Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 1103: Fortress flame

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Such a conspicuous ridiculous discourse, Zi Yan and others naturally heard the play, but he is extremely puzzled, in the end, what went wrong.

Of course, Zi Yan never questioned his acting skills.

I couldn't find the reason. In short, there was a problem. The play naturally could not be played according to the original version.

"Purple, we are advanced."

"You can't enter, if you don't come in, we will enter."

After wearing the gang, the face of the sable is a bit ugly, and I don't want to play again, but who knows that everyone is still teasing and laughing, for a moment, his ugly face has become a bit gloomy.

A chill was released from the purple scorpion, like the cold air. Everyone passed a chill, and the banter on their faces disappeared instantly. I wonder if it was because the cold face was a little white.

The voice with ridicule also disappeared instantly, and everyone was completely awake, and then felt a little scared, knowing that this is the first person in the same class.

When I think about this problem, everyone can't wait to draw a few big mouths on their own. Whether people have their own skills to control their own fart, and people's acting skills are worse, this is also a matter for others.

People have strength, and there are several major forces to support as a backstage, and here, people also have the final say, in this case, people's acting skills are relatively fart.

After all, it is still a weak meat, and since the plan is not good, it is only hard.

The eyes passed, everyone shut up, and for this effect, Zi Yan was very satisfied.

Then he turned back and frowned. "How do I feel that there is an abnormality in this place? Is the passage here abnormal? You should feel it again."

Hearing this statement, everyone feels uncomfortable, and there is an impulse to vomit an old blood.

Still performing, interesting? We dare not evaluate you, you are still playing.

Beside the purple dragonfly, the konjac used the broken eyes, and wanted to find out. After a while, the konjac shook his head and found nothing.

The purpura was also examined with yin and yang, and did not notice any abnormality, but his heart also had a strange feeling.

Everyone's attention is almost on the devouring mouse. In the field, it is afraid that it is the only one that can see the existence of heresy.

The people did not leave, naturally waiting to find the real entrance, so it is no longer meaningful to hide it now.

The spirited rat leaps up and enjoys the bath of the eyes and walks toward the front passage.

Although I have not personally proved that this road is unreasonable, but everyone can also guess, at this moment, seeing the spiriting mouse straight to the passage, it becomes very puzzled.

The squirrels walked in front of the passage, but did not go in, but turned and walked toward the rear.

It seems to be calculating the number, and the pace is so small that it looks very careful.

It took two ninety-nine steps at a small pace, but for ordinary people, it only takes ninety-nine steps.

Zijing and others naturally know that the squirrels are in the display, and they have not deliberately urged it. It is not easy to think that it is a rat, but it has always been used as a dog. At this moment, it is finally prevailing. How can I not let it be more powerful?

It seems that the prestige is enough. It only makes a small finger toward the front. As one finger falls, a white energy blooms from the fingers and points to the void.

The void oscillates in the next moment, like clicking on the real thing.

"Oh." Then, under the eyes of the public, the singer screamed and the whole body flew backwards toward the rear.

Its body receded and retired, and finally planted, and almost even planted a passage. Its white hair on the whole body was full of dust, and there were bloodstains in the corners of the mouth. It looked very embarrassing.

But at this moment, no one noticed its wolverine. Of course, not everyone ignored its wolf, and ignored the spirited mouse.

At this time their sight, even the sights of people including the purple scorpion, fell on the point where the spirited mouse pointed.

A place that was originally blank, there was a black castle at the moment.

The black castle in front of it is not big. There is no flame castle that was robbed by the purple scorpion. The castle that was made by the burial place is even worse.

However, in this area, there is an abrupt appearance of an old castle, and everyone naturally knows what this means.

For a time, everyone looked at the look of the castle and they all became eager.

The black castle has the same material as the door to the burial place. Even with a mask of forbidden masks, everyone still feels the quaint vicissitudes of the middle.

Seeing that everyone couldn't help but walk toward the black castle, the squirrels that climbed up were dissatisfied: "A bunch of guys who have no loyalty."

Looking at the black castle, the look of the people naturally changed. The middle-aged Mozu first voiced: "His Royal Highness."

"Reassured, I have my own arrangements."

A group of demons slowly approached the castle, the castle was not large, and of course could not accommodate thousands of people present.

Therefore, these people surrounded the castle through a ban.

Suddenly, an exclamation sounded: "The passage, there is a passage."

Through the transparent prohibition, everyone saw the side of the castle, there is a passage, not the same as the passage, this passage is a ladder, tilted upwards.

Seeing this scene, everyone's expression became excited, and obviously there is another layer in the world.

Almost without telling, everyone is arbitrarily breaking the ban, because there are too many people, and the combined strength is so powerful that everyone ignores Lv Peng, the master of the law.

In today's world, all formations can be forcibly broken open with strength, but only if you have the power to break through. It is obvious that so many people in front of you have this power.

With the bang of the bang, the forbidden ban was broken and the black castle appeared.

The ancient castle appeared, could not accommodate everyone, and some people who knew that they were fighting for hopelessness were decisively abandoned the old castle and rushed toward the passage.

This kind of thinking and choice is very realistic. No matter what is in the castle, there are people like Zi Yan, they can't get it, simply go to the next level to try their luck.

There are many people walking, but there are more people left.

The people of Ziyan did not know when they stood in front of the crowd and stood in front of the gate of the old castle. Behind them, although they were a group of people who were eager to try, they were extremely unwilling, but at the moment they did not dare to express other opinions.

"Open the door, no matter what is inside, everyone will fight for strength." The perfect body said first.

Other power leaders heard and nodded.

Each of them depends on the strength, and each depends on strength. This is the most unharmable method. At the moment, those who stand together are those who have helped the purple scorpion more or less. Everyone turns their face for the treasure, it is worthless. .

And the main reason is that if they turn their faces, they will die.

"When you open the door, you may see the treasure, but the possibility of seeing danger is not small." Zixiao smiled, stepped forward and pressed his hands on the door.

As the body of the body surged, attached to the hands, the purple brow suddenly wrinkled.

"What's wrong." Seeing the purple scorpion is not working hard, everyone's face is confused.

Zi Yan looked at the perfect body and said, "Come and try."

Perfectly in front of the body, ready to push the door hard, with a ray of force, his brow is also a slight pick.

"There is a problem." Perfect body.

This time, whether it is true or acting, there is no one to retreat, so after the two look at each other, they are pushing the door.

In the hands of the two, the surging force is also more and more, but the door is not open, it seems very heavy.

"Don't come over." Seeing everyone to help, Zi Yan shouted, "Back, quit."

The konjac signaled everyone to step back.

On the hands of the purple cicada, the surging light is more and more embarrassing. One gold and one silver, like two suns, and the perfect body obviously uses the full force. At this moment, the forehead has already seen sweat.

The two looked at each other and then drunk: "Open."

Strong power is like pouring into the door, and then the whole door begins to shine, even with the sound of squeaking.

At this moment, no one knows how powerful the two used. If they are placed outside, this kind of power will add up to fear that even the spirits and soldiers can be shattered. But at this moment, this kind of power can only open the door, but even the door is not shaken. broken.

The door can absorb the power, not to mention the inside, so after the door opens a seam, the two immediately retire and look forward.

Like a rusty iron gate, the door then makes a very harsh sound and then slowly opens.

Until the door was completely opened, a vast and quaint atmosphere sprang from the door, blowing a few people in front of the robe.

The door opened, except for this breath, no abnormalities.

Not waiting for everyone to observe carefully, it was someone who swept the purple sable from the rear and rushed toward the gate.

For a time, there are ten light and shadows.

"Hey." "Hey." "Hey."

They just rushed into the entrance, and there were bright lights on both sides of the fort. The light was a group of flames. These flames formed a fireball, descending from the sky and falling to the corridor in front of the old castle.

Then, the screaming screams are ringing.

The flames fell in all directions, paving the entire corridor. Those who rushed in before were only able to scream and scream, the whole body was ignited by the flame, and then the body melted in the flame.

This scene Just like the life flame used by the purple sable, the great power made everyone shock, and the look gradually became dignified.

At the moment, they finally understood why the cicada and the perfect body are so careful.

Passing through the corridor in front of the corridor is a large hall. The main hall is closed and you can't see what is inside.

After those who rushed to death, they were in front of no one, and the previous fireballs dissipated.

The passageway was very clean, and the previous flame did not leave any scars on the ground. Even the dead monks did not leave some ashes on the ground.

"It should be a test. If the speed is fast enough, or if you have a peculiar body, you are very likely to pass it." After a moment of sputum, he said.

The perfect body looked at Zi Yan and said: "I am not sure the power of the flame. If it is comparable to the flame of life, we are afraid that it will not pass, or you will try the flame intensity."

"There is to go in, just try it." Zixiao nodded, actually went forward.

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