Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 923 Wild Growth

This dark green vine is called the entangled vine, which can be seen everywhere in the wood elf forest.

Its characteristic is that the entangled vine will constantly entangle and attach to the surrounding objects and even creatures during its growth.

However, under normal circumstances, their growth rate is not so exaggerated, so there is no situation where creatures cannot break free after being entangled by them. They are basically entangled on static objects such as trees and stones.

However, under the catalysis of the mantra spell "Wild Growth", the entangled vines with crazy growth speed have undoubtedly fully demonstrated their threat to creatures at this moment!

And while entangled with the target, it keeps tightening, and the force generated during the period is even enough to strangle some fragile targets on the spot!

In the dark rat tide, the wildly spreading entangled vines directly curbed the actions of the rat trolls, and also opened up a world in the rat tide.

However, compared with the exaggerated number of rat tides, it is still not enough.

This point can be felt most intuitively by the wood elf mages in the air.

Seeing this scene, Locke frowned slightly and spoke quickly...

"John, all of you cast 'Energy Drainage', and leave the rest to me!"

After saying that, Locke didn't care about anything else and directly raised the staff in his hand and chanted.

[Wild Growth! ]

In an instant, powerful life energy continued to surge, and the winding vines, which were originally just growing rapidly, seemed to have turned into a beast at this moment, and tumbled wildly.

The thickest vines swelled to the thickness of an arm in a short time.

In just a few blinks of an eye, it directly covered an area with a diameter of almost one kilometer! And it is still maintaining a certain speed, constantly expanding outward, as if it wants to turn this place directly into their home ground!

During this period, the characteristics of the winding vines that like to wrap around and tighten the target during the growth process are also fully demonstrated under the drive of Locke's 'Wild Growth'. A large number of rat slave soldiers and even rat regular army soldiers in the area were strangled!

Seeing this scene, the wood elf mages, including John, were all stunned.

The wood elves only knew that their chief's magic skills seemed very strong, but no one had really seen it.

After all, there was no such opportunity before.

Until this moment, they were completely enlightened.

"Wow, is the chief so strong?!"

Locke, who almost fainted after a full-strength attack, was like a shot of cardiotonic when he heard this. He suddenly became excited and even raised his chin a little.

[Are you kidding me? Do you know the value of extraordinary mages? ! ]

There is a world of difference between extraordinary mages and ordinary mages.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if John and the other 29 wood elf mages were tied together, they would not be the opponent of Locke, a super mage.

"What are you all standing there for? Why don't you do it quickly?!"

Hearing the chief's call, John did not doubt it and quickly gave an order.

"Use 'Energy Drainage'!"

Holding the staff in hand, the wood elf mages chanted quickly.

During this period, emerald green life energy emerged on the surface of the entangled vines.

During the shining process, the rat trolls who were struggling desperately just a moment ago seemed to have been drained of their strength by something, and their entire state began to become listless.

However, the entangled vines wrapped around them were the opposite. The entangled vines that obtained nutrients by absorbing energy began to grow faster and became thicker!

Locke's "Wild Growth" had already used the entangled vines to clear out a large number of enemy troops in the area. Now, with John and his "energy absorption", the lethality is undoubtedly stronger.

The rat trolls, who originally relied on their strong physical fitness to tear and fight with the entangled vines, also lost the power to resist after their body energy was absorbed.

At the same time, on the wall of the South Border Fortress, let alone Soros, at this moment, even Bai Tu, who brought them here, was stunned.

Bai Tu, who took on the task at the time, had confirmed John and his abilities on the training ground.

Simply put, without considering the subsequent slow spread, only considering the outbreak in a short period of time, John and his team worked together to cast a spell, and at most the entangled vines covered an area of ​​about four or five hundred meters in diameter.

However, Locke doubled the coverage area with one move.

The madly growing entangled vines constantly grabbed the ratmen on the battlefield, and at the moment of grabbing the target, John and his team's "energy absorption" would come into play, allowing the entangled vines to directly absorb the target's energy and convert it into its own nutrients, thereby promoting further growth.

Theoretically, this set of combos can be repeated indefinitely.

But unfortunately, theory is only theory after all.

Leaving aside the particularly strong rat trolls, the energy of those rat slave soldiers is not much at all. The reason why the entangled vines can continue to expand the area at this time is because the power of the mantra of the wood elf mages is providing energy for it.

However, the power of the mantra in the bodies of the wood elf mages is also limited.

Locke was unsure at the time, and he didn't know how far he could go, so he simply used all his strength right from the start.

The effect is unquestionable, but on the other hand, once it is fired, it will also make you exhausted.

Under this premise, John and his team have limited strength and naturally cannot hold out for long.

As soon as they stopped, the entangled vines that were still spreading on the battlefield instantly lost their growth power.

After taking root on the battlefield, the entangled vines will actually continue to grow naturally.

However, compared with the growth efficiency catalyzed by the truth spell, its natural growth speed basically poses no threat to living biological units.

But even so, the value of the wood elf mages has been thoroughly demonstrated.

The offensive of the rat tide was abruptly curbed by them at this moment.

In fact, let alone the rat tide, the entire battlefield environment has changed at this moment.

The remaining rat slave soldiers are now facing a sea of ​​fire in front of them and countless vines behind them, and they can only survive in the cracks.

At the same time, in the rear position of the ratmen, the rat leader who confirmed the latest news was furious.

Faced with this completely unexpected method, the rat leader's entire mentality has exploded at this moment.

Including yesterday, in less than two days, thanks to the blood explosion technique, he had almost used up all the troops he had gathered in the past two months.

They had a lot of ratmen, but they couldn't handle this kind of fighting style. The bad situation made the ratmen leader want to retreat uncontrollably.

However, this retreat was suppressed by an inexplicable will as soon as it arose.

At this moment, the ratmen leader only felt that there seemed to be a voice echoing in his mind...

[Attack! Keep attacking! Kill all the lizardmen! ! I want to see a river of blood! ! ! ]

Invisibly, the ratmen leader's eyes became more and more scarlet, and his expression became hideous and distorted.

"Attack. Attack! Kill all the lizardmen!!!"

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