Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 945 Infinite Possibilities

During the process of crazy growth, the entangled vines will inevitably damage the internal structure of the underground nest of the ratmen.

In the process of continuous destruction, the ratmen's nest hidden underground will be overwhelmed, and it is only a matter of time before it collapses completely.

Looking at the large area of ​​collapse and collapse in front of him, Bai Tu couldn't help laughing.

"Comrade Sean, you have made an indelible contribution to the destruction of the ratmen's nest hidden underground this time. I will definitely ask for your credit from His Majesty later!"

Hearing this, Sean, who had almost not slept all night, suddenly showed a hint of excitement on his face with two dark circles under his eyes, as if all the fatigue was swept away at this moment!

Since joining the personal guards, his biggest goal has been to surpass Silk and obtain a higher rank than Silk, which is also one of his goals.

But to obtain a rank, you mainly have to rely on merit, especially military merit.

However, if you don't fight in peacetime, where does the military merit come from?

After much difficulty, he finally waited for an opportunity to make military achievements. In the autumn battle, the wood elf mages led by John made their debut and made certain military achievements, but as an elf druid, he had no place to use his skills!

He even stayed in the fortress the whole time and didn't even go to the battlefield.

After the war, when their majesty's reward arrived at the southern fortress, naturally there was nothing for him to do, which made Sion feel very upset. He once doubted whether he had chosen the wrong profession.

Until this expedition, he finally had room to play.

He was transformed into a black panther through transfiguration. In addition to the change in appearance, he also gained all the abilities of a black panther, including keen vision, hearing and smell, as well as night vision!

This made him almost like a fish in water when he transformed into a black panther at night and took action.

Even if there were ratmen who noticed his existence during the period, they would only think that he was a wild beast that ran from nowhere, and would not provoke him at all, let alone associate him with a soldier in the Great Zhou army.

This made his entire operation go very smoothly. Following the smell left by the ratmen, he found the entrance to the other party's underground nest.

The next thing was simple. He took the information back and reported it to Bai Tu.

The next morning, while the ratmen and lizardmen were fighting fiercely on the border, Bai Tu took a small team of soldiers and their Wood Elf Mage Corps and launched a secret operation.

Under the guidance of Sion, they found the entrance to the ratmen's underground nest, threw the seeds of the entangled vine into it, and then let the wood elf mages led by John perform a set of spell combos.

They didn't need to let the entangled vines destroy an entire underground nest. As long as they destroyed some important structures in the underground nest, the ratmen's nest hidden underground would naturally collapse completely because they could not bear the weight of the surface!

Looking at their masterpiece, the wood elf mages led by John all showed satisfaction on their faces.

In the autumn before, not to mention the southern troops, just talk about their Wood Elf Mage Corps, they really fought too hard.

Until the outbreak of the autumn war, John and his team still felt that they had made rapid progress after joining the personal guards, and they were very satisfied with their magic skills, and they felt good about themselves.

As a result, they found out that their two tricks were not good enough.

If it weren't for the presence of the extraordinary mage, the patriarch, their first battle would probably end in a dismal end.

The experience of that battle made John and his team fully aware of their shortcomings, making their daily practice more diligent.

As extraordinary life forms, the elves are naturally gifted. As long as they are willing to work hard, the efficiency of this practice will definitely not slow down at this stage.

After a winter, the strength of each of them has improved significantly.

In response to this situation, Locke was also full of emotion.

Good guy, I have lived for more than a thousand years, and I have never worked so hard!

As an extraordinary mage before, his strength was there, so he naturally had the capital to be proud.

To put it bluntly, even their majesty is probably not his opponent at this moment, considering the magic skills alone.

Who would have thought that a lizardman high priest would appear out of nowhere!

At that time, he had fainted due to severe exhaustion and did not see the other party's attack with his own eyes.

But for a winter, everyone was in the South Fortress. As a supernatural magician, he naturally had the opportunity to contact the other party.

After this contact, Locke immediately realized that the other party's strength was above his own!

Compared with Bo Lewen, whose strength has reached the peak of the supernatural realm, Locke's previous practice was too salty. After more than a thousand years of slow practice, his strength was only at the upper middle level of the supernatural realm. How could he compare with the lizardmen who fought with the ratmen every year?

When Bo Lewen stood there, his identity as the "strongest" changed instantly, and he also lost his confidence at the same time.

As a proud elf, and as the chief of the wood elves who is a supernatural magician, Locke must be unwilling in his heart.

So, in a winter, he also began to practice hard with John and the others.

But Locke's improvement was not as obvious as John and the others.

On the one hand, the advantage of being a supernormal life can only last until the breakthrough of the supernormal realm or the hundred-refining realm.

Once you become a supernormal magician or a warrior in the hundred-refining realm, you are essentially a supernormal life.

Who has the advantage over whom?

On the other hand, it is because of his age.

Even as an elf with a long natural lifespan, he has already entered old age and has long missed the best time for improvement.

Indeed, if he works hard now, he can actually improve a little. This winter, his strength has indeed increased and he has begun to move towards the upper reaches of the extraordinary realm.

But if nothing unexpected happens, he will probably only be able to improve his strength to the peak of the extraordinary realm in his lifetime. It is impossible to break through again.

At the same time, this is something Locke has never thought about before.

For him before, he was already a transcendental mage. Isn't that enough?

Until now, after experiencing the battle of the South Fortress and meeting Bo Levin, who has the peak strength of the extraordinary realm, Locke gradually realized how lazy he was in the past. It is too late to regret it now.

But at the same time, he was somewhat fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, John and his friends met and joined the Great Zhou at the most suitable age.

John and the others are still young, and compared to me, they still have unlimited possibilities!

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