Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 972 The Corpse Demon Reappears

Accompanied by a sudden loud noise, the ruins of the city not far away suddenly collapsed on a large scale.

In the dust that was raised, a large number of black and red tentacles rushed out frantically, forming a very impactful and weird scene.

Seeing this scene, Soros's face changed suddenly.

He was really familiar with this scene.

Before he could think about it, a huge monster like a hill in the dust had already entered his field of vision.

At this moment, this monster looked exactly the same as the monster they faced outside the South Fortress.

But the difference was that the size of this monster was even more exaggerated than the previous one.

The previous one was only about 100 meters long at its peak state, but this one, when it appeared, its body length was close to an exaggerated 200 meters! It's not at the same level at all!

"Retreat! Send a retreat signal immediately, retreat urgently! Stay away from this city ruins!!"

Knowing that the evil demon would further increase its strength and size by devouring the surrounding creatures, Soros almost immediately issued a retreat order to prevent their soldiers from becoming the enemy's nutrients.

The urgent horn sounded quickly, and the lizardmen soldiers who received the signal evacuated at the fastest speed without saying a word.

Before leaving, Soros, who seemed to have thought of something, quickly climbed up the wall and used the height of the wall to observe the evil demon that was stretching out countless tentacles and raging wildly in the distance.

[Eye of Insight! ]

With the blessing of the power of the truth, Soros took in the distant scene.

I saw that the evil demon in the distance, whose body length was nearly 200 meters, had countless tentacles around it, and was frantically grabbing the ratmen within the range, swallowing them into its body in a sweeping manner!

Seeing this scene, Soros was sure in his heart that the ratmen had indeed built a nest under the ruins of the city.

The appearance of the evil demon in front of him came from the other party's ritual.

Following this line of thought, Soros quickly understood the other party's crazy idea.

[Damn it, the stinky rat knew that he couldn't beat it, so he directly started a ritual in the nest and summoned this monster! ]

It was completely different from the situation on the battlefield before. At that time, the surrounding rats could still escape on the battlefield, which somewhat limited the growth of the evil demon.

But the rats in the underground nest were restricted to a certain space, which made their distribution more dense and more suitable for the evil demon to prey!

This is probably the biggest reason why the evil demon was nearly 200 meters long as soon as it appeared.

[Is the ratman on the opposite side crazy? ! ]

From Soros's perspective, the opponent's approach was indeed a bit too crazy.

Although the ratmen in the past were not good people, they were not crazy to this extent.

As his thoughts flew, Soros couldn't help but frown.

Thinking back carefully, since the offensive began in late autumn last year, these rats have shown obvious madness compared to the past.

This made Soros wonder if something happened inside this rat clan, and what caused these stinky rats to change their temperament.

In this process, in order to be on the safe side, Bai Tu, who stayed outside the city to respond, also immediately led his troops to join the lizardmen who had retreated to the city gate area.

Before climbing the wall, Bai Tu's voice had already sounded.

"What's going on? I heard a huge noise outside, and even the ground was shaking!"

At the same time, Bai Tu, who climbed the wall, froze his expression instantly as his vision height changed.

At the same time, Soros' voice rang out.

"The evil demon, the evil demon that appeared outside the southern fortress at the beginning, has appeared again now!"

As he spoke, Soros quickly told Bai Tu the news he knew and some of his guesses.

During this time, Bai Tu's face was uncertain, and his expression was wonderful.

In just a short while, the evil demon that was currently wreaking havoc in the distance was probably more than 200 meters long.

This specification was not comparable to the evil demon they had dealt with outside the South Fortress.

This also made Soros and Bai Tu more stressed.

In this process, as a mage unit, Bo Levin and Locke, who also stayed behind, also arrived at the wall closely.

At this time, the evil demon was busy sweeping the ratmen in the area frantically, and at this moment, it did not notice their existence at all, making their current position relatively safe.

But they all knew in their hearts that as time passed, the threat of the evil demon was increasing.

"Are you sure?"

As they spoke, everyone's eyes fell on Bo Levin and Locke.

Everyone knew that whether this wave could solve the opponent depended on the means of these two extraordinary mages.

Facing this question, Bo Levin and Locke's faces were extremely solemn.

The change in the size of the demon can most directly show the strength of its power.

From a body length of 100 meters to 200 meters, the difference is not a small one.

At that time, outside the southern fortress, the evil demon with a body length of more than 100 meters was first consumed by Locke and the others, causing its size to shrink to within 100 meters, and then was forcibly taken away by Bollevin with a set of combos. .

But on the contrary, Bo Levin also exhausted his strength for this.

Now facing an evil demon with a body length of more than 200 meters, Bollevin obviously no longer has the strength to kill the opponent in an instant.

However, compared with that time, their strength is also different.

The biggest difference is that Locke is also at his peak at this time. Even during this time, the individual strength of the wood elf mages, including Locke, has improved due to their diligent practice.

Both Soros and Bai Tu knew this, so although they were under great pressure, they did not act too pessimistic.

"It's hard to say with certainty, but it's best to take action as soon as possible. If the evil demon is allowed to continue to devour it, it will only become more and more difficult to solve it."

Bolevin said while looking at Locke.

As the only two extraordinary mages here, if they want to take action, they will undoubtedly need to discuss it.

Obviously, Bollevin has already acquiesced to take action.

Think about it, after the southern border troops push here, their territory in the Great Zhou Dynasty will definitely expand accordingly.

If there is such a demon near the territory that can increase its strength by devouring creatures crazily, who can still be at peace?

They must take care of the other party before it grows so big that they can't take it away at all!

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