Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 1505: slave

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This is a very unique town surrounded by tall, thick walls that are large in size.

Entering the town, many alien war spirits saw the group of people who were purple, did not show the hostility they deserved, and did not have the greed that the former Ziyan and others felt, and they all looked very proud.

Now, a low-level alien warrior, because he was blinded by the rough stone, was angered and walked over.

It seems that I am planning to teach the rough.

The sable is very strange, and there is no action to stop the low-level warfare.

The other party came to the barren three meters to stop, an angry face with a touch of disgust, he pointed to the pretty stone, cold voice: "You, give me a knee."

"What." Pretty stone, like watching an idiot look at this deadly low-level war.

"Give me a sire, I don't want to repeat the second time." The low-level war, the cold words, and the anger, as if the act of stone, is the greatest insult to him.

I thought this guy was purely dead, but I can see it again. I found that this is not the case. This guy is a pure fool.

Then the stone turned back and looked at the purple people.

Zi Yan and others, do not understand why the low-level warfare is so arrogant, can only smile.

"I still dare to laugh, you humble human life, even dare to laugh in front of this adult, kneel down, give me all the time, I have to look at it, you like this, I will not let your master You are alive." The low-level warfare of the aura of the war, and turned to the target on everyone.

The eyes of Zi Yan and others have changed. They have heard some doorways and guessed that it is enough to prove that the other party is not a fool.

"Humble humans, get out of my way."

Suddenly, a rage rang from a distance, it was a carriage, trying to get out of the town.

Zi Yan and others turned back and saw the carriage, and the pupil could not help but shrink.

Similarly, the old people who saw this scene outside, the face has also changed.

It is true that the carriage is not wrong, but it is not a horse, not a strange animal, but a human being, a real human being.

However, the human being seems to have undergone some transformation, like a beast, with both hands on the ground, a reins on the neck, and some fine fluff on the body, which looks like a kind of monk.

It seems that it is not human, but how sensitive the people are, immediately from their body, perceive the blood of human beings.

These are human beings, but they have undergone some transformation and are now the beasts of pulling carts.

A large car, full of sixteen people pulled, sitting in the car with a different ethnic warrior, holding a long whip in his hand, a little careless, long whip fell, making a creaking sound.

And these human beings have no eyes, like a living walking dead.

"How could this be."

Seeing this scene, the look of Zi Yan and others immediately changed.

Humans, how can this world have human beings?

Moreover, why do humans become like this.

The heavy hammer followed the team and his face became very ugly.

There can be no human beings here, but now there are such strange humans, so there is only one explanation.

"It’s the human being who came here. They didn’t come back, some died, some might be captured. These strange humans should be transformed with their blood.” The old man explained this explanation. Make the weight of the hammer tremble.

It seems that it is not a coincidence that the appearance of human beings seems to want to tell Zi.

Next, more and more human beings appeared in the town that gradually became more and more lively.

There are strange humans who pull the car, and there are people who look a little normal, who are helping the warring businessmen, and some people who are moving stones and doing coolies... but no matter what kind of human being, they play The roles are the lowest slave roles.

During the war, there will be some war spirits, and they will slap hands on humans for no reason, and then provoke the laughter of other war spirits around.

In the town, there are many human beings, all of whom are slaves.

Zi Yan and others, seeing this result, is a bit dumbfounded.


A flying leather whip came out of the air and landed on the face of the purple sable. A white mark appeared.

I saw the warrior's angry and angry road: "Humble human beings, slaves, licking your dog's eyes, didn't see this adult going out, not hurrying to both sides."

The purple scorpion was awake by the whip. He touched his cheek and asked with a cold smile: "What do you say, let us get to both sides."

The alien warriors of the original low realm, after seeing the carriage, stopped talking. At this moment, after hearing the question of Zi Yan, he said proudly: "I have seen your dog's eyes and did not see the town in the carriage." The son of a grown-up man, let him go quickly, and the son is happy, maybe he will buy you and enter the mayor’s house."

The coachman heard this sentence and his expression became more and more proud.

"The war will also have children." Zi Yan was not angry, but asked.

"It's not a birth, it's a birth, it's gestating, it absorbs the vitality of human beings, it gives birth to a life, and you don't understand." Seeing the delay of human beings, the driver was angry.

"I don't understand." Zi Yan shook his head and his expression had become indifferent.

"Kill them, and then ask who their masters are, I want to kill all his human slaves. This kind of unopened thing dares to block my way." There was a cold voice in the carriage.

At this moment, the things here have already triggered the attention of other war spirits around.

Many alien warriors came forward and put on a look of good looks. As for those human beings, they did not dare to carry them one by one, such as walking dead.

The anger has been unable to suppress, and the stone stepped forward and asked: "What should I do now?"

The purple scorpion took a deep breath and pressed the anger and said: "Things must be done one by one, first kill the three guys and then get here."

"it is good."

The stone nodded and plunged directly toward the cart.

Wolf Wei is not willing to show weakness, and keeps up.

Wu Xie is rushing to the low-level warfare that is not inferior.

The humans dare to resist, which makes all the war spirits unexpected, so that everyone is stunned.

"court death."

The driver said with a sigh, and the whip in his hand trembled again, like a dragon, and called toward the stone.

The whip came, and the stone grabbed it, and then pulled it hard, then the driver flew over.

Bruce shot, twisting the other's neck, like holding a chicken.

"Humble humans, you dare to commit the following, you are finished." The driver is still struggling, his face is angry, and there is no horror.

It seems that here, the status of human beings is so low that the spirit of the war has forgotten the truth of the strong.


An energy came out of the hands of the rock and entered the body of the war. This power madly destroyed the vitality of the war.

The body of the warrior, the soft underarms, the fullness of the pain, but no longer can not say a word.

This scene happened so quickly that everyone just stunned and waited for the response. The rough stone has brought people back.

Wu Xie and Wolf Wei are not slow at all. They dragged the three warriors to the front of the purple scorpion, and then squatted in front of the purple sable, and Zi Zi looked at the three indifferently.

"you you……"

The low-level war spirit, from the purple scorpion, felt a strong murder, he looked terrified, and his face had no previous pride.

But the war spirit, known as the son, is looking at the eyes of the dead, staring at the purple, "Dare to move me, you are finished, not only you are going to die, but even your master will die, but also because of your reasons. All human slaves here will suffer."

Zi Yan looked at the son of the son, smiled and said: "Is not seen now, you have not seen it, I have no master."

The son of a son, said: "Without the owner, this is impossible. Tell you, here is the starry sky. Every human being appears, there will be your own master, you..."

Suddenly, his face changed a lot and he remembered something about human beings.

It is said that every other long time, other human beings will come to the starry sky. These human beings have good combat power, and the purpose of coming is to destroy this world.

This rumor has always been regarded as a joke in the starry world, because the alien warfare does not put humanity in the eye.

But it is undeniable that the human beings who suddenly came, each has a weak combat power.

The son's face changed greatly. I didn't expect that I was so unlucky and I encountered such a group of humans.

As for the driver, the alien warrior with the low realm is even more scared.

There were horror colors on the faces of the three people.

"Despicable humans have rebelled and went up to kill them."

"Whose slave is this, it is not good to discipline, but dare to rebel."

"First kill these slaves and go to his master."

"The one who is the son of the mayor's family, save the son first."

In the twinkling of an eye, three people were restrained, and they were still in front of the humans they thought were the most despicable. The other alien warriors were also angry. They roared and took out their weapons, trying to get rid of the purple scorpion.

There was a sneer sly on his face, and he turned back and indifferently swept a group of alien warriors who clamored for sorrow. In his eyes, Senran murdered.

A long knife with a scabbard appeared in his hand. He held the scabbard in his left hand and placed his right hand on the shank and pulled the knife directly.


The crispy sheathing sounds, and a knife-like knives flash.

The knife light appeared, and it was dazzling. Many of the heroes of this light map couldn’t help but close their eyes.

The light is too glaring.

The knife light that appeared, instantly turned into a nine, like an open folding fan, swept away toward the front.

The knife went ahead and covered more than ten people.

puff. ""puff. ""puff. "...

More than a dozen people who were swept away by the knife and blood, and shrouded by the knife, were stopped by the waist and plundered.

The long knife is returned to the sheath, and within the scope of the knives, there is an open area.

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