In the war report written by Soros, he praised Bai Tu's offensive efficiency.

Although Bai Tu also performed quite well in the previous defense of the South Border Fortress, proving himself to be a capable commander.

But after turning from defense to offense, Bai Tu's performance directly refreshed Soros's perception of him.

It was as if he suddenly turned on a special switch, and through his tactical actions, they showed their offensive efficiency like a bamboo shoot.

As the season entered summer, the weather in the South Border became hotter and hotter, and the daytime temperature was basically over 35 degrees.

For human troops, in such hot weather, they still need to wear armor all day to march and even fight, which is simply a torment, and it also greatly increases their probability of heat stroke.

On the other hand, the lizardmen led by Soros, except that the weather has been a little dry recently, causing some lizardmen to have some dry and cracked skin, which is not very comfortable, the hot temperature has not caused much impact on them.

Even if they are given a lot of water in time, the problem of dry skin can be solved to a large extent by relying on the water storage capacity of the lizards' bodies.

This makes the lizardmen take on more tasks in this hot season.

The pterosaur riders flew through the air, and with the advantage of aerial vision, they quickly found the city below.

This discovery made the pterosaur riders confused. In their impression, ratmen basically built nests underground and would never build cities on the surface.

Not to mention that according to the development model and structure of the ratmen clan, they should not have the ability to build cities.

With doubts in their hearts, the pterosaur riders slightly lowered their flight altitude and used the "Eye of Insight" given by their majesty to find out.

With the blessing of the "Eye of Insight", his vision quickly became clear.

This made him quickly discover that the situation below was not the same as he had expected at the beginning.

At this moment, what he saw was a large area of ​​broken walls and ruins.

There is indeed a city underneath, but this city has been completely destroyed. It is not difficult to see from simple observation that this city has been abandoned for some time.

After a glance, there was no trace of any living creature inside.

For the sake of caution, the pterosaur rider flew around the abandoned city. After confirming that it was correct, he turned back and reported his findings to Soros.

At that time, Soros was discussing the next attack plan with Bai Tu in the tent of the Southern Border Army of the Great Zhou.

From the defense of the Southern Border Fortress to the subsequent destruction of the five underground nests of the Corrupted Clan, Soros and Bai Tu established a very good revolutionary friendship through continuous victories along the way, and their tacit understanding on the battlefield was also deepening.

Bai Tu also listened to the report of the pterosaur rider and then started a discussion directly.

"From the location, it should have been destroyed by the ratmen. The problem now is that we can't be sure whether the ratmen have built a nest under the ruins of the city."

Obviously, Bai Tu and Soros are not very interested in knowing what happened to the city before.

For them, the most important thing is what is the current situation of the ruins of the city? How should the follow-up actions be carried out? And how can they lock the location of the ratmen's underground nest?

After they destroyed five underground nests in a row, the ratmen of the Corrupted Clan on the opposite side became more and more cautious.

At the same time, these ratmen have basically figured out their offensive routines.

Knowing that the troops led by Bai Tu have been looking for their underground nests, they also know that according to the ability of their Wood Elf Mage Corps, it is difficult to perform two large-scale spells in a short period of time.

For this reason, when they destroyed the previous nest, the ratmen on the opposite side had already started to play tricks with Bai Tu.

Thanks to Bai Tu's careful observation at that time, he discovered the clues in time, so he didn't fall into the opposite side's way.

And now, there are too many shelters in the ruins of a city.

If there is a nest underneath, the entrance to the nest can be hidden in any corner of the ruins, which will also make it more difficult for them to figure out the opponent's strength.

Bai Tu was also troubled by this situation.

Soros also knew what Bai Tu was worried about.

It cannot be denied that this is indeed a thorny problem.

Recently, their large forces have almost rested, and it is not a good thing to continue the stalemate.

With this thought, Soros slowly spoke...

"Let me take action first. When the time comes, the rat people will inevitably take action to deal with it. When that time comes, you will find an opportunity to see if you can lock the position."

Unexpectedly, Soros had just finished speaking, but Bai Tu had a new idea.

"Colonel Soros, what do you think if I give up the idea of ​​destroying the rat people's nest and join forces with you to fight from the front?"

Hearing this, Soros was stunned for a moment, and then quickly reacted.

"Yes! You are really being too picky. We don't have to destroy the other side's nest!"

Their previous split-up tactics, a two-pronged approach, were so effective that they enjoyed it and never thought of changing tactics.

At this moment, Soros, who had reacted, slapped his forehead and felt a sense of sudden enlightenment.

"This year we turned from defense to offense, continued to launch offensives, and have been fighting. Judging from the recent battles, the opposing ratmen's troops must have been unable to recover."

"Although it would be easier for us to win by directly destroying the opponent's nest, according to the current situation, I estimate that even if we fight the ratmen head-on, we are still fully confident of winning!"

When the two forces fight, the battles on the border are often the time when the troops of both sides are the most sufficient.

After that, with the continuous fall of the territory, the opponent's resources and troops continued to be lost, and they would only become weaker and weaker.

At this point, their Great Zhou's southern border expeditionary force can be said to have completely dominated.

Judging from the current situation, they don't need to play tricks with the opponent at all. Just show your troops and crush them with hard power!

On this matter, Soros and Bai Tu quickly reached a consensus.

On a new day, the Southern Expeditionary Force was ready, and the Lizardmen led by Soros began to advance again.

During this period, the human forces led by Bai Tu were lurking on the periphery of the battlefield, ready to respond to any possible situation that might happen next.

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