Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 966 High-quality population

Zhou Xu's words, which were said with a smile, instantly made Zhou Yifei feel like he was struck by lightning, and he was stunned on the spot.

"Your Majesty?"

Zhou Yifei lost his ability to think at once, but it did not affect his next action at all.

With a "thump", Zhou Yifei's legs knelt straight down.

Seeing the other party's dull expression and the way he knelt neatly, Zhou Xu felt a burst of laughter and tears.

"What are you doing? Come on, get up quickly."

While speaking, Zhou Xu personally helped the man up, and then patted Zhou Yifei on the shoulder.

"Do a good job, I said, I won't treat you unfairly."

After saying that, Zhou Xu did not stay any longer, turned around and took Silk and the others back to the camp, leaving Zhou Yifei who was still standing there and had not yet recovered.

At this moment, he had already made arrangements for this area in his mind.

Zhou Xu didn't know how many times he could summon the old god altar. For the sake of caution, he decided to cultivate to the bottleneck period before summoning.

After all, the stronger the power of the truth, the more choices there are when summoning.

And he could clearly feel that he was still in the rising period.

Back to the camp, although he felt that the primitive tribes that might exist in the surrounding area were not enough to pose a threat to them, if extraordinary creatures appeared, it would be difficult to deal with the exploration team left here.

If you are not careful, you will easily pay a painful price.

In response to this situation, Zhou Xu thought it was time to talk to his eldest son.

"Qian Sui, this is the case..."

Zhou Xu did not hide the whole thing and his thoughts on this matter, and told it all.

The way he and Qian Sui get along has always been based on consultation.

He will explain things clearly and let Qian Sui make his own decisions.

Of course, so far, Qian Sui basically agrees to his proposals.

This time was no exception. After listening, Qiansui nodded and expressed his willingness to stay here to ensure the safety of this place.

After all, it had not yet decided whether to stay in the grassland or go back to the palace with Zhou Xu. Now that it is needed here, it will stay. Qiansui is such a sensible child.

And Zhou Xu will still discuss with it when he encounters something in the future. This is a matter of attitude.

Zhou Xu was happy about Qiansui's cleverness and understanding, but at the same time he was a little inexplicably melancholy.

Originally, he planned to sleep on Qiansui for a night after a long absence, and spend more time with his big son, after all, they would soon be separated again.

But. It was too hot...

God knows, it's summer now!

Although Qiansui's fur feels good, Zhou Xu really can't stand lying down.

In the end, he just lay on the side and chatted casually.

Mainly Zhou Xu was talking and Qiansui was listening.

He had this habit before. When he was the leader of the tribe, there were many things that he had no one to talk to, and Qiansui was his best confidant.

This was also the case at this time.

The next morning, Zhou Xu began to make arrangements before leaving.

In addition to explaining the relevant matters to the garrison here, there was another very important thing, which was to let Zhou Yifei draw the equipment needed for collecting and refining oil in the form of a design.

According to the craftsmanship of their Great Zhou craftsmen, no matter how they did it, it would definitely be better than the one in front of them.

This was not difficult for Zhou Yifei, who had already made a simple device.

It took less than an hour in total.

After finishing all the things that needed to be dealt with, according to Zhou Xu's busyness, he naturally did not plan to stay here any longer. After saying goodbye to Qiansui, he took Silk and others on the way back.

The group galloped all the way and soon passed through the grassland pass of their Great Zhou and arrived at the grassland city.

When Zhou Xu arrived here, the first thing he did was to send more troops to the new area.

Three hundred soldiers are more than enough for the task of slowly exploring and incorporating primitive tribes.

After all, the new area is not the focus of their Great Zhou at this stage.

But considering that there is now an additional oil production point and an old god altar there, in order to ensure that everything is foolproof, he thinks that more troops should be sent to be safe.

Zhou Xu gave an order, and the grassland immediately drew another 300 soldiers from the area and sent them to the new area.

Next, the construction of the oil plant and the front-line fortress there requires the mobilization of engineering teams.

This is more troublesome.

It’s not that Zhou Xu can’t mobilize, but that the engineering teams in their Great Zhou are basically full of engineering projects, and none of them are idle.

To assign them new tasks, you have to follow the process step by step, otherwise so many engineering projects are lined up there, it is easy to go wrong.

Zhou Xu directly assigned the specific transfer task to Zhang Xiaoshan, the director of the Black Moon City Administration Department, and asked someone to take Zhou Yifei's design drawings back and hand them over to the Equipment Department for manufacturing.

Let's not talk about the factory first. After the equipment is in place, the relevant work can actually be done first.

Just like Zhou Yifei directly refining oil in his own camp.

In addition, development personnel and some staff must also be sent over.

Obviously, Zhou Xu did not intend to let the members of the primitive tribes develop there directly.

According to the consistent process of their Great Zhou, he would issue an immigration announcement within the Great Zhou, introduce corresponding preferential policies, and encourage everyone to immigrate there to live and work.

The indigenous people there, that is, the tribal members, were sent to work as coolies as usual.

It is not that Zhou Xu did not value them, on the contrary, Zhou Xu now actually attaches great importance to the tribal population.

As we all know, compared with the population of large forces, the tribal population is often simpler.

If you give them a good life, he can really work hard for you.

From this point of view, Zhou Xu even thinks that the tribal population can be equated with high-quality population.

However, they have been living in primitive tribes, after all, they have never been exposed to the social environment here, and they basically have no skills.

Letting them work as coolies first, not only allows him to obtain cheap labor, but also gives the tribal members the opportunity to slowly adapt to the social environment here, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

At the same time, it is worth mentioning here that nowadays, tribal populations like this are all the key missionary targets of the state religion.

Therefore, the National Religion Propaganda Department would go to factories with concentrated tribal populations every now and then to distribute eggs and promote the doctrines of their national religion.

As of now, the effect of the missionary work on the tribal population is much better than that on other groups.

There are even many people who have performed well, who have become official members of the national religion after completing their hard labor.

Don't underestimate this identity, it is equivalent to being a civil servant of the Great Zhou, and the benefits are good.

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