Although the war in the South has come to a temporary end and they have won the battle, the method used by the rat clan to summon the evil demon still worries him.

If he were to deal with this evil demon, he would not be able to deal with it because he does not have the right method.

In this matter, both Locke and Bo Levin are more useful than him.

So just in case, their subsequent actions must wait until Bo Levin and Locke recover to their prime.

At that time, even if the opponent summons the evil demon again, they can respond in time with the methods of two extraordinary mages.

At the end of the report, they also mentioned that there was an epidemic inside the fortress.

Zhou Chongshan and others may not know, but as a modern person, Zhou Xu knows that in this era of relatively backward medical development, once an epidemic occurs, it is impossible to resist it according to the physical fitness of normal humans.

It is already the limit to be able to isolate in time and prevent the epidemic from spreading.

But the soldiers over there managed to get through with simple alcohol disinfection and antipyretics.

In this matter, alcohol and antipyretics cannot be said to have no effect at all, but the biggest reason is undoubtedly his talent of "evolutionary leader", which changed the physical fitness of his people in the Great Zhou Dynasty, thus achieving such an effect.

He had already realized this effect when Zhou Chongshan's training efficiency suddenly increased, and he broke through to become a warrior in the Hundred Refinements Realm in a short period of time and reported to him.

However, just like the previous blessing effects, the strength of the blessing obtained by each citizen is not completely consistent.

According to Zhou Xu's experience, this may be related to their own qualifications.

Simply put, the better the qualifications, the higher the blessing obtained.

Zhou Chongshan himself is a four-star brave weapon master. There is no need to say much about his talent in combat. The strength of the blessing obtained must not be low.

At this moment, Zhou Xu's mood is really a bit emotional.

Thinking back to the past, the warriors and mages in the Hundred Refinements Realm and the Transcendent Realm were out of reach for them.

Who could have thought that in the blink of an eye, he would be able to "become a great success for all his family members".

This is the power of the talent of "evolutionary leader".

Counting on his fingers, including himself, there are now three extraordinary mages and two warriors in the Great Zhou.

And this number will become more and more in the future, which is completely foreseeable.

Under this premise, as long as he is given enough time, Zhou Xu dare not think about the breakthrough of all people to become extraordinary life, but he thinks he can still try to build an ace force composed of all extraordinary life!

Pulling back his thoughts, Zhou Xu put his attention back on the emergency war report in his hand.

At the end of the report, Soros also made a request, asking whether the troops should take the initiative to attack and counterattack the ratman territory directly after the rest.

With the blessing of meditation, Locke and Bo Levin, the two extraordinary mages, want to recover to their prime in a month at most.

At this time, winter is not even halfway through.

The key point of this question is whether they should send troops in winter.

Normally, the biggest problem of sending troops in winter is the fear of encountering heavy snow.

However, it doesn't snow much in the winter in the southern border. Even if it snows, it is just some small snowflakes that can be basically ignored.

Therefore, the key issue of sending troops in winter here is not whether it will snow, but the temperature!

The living environment of the lizard people has requirements for temperature and humidity. The drop in temperature will directly cause their condition to decline. In serious cases, there is even a risk of freezing to death.

From this point of view, the frequent attacks of the rat people on the lizard people in winter may also be one of the reasons.

With the continuous expansion of their territory in the southern border, the current location of the southern border fortress has actually long been out of the tropical rainforest area, and its own climate is close to the subtropical.

Compared with the tropical rainforest where they originally lived, this is definitely not a suitable living environment for the lizard people.

At this temperature, their condition is actually affected.

But don't forget that after surrendering to the Great Zhou, their living conditions have also improved. In winter, the troops will be equipped with winter clothes, especially the cold-fearing lizardmen.

Wearing warm winter clothes, according to the climate of the South Border Fortress, the state of the lizardmen soldiers can basically be consistent with that of human soldiers. After a few years, they have gradually gotten used to it.

In this process, Zhou Xu actually wondered whether his talent of "evolutionary leader" was playing a role here.

If so, can he also let the lizardmen slowly adapt to the temperature in other areas.

He doesn't need the lizardmen to survive and fight in a severe cold environment of minus ten or twenty degrees, but at least they can adapt to the normal four-season climate change in the temperate zone, right?

However, this operation must require a slow adaptation process, and it can't be done overnight.

For this reason, Zhou Xu also showed enough patience.

Under this premise, the closer the southern border is to the territory of the ratmen, the closer the climate is to the temperate zone.

In other words, the temperature in winter will get lower and lower.

According to Zhou Xu's original plan, he intended to wait until the temperature rose after the beginning of spring next year, and then let the southern border troops advance. While destroying the ratmen on the opposite side, he also let the lizardmen troops officially move to the temperate zone so that they would have more time to adapt.

But if they send troops now, the lizardmen soldiers may have to face the temperate winter climate directly.

In the winter of the temperate zone, the lowest temperature will drop below zero degrees, which is a bit dangerous for the lizardmen.

And this is also the point that Zhou Xu is most hesitant and entangled at the same time.

Of course, they can also choose to suspend the attack before the temperature becomes more affected, and stay in the area where they can still adapt, and wait for the temperature to rise before launching a follow-up offensive.

But this has to do with a situation problem.

Once they turn defense into offense and take the initiative to attack, they will lose the biggest home advantage of the southern border fortress.

Under this premise, the ratmen's nests are all underground, and they can basically only destroy them, and they can't occupy them, let alone defend them.

At that time, they can only camp on the open ground.

And this kind of camp does not provide much defensive advantage. Once the rat tide sweeps over, they will most likely be directly surrounded or even completely submerged by the rat tide.

After knowing these conditions, suppose they have conquered half of the territory of the Corrupted Clan, and then find that if they continue to advance, they have begun to be unable to adapt to the climate there, then they will immediately fall into a passive situation of being beaten.

And there is no home advantage, the danger here is needless to say.

At that time, they will be in a dilemma, and the fear is that they will be defeated there.

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