Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 952 Is it so sudden?

Originally, after they went up the mountain and determined the location of the Spirit Tree of Life, Zhou Xu did not plan to come down in a short time, but planned to explore the entire Qingshui Mountain first.

Otherwise, they would not have to carry a bag each.

But now the situation is different.

These five giant eagle eggs are directly related to the future development of their Great Zhou Giant Eagle Knights. If they carry these five giant eagle eggs over the mountains and ridges, if one or two are broken on the way, the loss will be great.

Zhou Xu obviously did not want to take this risk. Thinking of this, he directly selected five elf knights.

"Each of you five will escort a giant eagle egg down the mountain. When the boat comes back, you will take the boat directly and send these five giant eagle eggs to the giant eagle breeding ground in Xianyang City."

"After sending them..."

Zhou Xu pondered for two seconds.

"No need to come here. I'm not sure if I'll still be here by then. Just go to Black Moon City and wait. Oh, and Xiao Zhang, take him down when you pass by."


With a reply, the five elf knights followed the order and went down the mountain with the giant eagle egg on their backs.

After watching the five elf knights leave, Zhou Xu's sight fell on the thousand-year-old life tree in front of him again.

If nothing unexpected happens, this should be the oldest life tree in the mountain.

He directly used this thousand-year-old life tree as a landmark in the mountain, and then explored around the landmark in circles.

According to this exploration mode, after a period of busy work, Zhou Xu's harvest was really not small.

At the same time, it was also more certain that it was necessary to circle this Qingshui Mountain directly.

Probably to ensure the nutrients needed for their respective growth, the life trees will not grow too close to each other.

Although not dense, in a sense, they grow all over this deep mountain.

It also made him thoroughly confirm that the life spirit trees here are not only of the ‘millennium level’ and ‘ordinary level’.

During the continuous exploration, he also found two seven-hundred-year-old trees, six five-hundred-year-old trees, and seventeen three-hundred-year-old trees.

Of course, the most common life spirit trees are ordinary-level ones. So far, he has found a full seventy-one.

After finding them, Zhou Xu even felt a little numb.

At the same time, he calmed down and thought about it, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong.

According to the introduction of this life spirit tree, in the old civilization period, it was the raw material used by the elves to make magic wands and bows and arrows!

Let’s not talk about the magic wands, the arrows needed for bows and arrows are consumables.

You can’t guarantee that all arrows can be recovered after each battle, right?

Under this premise, if the raw materials for making arrows are not enough, it will not be able to support the consumption of a unit.

So it is normal to have a large number of life spirit trees, otherwise the raw materials will not be available.

What is really scarce is the life spirit tree of high age!

Like those that are a thousand years old, seven hundred years old, and five hundred years old, the older the age, the better the material.

The staffs and bows made from them will naturally have better effects.

During this period, Zhou Xu also thought about the difference in age between those high-year life spirit trees.

Except for the three hundred years between the one thousand-year-old tree and the seven hundred-year-old tree, the others are two hundred years apart.

He couldn't figure out whether it was an accident or if there was any connection.

There was no clue, and things that couldn't be figured out, so he didn't think about it for the time being. Zhou Xu continued to explore.

So far, they have completed the exploration of Qingshui Mountain.

By the way, they finally figured out the specific location of the thousand-year-old life spirit tree, and drew a decent map of Qingshui Mountain.

Simply put, this valley is located at the easternmost part of Qingshui Mountain, near the edge of another small mountain range.

That small mountain range is the mountain next to the Green Forest Port.

When their big ship was not built yet, the exploration team wanted to try to pass through the edge of the mountain to see if they could climb over the mountain road to conduct exploration work. As a result, a cliff on the top of the mountain blocked their way, and there was a turbulent river below.

Yes, it was the river leading to the port of the South Border Factory Area.

Unfortunately, the vision was too narrow at that time. If it was wider, they would notice that this thousand-year-old life spirit tree was in the valley of the small hill opposite the river!

You can't go down from that mountain, you have to go around from Qingshui Mountain.

After quickly completing the exploration of the remaining areas of Qingshui Mountain, the group led by Zhou Xu slowly went down the mountain and came to the post station at the foot of the mountain.

This group stayed in the mountains for almost half a month, and they all looked gray and dusty.

"Stationmaster Wang, prepare a place for us to rest and boil more water for bathing."

Although they are not like the wild people in the mountains at this time, they have not taken a bath for half a month, and they are indeed smelly.

Zhou Xu certainly couldn't just go to the next place like this.

The staff on duty at this post usually live here directly, so there is a place to take a shower and rest.

After receiving the order, Stationmaster Wang didn't dare to dawdle and got busy.

"Let's take a shower here first, rest for a night, and set off to the next place early tomorrow morning."

This night was the most comfortable night Zhou Xu had slept in the past half month. Even he, who always had a precise biological clock, overslept. When he woke up, it was almost eight o'clock.

As a result, Zhou Xu heard a series of sharp whistles coming from outside the dormitory just after getting up.

Noticing the movement, he quickly put on his coat and walked outside.

As soon as the door was opened, a figure doing morning exercises in the open space outside the dormitory immediately caught his eye. It was Silk.

At this time, Silk was doing the "body-building boxing" taught by Xie Liancheng.

This is a set of boxing that Xie Liancheng modified himself according to the training needs of the warriors here. It has no practical value, but it can exercise the most muscles in the human body to the maximum extent.

This "body-building boxing" is divided into three levels by him: "primary body-building boxing", "intermediate body-building boxing" and "advanced body-building boxing".

The higher the level, the higher the requirements for the boxer. Silk is now practicing the intermediate body-building boxing. Only Jie Liancheng and Zhou Chongshan can afford to practice the advanced body-building boxing in the Great Zhou.

During this process, I don’t know if the morning light shining on the sweat produced light and shadow. At this moment, there was a faint light on the surface of Silk’s body, which kept flowing there, making his whole figure look shining!

After a set of boxing, Silk, who had noticed Zhou Xu’s existence, slowly turned his head and looked over.

“Your Majesty, I seem to have a breakthrough.”

“Ah, is this so sudden?”


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