Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 1139: Small town, **** doctor

In the morning, the sky was bright and the town of Washan was quiet.

Suddenly, the hurried footsteps sounded on a street in the town, and a panic voice broke the quiet atmosphere of the morning.

"Yao sister, open the door, save people."

A little girl, standing outside a pharmacy, slammed the wooden door hard. The little girl was only twelve or three years old, tied with two black and lovely little scorpions, her face full of tears, and her expression was very scared.

Behind the little girl, there is a stretcher. The stretcher is carried by four strong men, and the strong man lying on the stretcher is a strong man. The strong man was severely injured and his stomach was almost divided into two halves. They just handled the wound briefly and brought the person here with the advice of the little girl.

This pharmacy was opened a year ago. There is no name. There is only a pharmacy on the store. The boss is very young. It seems to be a lonely family. There is a beautiful and virtuous wife who is sitting in a carriage. Pulling the car is a strange but very majestic beast, and an old housekeeper follows.

The young boss and his beautiful wife will be medically skilled, and they are quite brilliant, and the fees are low. Although they only opened for a short period of one year, they soon became famous in Washan Town.

The wooden door slammed open, and the door opened was a beautiful woman in white. It was the proprietress who had a beautiful face. For example, the fairy was in the dust. For a year, the pharmacy business was hot. It is said that there is also a reason why the boss is too beautiful.

"Xiao Lin, what happened." The white woman asked the nervous little girl.

"Sister, Yao sister, I beg you to save me." Seeing the woman in white, the little girl slammed down to the ground, and the tears fell down the cheeks like rain.

The white woman looked up and saw the painful and strong man on the stretcher. The stretcher was placed on the ground for only a moment. The ground was already wet with blood. If it wasn’t for the physical fitness of the big man, I was afraid that it was already in a coma, but even so, The face of the brawny has been pale to bloodless.

"Xiao Lin, you get up first, you bring people in." Just talking, Su Mengyao signaled everyone to come in, and shouted at the back room: "People, hurry out, there are patients."

When the purple scorpion came out of the room, the brawny had been carried into the house, leaving a blood line on the ground.

"Chen brother, beg you to save me." The little girl cried.

The purple scorpion stepped forward to investigate the wounds of the strong man, and his brow was slightly wrinkled. He said: "The injury is very heavy. Although it is a little troublesome, but fortunately, it will be timely and will not be life-threatening."

Hearing Ziyan said that there will be no danger to his life. The other four big men are shocked, and the intestines are falling out. The blood can't stop. This is not serious, and it will not die.

This is a bragging, or a real doctor.

The thoughts of the four people are not known. He took a small scissors, cut open the wounds of the strong man, and saw the creepy intestines in the belly of the strong man.

Seeing this, the expression of Zi Yan has not changed. To be honest, as long as he is willing, even if the strong man is now mad, he can let him live.

Instead of sewing the wound, he opened the jade bottle, poured out the powder from it, and sprinkled it gently over the wound.

The powder is white, exudes a faint scent, inhaled into the nose and mouth, giving a feeling of coolness, the powder is sprinkled on the wound, and the wound of the strong man shrinks under the naked eye.

"The miracle is a miracle."

"What is this, the magic medicine."

"This is not a miracle, but a miracle."

Seeing that the wounds of his own boss were quickly crusting, the four strong men widened their eyes and witnessed the incredible scene in front of them. The mind was already shocked to the extreme.

The little girl no longer cried, widened her eyes, and looked excitedly at this magical scene.

After a bottle of powder, after a full half of the bottle, the blood of the strong man finally stopped, the wound was also in a crusting state, and the strong man fell asleep because of excessive blood loss.


Zi Yan breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat that did not exist on the forehead, and said: "Okay, I will give you some medicine, go back and wake up to let you drink, remember, don't touch the wound, recently these It is best not to move."

The little girl nodded again and again, Zi Yan returned to the table to prescribe medicine, and then personally grabbed a few herbs from the pill box behind him, wrapped it with a few pieces of hemp paper, and handed it to the little girl.

The little girl was very excited. After receiving the medicine, she even thanked me. Of course, I still did not forget to consult the doctor.

Zi Yan touched the little girl's head and said: "This time I saved people, but I took out all the medicinal powders of my ancestors, and consumed half of them. The medical consultation is naturally higher than usual, but you should go back and wait for you. After the injury, come back to me."

The little girl thanked again, then took the powder, and the four men carried the wounded and left.

Looking at the blood on the ground, Zi Yan yawned and said: "Trouble you to clean up, do not wake up, I will go to sleep."

Su Mengyao smiled and said: "Go, just give it to me."

The two lived in the town for more than a year. Although they have been sleeping together, they have not taken the last step. The two sides have known each other for hundreds of years and have spent several times in life and death. It is also natural, but unfortunately, this time it is not Ziyan’s unwillingness, but Su Mengyao’s practice is a combination of human and human beings, and before that, it must be ensured that the body is innocent and not filthy.

After staying in the town for a year, the two completely lived the life of ordinary people, eating, sleeping, taking care of the pharmacy business. Over time, they seem to have forgotten the identity of their monks.

After cleaning up the room, Xingdao Li, a highly competent butler, had already cooked up. After the meal was served, Xingdao Li protested: "I said that the young master, the business of our store is so hot, is it necessary to invite a few? It’s a good time to cook a laundry.”

After the washing was finished, Zi Yan went to the dinner table and smelled the delicious food. She was very satisfied with the cooking of Xing Dao Li. She immediately smiled and said: "This matter will be discussed later."

He said, he called Su Mengyao to come over to eat. As for the housekeeper of Xingdao Li, I am sorry that he did not have the qualification to go to the table. He could only stand on the sidelines and watch the purple eyes of the meal.

After the meal, the pharmacy opened the door, and the sable began to see the doctor. Of course, there are some sick brothers who are ill, and the eyes sneak into the room from time to time. If there are too many patients, Su Mengyao will come to help. These sons will immediately go to another a place.

For this phenomenon, Zi Yan just shakes his head and smiles.

The son of a small town in the town, the strength of one or two layers of truth, thinking of the cheaper of Su Mengyao.

Although I dare not say that this is a behavior to find death, but naturally it is no return, and each time Su Mengyao deliberately add fees, not cheap, but also broke the wealth, this is very helpless, I wish They are not as cheap as they think about taking advantage of Su Mengyao.

The pharmacy is open all day, closing at night, eating and sleeping.

Eat in the morning, open the door, see a doctor, eat at noon, see a doctor, close the door at night, eat and sleep.

This is the life of Zi Yan one day, but also his life for more than a year. Every day is circulating, repeating, it seems very boring, but the two do not think, on the contrary, the two still feel that this life is very warm, very warm .

Without the days of killing and killing, it makes the purple scent feel life easier.

On the third day, when I was having lunch, at the dinner table, Zi Yan suddenly said: "Five of the patients in these days are wounded. It is said that a fierce beast suddenly came out on Mount Wa, very strong, many hunters. Both were hurt, and several people died. During the period, several monks were invited to go, but they all died."

Su Mengyao put down the tableware and asked: "You are going to kill the beast."

Zi Yan shook his head and smiled. "Don't go, how can I have that leisure? We are coming to experience life. We must understand the rules from life. We are ordinary people. We have no time and no ability to manage it. But there are several herbs in the family. It’s almost gone, no one has sent it these days. I want to go up the mountain.”

Su Mengyao glanced at Zi Yan and smiled. He said, "Do not worry, it will be nice to give it to me at home."

In the past three days, no one was sent to the herbs. Ziyan decided to go to the mountains to pick medicine, but the pharmacy had just opened, and several strong men who took the knife came in.

"What are you doing." Seeing them coming to the forefront, Zi Yan asked a few steps back and made a vigilant look.

"God doctor, **** doctor." The brawny headed fell into the ground as soon as he came in.

This person is the wounded of the day, the father of the little girl.

"Xiao Lin, give the doctor a slap in the face." He said, the brawny holds the knife in one hand and pulls the little girl down.

"Wang brother, you hurry up, I am doing business, what are you doing here?" Zixiao recognized the strong man, and quickly stepped forward to pull the strong man.

The strong man lived opposite, drove a grocery store, and he was looked after by his wife on weekdays. The grocery store business was not very good, but he was barely able to make a living. As for his main identity, he was still a hunter. It is said to be the head of the hunting team. The two sides have seen several times before, not familiar with it, but it is called Xiao Lin's frequent come here, very familiar with the two.

"God doctor, you saved my life, saved the life of our family, let us give you a head." Wang surnamed Zhuanghan said, while the stubborn to give Zizhutou.

Behind the strong man, the other four are also kneeling, loudly: "The **** doctor saved the life of the boss, it is equivalent to saving our entire hunting team, we gave the doctor a slap."

These men are very straight. In a society full of darkness, such people are rare. I can't afford to see them, only let them lick a few heads.

"God doctor, to be honest, I used to look down on you. I always feel that you are a little white-faced son, and let Xiaolin not contact you, lest you be deceived. I didn't expect you to save my life this time." ”

Said, Wang surnamed Zhuanghan once again gimmick.

This time, Zi Yan did not stop, because he was very dissatisfied with the saying of the strong man, what is Xiaobai face son.

I am a purple sable, the whole Tianwu mainland, the famous purple sable.

Seeing the sullen look of Zi Zi, Su Mengyao grinned.

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