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With a slight push, the temple door opens, and the deep hall seems to be a little dim because it has not been opened for a long time.

The temple door is very high. From a distance, the hall is also very tall, but the whole hall has only one floor. At first glance, the dimly lit hall looks very empty, and there is almost no decent arrangement.

At the end of the line of sight, Zi Yan saw a black stone table with two rows of stone frames on both sides of the stone table. There were rows of jacks on the stone frame, each with three black weapons.

They are knives, swords, knives, sticks, axes, and hammers.

From a distance, the upper surface of the black weapon is engraved with some patterns that look like a burning flame.

The weapon is the same color as the stone table and the old castle. It seems that the material is the same. Although the purple scorpion does not perceive the soul power in it, it can be placed here. It should be extremely extraordinary.

The line of sight moved from the stone frame, and the purple eyes looked at the stone table, while the flat and smooth stone table was placed with a thing placed in the middle of the stone table, held by a small black platform. .

That is a pure black token, and the pattern on the token is also a flame.

Looking at the location of the tokens, it is obviously more precious than the six weapons, but the specific utility, Ziyan can not guess.

Just as the purple scorpion looked at the main hall, there was a screaming screaming behind him. It was a human monk who was lit by the fire and the body was melting in the fire.

The crowd will come in quickly, and Zi Yan will no longer waste time and step into the hall.

Just entering the hall, a mysterious force is descending from the sky. Under this force, the body strength of the purple scorpion is completely sealed. In addition, the perfect spiritual thought is also sealed, leaving only the dollar power.

Even so, there is a strong pressure in the hall, which is very stressful, and it is hard to suppress the purple dollar's dollar strength to a limit.

Of course, this is the only way to have no effect on the entrance to the temple, but then, Zi Yan feels a sensation of sensation in Dantian, just like a flame burning a Yuandan under Yuandan.

A severe pain came and it was heartbreaking.

Ziyan brows slightly wrinkled, thinking that this test is enough, but he quickly adjusted his mood and walked toward the temple.

Step by step, two steps, and with each step, he feels that the pain brought by Yuan Dan will increase. After five steps, the pain is almost doubled.

Perceive the unusual atmosphere in the hall, and then recall the words of the previous boy. When the eyes of the purple scorpion fell on the token again, there was a radiance of light, and the faint mind had already guessed the role of the token.

"If that's the case, then it's really a big luck."

The purple scorpion takes a deep breath, suppresses the emotions that appear in the heart, and moves on.

In the corridor behind him, sometimes there was a scream, and it was the unfortunate death of the squad.

At this moment, the purple cicada has already taken ten steps, and the feeling of burning the flame is equivalent to three times that of the time of entering.

The ten steps are ten meters, and after ten meters, the perfect body and the konjac arrive almost indefinitely. The two naturally see the things in the hall, and they do not hesitate and step into the temple.

The feet just stepped into the temple, the perfect body is a scream, the whole person is like a boneless person directly fell to the ground.

"What's wrong." The konjac looked at the perfect body beside him, and leaned over to pull him up.

"Don't move me, don't touch me, hot, very hot, I am on fire." Perfect body shouted.

"The gods are so serious, is it so serious?" The konjac looked at the perfect body, taunted, no longer care about the perfect body, and walked toward the front.

Although his pace is not as fast as purple, he is very determined every step.

"Damn, damn, how could this be." Looking at the purple scorpion more than ten meters away, then look at the relaxed konjac, the perfect body of the fist is constantly waving toward the front.

The perfect body can suppress the spirit. The most powerful place is his perfect body, that is, the physical strength. As for the body strength, it is normal. This is his weakness, but he usually does not care because power is enough. .

However, in this hall, his physical strength was sealed, and the suppressed force was like being fired. The pain was that he could not stand up.

Of course, this is not to say that the perfect body's willpower is too weak, but that the strength of his body is too weak to withstand the flames of this flame.

Zhang Haotian stood outside and did not go in. He saw Ziyan push the door of the temple, and then saw the things in the hall far away. There was no joy on his face. On the contrary, it became ugly.

Look at the side of the spirited mouse and Su Mengyao, the expression is not natural, even if the purple is the first time, their look is also very unnatural.

Because the king is the last one, from the other side's look, she does not mean any competition, but she really ignores the things in the temple, the answer is definitely not.

The real reason is that she has to take shortcuts.

This is also the reason why the devouring mouse deliberately wanted to act. As for Ziyan, although he did not understand why, it was too late to ask, and he could only cooperate with acting. As for the trust, he did not ask.

"This woman is really abominable."

Zhang Haotian sighed: "How can that be? Then, compared to the life of Zi Yan, everything is a cloud."

Zi Yan didn't know the deal. At the moment, these insiders can go to the next level, waiting for the Mozu to talk to Ziyan again.

It is a pity that although the people in the field are not good people, they are all extremely committed. In the whole Promise, there is only one person who does not care about what is promised. That is the good and evil monk. For him, as long as there is interest, There are benefits, how to be shameless, but it is a pity that the monk is not there.

Xiaolong and Longren also entered the hall and felt the pressure. Their brows were slightly wrinkled, but they were not as good as the perfect body. After adjusting the emotions slightly, they walked toward the front.

At this moment, Zi Yan has gone very far, everyone should have been unable to catch up, completely give up, but no one gave up, everyone went to the end of the hall, because the speed of the purple in front is significantly reduced.

The screams will still ring, and people who are still unwilling to come in, but most people have given up, and after they gave up, they did not leave, but stood outside the fort to watch, want to see what is in the fort, who in the end Can get.

As we move forward, the flames of the flames are getting stronger and stronger, and the unspeakable pain of a stock emerges. The purple forehead has already seen sweat.

The sable does not know what the flame is, but it feels the extraordinaryness of the flame, because the body itself is said to be perfect, and it is suppressed to the limit. The force without any impurities is recompressed at this moment, except for compression. In the end of the dollar, there is still a trace of impurities.

It’s a situation when the dollar is forced to bake out impurities.

This is a situation that cannot be imagined.

A drop of sweat appeared from the forehead face, and slipped down the cheeks. The eyes of the purple eyes were still very firm. He had already guessed and confirmed the role of the hall, so he had to get the token.

Because this hall is not only useful to oneself, but also useful for the whole Promise.

At the same time, other existences entering the temple also perceive the extraordinaryness of the hall, and also guess the effect of the hall, naturally it is impossible to give up.

When they were fully accelerating, they also secretly thought that the purple scorpion could not hold on and could not go up.

But they didn't think about the prayers, even if the purple scorpion couldn't get through, and they couldn't reach the end, who could reach the end of the game.

More people enter the hall, but not everyone can move forward. After a few people walked for about ten steps, they could not persist, and they were directly on the ground and no longer marched forward.

Even the previous perfect body, even walked out of the five steps, and then crossed the knees, control the force to resist the flame, no longer forward.

Advance is still advancing, and it is possible to stop on the spot and start to fight against these flames, and then improve the purity of Yuanli.

As the flowers walked, the king finally walked across the promenade and reached the temple. Looking at the people in the temple, her face could not help but have a touch of joy, because the purple enamel at this moment is almost close to the stone table.

In the place where the purple pheasant passed, the ground was left with large pieces of water stains, all of which were sweat, and his body was already wet with sweat.

It can be said that for the token, Zi Zi fights.

But Zi Yan will never think of it, and now someone is waiting outside, and he is confidently asking for his harvest.

The king girl stood outside the temple and did not go in. The middle-aged demon went in, and felt a little, his face changed dramatically. He wanted to pass the sound but found that the spiritual thought was suppressed, so he retired and then said the situation in the temple. .

"Oh." The girl's eyes began to shine, looking at the people who were kneeling, she guessed the magical effect of this hall.

"It seems that this is a place dedicated to the cultivation of strength. Our luck is really good. Once we get this hall, the magic of our same level of the demon will be much more pure. In the same level, we can suppress human beings. With the big hall, human beings are even worse."

The middle-aged Mozu hesitated: "Then, this thing is so precious, Zi Yan is really willing to give us."

The face of the king has changed. In the end, she said, "Oh, don't give it, you just have to give it, you have to get it."

Suddenly a big drink came out from the temple. It was made by the purple sable, but it was not that he was baked by the flames. It was really unbearable.

At this moment, Ziyan is only five steps away from the token, but these five steps are like the end of the world.

Sweat is like a drop of water~www.readwn.com~ keep falling, and the purple scorpion is wet again.

"It's five steps." He gasped and looked at the token in front, trying to adjust his breathing.

After that, step forward.

At this moment, everyone seems to have reached the limit, even if they are unwilling, they can only give up, because if it is, the flame will completely ignite Yuan Dan in Dantian.

They looked at the purple eyes and watched the purple scorpion approaching the stone table step by step with great perseverance.

Every time I take a step, I need to adjust my preparation for a long time, but he is still moving forward.

Five steps, four steps, three steps, finally, the last two steps.

This time, Zixiao rested for a long time, and this stood up. Under the eyes of everyone, the purple scorpion took another step.

Stepping out, the purple scorpion legs are soft and almost fell.

A stone table is a step away.

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