Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 1342: 5 layers on the periphery

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"King level combat skills: shooting."

"Sword kill."


A low-pitched burst of sound, from the open space, a strand of energy rising, shining brightly, releasing a strong breath, to the people of the city of Sibei.

At this moment, many levels of ‘door’ techniques appeared, and this squad of Sibei City saw the desperate ‘color’ on his face after seeing so many people knowing the king’s skills.

"Boom." "Boom." "Boom."...

A burst of energy explosions sounded one after another, and the horror 'waves' of one stock moved. The original open space had already had a huge pit in the violent energy, and there was a huge pit in the deep pit. It is not a complete body.

Combat... It ends in a very short time.

Then, it was a lot of lucky points floating from the deep pit, and everyone was assigned. As for the purple scorpion standing in the distance, there was no credit.

Looking at the fortunes of rising tokens, Wu Xie and others can't help but scream for ‘smart’ movements, which is celebrating their victory with king-level combat skills.

For this victory, everyone deliberately stayed in this area for a day, then drinking and baking ‘meat’ to celebrate.

The best purple enamel in the group of people who baked the 'meat' skill naturally became the coolie of everyone.

Next to a campfire, the blazing fire reflected 'shooting' the handsome face of Zi Yan. He was having a grilled 'meat' that didn't take a ride. Although it was cool, the treatment was good, and there were a few beside him. Bottle of good wine, of course... This wine is from the hand of the sable.

He is not only a coolie, but also a coolie who is squeezed by infinity.

The voice of Wu Xie and the singular stone can be heard in the ear. This evening is the voice of the two of them. The screaming of the screaming of the wine even overshadowed the snoring of the red-eyed pig demon.

Hearing the noise from his ear, Zi Yan shook his head and smiled. These people really know how to be self-satisfied, and they are happy to be like this.

The footsteps sounded from behind the purple scorpion. It was Wang Wei who came to the purple scorpion with a jug and then sat down next to the sable.

Just sitting down, Weiwei was rushing to the purple bottle to raise the bottle in his hand, and all the mouth was dried, throwing away the empty bottle, and then taking a new bottle from the sable.

"There is so much fun there, what are you doing here?" Zixiao smiled and drank a big mouth. When he put down the jug, there were some wine stains in his mouth.

"Thank you for your special intention." Weiwei smiled and had a touch of sensation in his eyes.

Not only is it necessary to thank you for your help, but you also want to thank you for your skill.

"I really want to thank me, I will have less trouble and drink. I can't make it easy." Zi Yan joked.

Although the two have long been familiar with, but the purple joke opened this joke still let the valve Wei slightly bowed.

"This is what I brought from Tianwu mainland. It belongs to the collection of treasures. It is out of print. You can drink one bottle and one bottle. When you save the province."

There was a surprise in the eyes of Wang Wei, and then he looked back at the hilarious people and said: "I said that this wine is different from the public. I thought it was a special product of Hupingcheng. I didn't expect it to come from another world. So I said Come, drink once and fear that there will be no second time, when you let go."

Then, the laughter of the two people sounded beside the campfire.

The laughter lasted for a long time, and the slowly fascinating **** 'color' gradually became dignified.

"Let's say, what's the matter." Zi Yan is still patiently flipping over the grilled 'meat'. He doesn't believe that Wang Wei is coming to him just for pure drinking. There are two beautiful ladies on the side to accompany a big man. We, how is this possible?

After a full moment, Weiwei slowly said: "This time we are deep, I am afraid that we should meet the war spirit. As we continue to deepen, the risk factor will increase greatly."

Zi Yan nodded, and he naturally knew this.

"The whole domain is a huge circle, you should know." Wang Wei suddenly turned and looked and asked.

Zi Yan nodded and still looked at the grilled ‘meat’ in front, saying: “I know some before coming.”

"Our people in Shuntianfu 108 City will appear on the periphery of this huge circle because of ranking, but the periphery is also divided into several levels, and there are points in the periphery, the top ranked cities, It appears in the very close to the inner circumference, while the lower ranking is on the outermost side, such as us."

The valve was overwhelmed, and he put down the jug that was about to be emptied. He said: "There are five floors in total, and each time there are 20 areas, in which there are 20 cities. People are stationed."

There are five floors on the first floor of twenty cities, which means that there are only one hundred cities.

Zi Yan quickly understood the meaning of Wang Wei and said: "What you mean is that the area we are about to enter is the fifth floor."

Valve Wei nodded and said: "Yes, it is about to enter the fifth floor, but also indicates that we have to meet the monks of the former 100 cities."

Although there was not much to say about Weiwei, Zijing still saw a thick worry from his eyes. He smiled and said: "Nothing, this is only one hundred. Our ultimate goal is inner circumference."

The relief of Zi Yan did not work. Wang Wei shook his head and said: "It’s just what we think in our inner circumference. In fact, the domain has opened several times, but our Luguangcheng’s predecessors entered the deepest place. It’s just to the third floor.”

Zi Yan asked strangely: "You Lu Guangcheng was not very high in the rankings, how could it only go to the third floor?"

"That is because the monks in each region will have a part of the depth, and some will stay in this area to kill those intruders, and kill them in layers, experience a battle of life and death, can reach the first The third floor is already very good."

For this, Zi Yan seems a bit unexpected, but I can understand it if I think about it.

Since murder can get lucky, why bother to go deeper.

It’s also good to stay in your own area to kill people and earn luck.

Of course, Zi Yan believes that such people are mostly extremely conservative guys, and those who want to rush into the world will only enter the depths.

Zi Yan patted the shoulders of Wang Wei and said: "Do not worry, we should be careful, just do what we can, right, if I have not guessed wrong, Yan Bocheng's ranking should be in the top 20. ”

"Yanbo City ranks eighty-three in Shuntian."

Purple eyes with a smile in the eyes of a smile, "83, such goods ‘color’, dare to come to our troubles, hope... we can meet, solve the grievances here.”

When the valve was heard, the face 'color' suddenly changed. "You have to go to the Yanbo City people."

Zi Yan corrected: "It should be said to go to revenge."

"People can't hide, you are still looking for trouble."

Zi Yan corrected again. "It is not to find trouble, it is revenge. Moreover, I have promised our city owners and people in the castle to kill all the people from Yan Bo City."

Wang Wei looked at the eyes of Zi Yan, as if he was watching a madman.

One hundred and eighty to find the trouble of eighty-three, in his view, the purple is indeed crazy.

On the second day, everyone went forward again.

Everything really, as Wang Wei said, about five days after the straight line, they reached another area.

As soon as they arrived in this area, everyone encountered a level of war.

Wu Xie and others seem to be very stimulating, and screaming one by one is rushing up.

Nowadays, they urgently need to learn from the first-class war spirits to verify whether the king-level combat skills are growing.

At the moment, the first-class war spirits have been unable to cause trouble for them, and almost everyone can fight.

The people almost fight each other and then spread out.

In front of Zi Yan is a very indifferent war spirit. The other hand holds a dark sword. Although the sword is also used, his attack is more flexible and faint. It seems that the other party is comprehending. The first-class middle-class king-level combat skills.

Zi Yan observes each movement of the opponent's attack, and the spirit is quickly recorded, while gradually verifying his own level of the first-class master class combat skills.


When she notices that the other party has no other changes, the sable is holding the knife and killing directly toward the other side.

Still a dagger.

Only so far, no one can give a real grade of the beast.

However, after the valve is seen, it is a guess. The grade of the dagger should be the one at the first level.

Of course, just to see the speculation after the power of the moment, as for the real rating evaluation, you need to know the purple 宸 to break through the domain.

Unsurprisingly, the front of the war is killed by the sable.

Just killing the war, Zi Yan is seeing someone rushing to his side, is Wang Jun.

"Purple, not good, I found some humans." Wang Jun shouted far away.

Human beings here mean enemies, but Ziyan hears not only is not nervous, but seems to be a little excited, just listen to him and then ask: "How many people, they found that you did not."

"The number is unknown. I caught up after I saw someone. As for the trace... I think it should be discovered." Wang Jun Shen ‘吟’ said.

Who knows, after hearing the singer, not only did he not blame him for being careless, but he also laughed and said: "Well, let other people come back together. If these people don't do it to us, we will treat each other with courtesy if they first shot. Then we will naturally be welcome."

Wang Jun will look suspiciously at Zi No matter how he looks, how do you feel the expression of Zi Yan at this moment seems to be that these people will do it to them.

Just when Wang Jun was going to call other people back, he saw Zi Zi directly took out a signal and then released it to Tianzhu.

A blast came out, and there was a smoke ‘flower’ bloom in the sky.

This is indeed effective in bringing people together, but in this case, isn’t it a violent ‘show’ identity?

Sure enough, the original intention of the purple scorpion is to fight.

And Wang Jun feels that Zi Yan wants to fight so much, and feels that the lucky value is accumulated by himself. It is too slow.

Next, Wu Xie and others came back. After learning that human beings were discovered, these guys who had mastered the king-level combat skills seemed to be very motivated, and they rushed to come and practice with them.

For these militants, Wang Jun appears to be speechless.

And when everyone gathered for a short time, there was a sound of breaking through the distance.

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