole process went much more smoothly than they expected.

After the initial discomfort, the recruits overcame their fear and nervousness and gradually got into the state, which also made the battle end faster.

In the following period, in order to allow the new recruits to accumulate practical experience, Bai Tu almost completely contracted this work and took on the task of dealing with the small group of ratmen.

"I heard that this newcomer has performed well recently?"

In the office, Tash looked at Soros with a smile.

In response, Soros, who was handling military affairs at the time, did not even raise his eyelids.

"It's much better than expected at the beginning, but this is far from enough. I hope they don't get complacent. After all, you know that once the war breaks out, the strength of the rat tide is not comparable to that small group of troops."

Speaking of this, Soros paused.

"Let's not talk about the new recruits. The activities of ratmen have become more and more frequent recently. How is the status of our troops?"

Soros was undoubtedly asking about their lizardmen troops at this time. The usual training work mainly fell on Tash's head.

"Don't worry, they are in good condition! We can fight those stinky rats at any time!"

As early as the beginning, when they just discovered that there were ratmen here, they immediately asked for reinforcements from the temple in the rear.

At the same time, it was from that time that their long-term war with the ratmen started again.

During this period, some were injured and retired, and some died directly in battle, but the number of Lizardmen troops stationed in the South Fortress has always been maintained at 3,000, ensuring that they, as the defenders, can relatively easily resolve the offensive of the ratmen.

At the same time, these 3,000 troops have accumulated enough experience. All of them are veterans on the battlefield, and their comprehensive strength is definitely not comparable to that of the new recruits who have just arrived.

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