Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 950: Tree of Life (Part 3)

The discovery of the second life spirit tree made Zhou Xu suddenly energetic and showed his enthusiasm.

After all, who doesn’t love finding treasures?

"The life spirit trees are separated by a distance of 100 meters, probably to avoid competing for nutrients with each other! Follow this rule and look for them, there might be some in this mountain!"

As he spoke, Zhou Xu opened his eyes wide, like a pair of radars. While moving, he launched a carpet-like search in the nearby mountains and forests.

"Hahahaha, sure enough there is still more!"

Following the rules he analyzed, Zhou Xu soon made new gains.

At this moment, a loud eagle call suddenly came from the air, causing everyone including Zhou Xu to tense up unconsciously.

Before they could think about it, Xuan Yu, who had no idea where he was going before, quickly passed over them, and then, two giant eagles chasing after Xuan Yu came into everyone's sight.

"Is that a giant eagle?"

The blue-gray wings and huge bodies of the two giant eagles in the sky allowed Zhou Xu to basically confirm the identity of the other party.

"Damn! There is actually a giant eagle in this area?"

This situation was obviously something Zhou Xu did not expect.

Compared with the giant eagle, which has a wingspan of four to five meters in adulthood and is so big that it can serve as a mount, Xuanyu, who is about the size of a crow, is simply pitifully small, as if it can easily take away Xuanyu's life with just a casual move. !

"Damn it, things are in trouble!"

Compared with the immature giant eagles they hatched, these two adult eagles are obviously not easy to mess with. They are not much afraid of Xuanyu, an extraordinary creature, or it is not so much that they dare not resist. The whole pursuit momentum is called ferocious.

Xuanyu, this kid, has just left the infancy stage and entered the growth stage. Although it is an extraordinary creature, its combat power is very limited at this stage. At least Zhou Xu has never seen it show any combat power.

Now facing two adult giant eagles, one against two, they were suddenly in a hard fight.

From Xuan Yu's actions, it was not difficult for Zhou Xu to see that the boy did not dare to fight head-on with the two adult giant eagles. He could only rely on his speed to deal with each other.

Under this premise, facing two giant eagles, Zhou Xu is now a bit at a loss.

They can fly, and they fly too high. At this distance, he can't even use "Beast Soldier Control". If this continues, the situation will not be good.

Xuan Yu, a traitor, had never encountered such a battle before, and he was a little confused this time. He completely lost his usual agility and was so stupid that he didn't even know how to fly down. Zhou Xu was heartbroken by this. That's called being anxious.

He wanted to make a sound, and as soon as he made a sound, the traitor would definitely react.

But in this case, the two giant eagles in the sky will also discover their existence. Will those two giant eagles still take the bait?

This is the biggest reason why Zhou Xu hasn't spoken out to remind him yet.

However, the current situation could no longer allow him to continue to struggle.

"Treason! Fly lower!"

Following a shout, Xuan Yu, who was circling with two giant eagles in the air, moved his eyes, apparently reacting.

Then he turned around and quickly flew towards the forest below.

During this process, the two giant eagles who also heard Zhou Xu's words flapped their wings and maintained their flying altitude without pursuing them.

This situation made Zhou Xu's heart sink.

The situation he least wanted to face actually happened. The two giant eagles showed full vigilance and refused to come down at all, which caused a deadlock here.

Zhou Xu really didn't expect to encounter such a situation. He should have brought his bow and arrows if he had known it. Now he had a way to deal with it.

At this moment, two adult giant eagles were hovering in the sky, which would definitely restrict their next actions and also greatly increase the risks of their actions.

Zhou Xu felt a headache when he thought of this.

"You're such a traitor, where did you recruit these two big guys for me?"

After hearing this, Xuan Yu, who was sitting on a big tree and was combing his feathers to relieve his embarrassment, suddenly lit up and seemed to have an idea.

After getting rid of the constant pursuit of the two giant eagles, Xuanyu calmed down and apparently regained some of his usual agility.

At this moment, Xuan Yu flapped his wings and flew up again, not flying high, but moving directly close to the top of the tree.

The two giant eagles flying in the air, occupying the advantage of the field of vision, naturally discovered it at the first time.

At that moment, they subconsciously wanted to kill them, but then they retracted their actions. After such a while, they would not forget Zhou Xu and the others who were still hiding in the dark.

This situation was obviously expected by Xuan Yu, and he saw it flying directly in one direction.

Seeing Xuan Yu's actions, the two giant eagles seemed to have realized something and were immediately enraged. While issuing warning cries, they pounced down with an unusually swift and fierce gesture.

When Xuan Yu saw this, he immediately turned back and flew back.

But the giant eagle, which had been enraged, lost its previous calmness and launched a fatal pursuit of Xuanyu driven by anger.

During this period, Zhou Xu, who was hiding in the mountains and forests and saw this scene, also reacted quickly, calculated the distance accurately, and immediately used the mantra.

[Beast soldier control! 】

At that moment, Zhou Xu, as an extraordinary wizard, suddenly burst out with the power of truth, and in an almost brutal way, overwhelmed the will of the two giant eagles and forcibly took control of their bodies.

However, this giant eagle is not an ordinary bird of prey after all, but a beast that has exceeded the scope of ordinary creatures, and its willpower is also incomparable to ordinary creatures.

At this moment, facing Zhou Xu's forced control, they are still madly fighting against him.

This process of continuous confrontation will increase his consumption.

Fortunately, the elf knights led by Silk on the side are not standing and watching the show.

As soon as they saw that their majesty had controlled the two giant eagles and caught them down.

The elf knights below also saw the opportunity and immediately drew the silver steel swords at their waists and swung a fatal slash at the two giant eagles.

[Swift Wind Slash! ]

In an instant, a series of sky-blue slashes broke out in the mountains and forests, accompanied by splashing blood, and the bodies of the two giant eagles fell heavily to the ground, and their lives were cut off.

Looking at the corpses of the two giant eagles, Zhou Xu, who had released the mantra, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then glared at Xuan Yu unhappily.

In response, Xuan Yu seemed not to see it, and hurriedly pointed in one direction again and again, obviously asking Zhou Xu to follow him.

[Could it be that this rebellious son has made some new discoveries? That's right! There are giant eagles here, so does that mean there are also...]

As his thoughts raced, Zhou Xu didn't have time to think about it and hurriedly followed.

The group followed Xuan Yu and after passing through another mountain forest, they came to a valley. There was a basin of medium size in the valley. In the center of the basin, an extremely thick and towering tree attracted Zhou Xu's attention.

[Peering into the secret! ]

The mantra was activated, and the panel unfolded...

Name: Millennium Life Spirit Tree

Introduction: The life spirit tree that has grown for more than a thousand years contains more powerful life energy than ordinary life spirit trees. Its roots and branches are excellent materials used by the elves to make staffs and bows!

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