Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 1546: Unraveler

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In the eyes of the little girl, there was a lot of curiosity. There was no panic and fear from beginning to end. It is obvious that she is still unclear about what will happen next.

Standing on the foothills of the distance, Zi Yan saw the two entered the pool.

The ending purple scorpion has long been expected, he is quiet, like everyone else, waiting quietly.

During the period, some people guessed the identity of the girl. Some people said that they were the daughters of tall men. Others said that they were maids. Others said that they were small baboons. There were all kinds of speculations, but no one guessed that the woman was the object of sacrifice. It is a person who is going to die.

The tall man is destined to return without success, and then Zi Yan will plan a beautiful future for himself, or for the dumb woman.

Surrounded by the surrounding, no one can easily step into the water pool, and even within a square kilometer, no other human beings are allowed to enter.

In addition to the tall man and a girl, Dong Qing followed suit into the water pool. About a quarter of an hour later, a sturdy force emerged from the bottom of the pool, and a large water column was shot from the pool.

There was an angry roar with the water column.

The water column spread out over the scorpio, and it fell like a lazy, but it was like a heavy rain.

The rain fell, and there were two more people on the edge of the pool.

One is a tall man, the other is Dong Qing, and as for the girl, it is missing.

The tall man who had been red-faced with a little excitement at the moment, but his face was gloomy at the moment, but he was dripping out of water. Behind him, Dong Qing looked down and dared not even out.

A few kilometers apart, everyone can still feel the oppressive atmosphere released by the tall man. The face of the purple scorpion is the same as everyone else. After feeling the repressed atmosphere, there has been a drastic change.

"Five heavens, there must be five heavens."

Zi Yan’s heart is bitter, telling himself to be careful and careful.

In the Netherworld, he can strike a smashing of the existence of a five-fold domain. He wins the domain world and wins it. In this place, Zi Yan has no confidence to kill a domain five. Strong.

"Go back to the news and say that the lead is invalid, it is fake." The tall man said quietly.

Dong Qing took the lead and left. The tall man’s cold eyes cast his eyes on the distance, and his mind was reminiscing about the battle that took place in Zhou’s foreign capital twelve years ago.

It is said that it was a battle to clear the portal. At the beginning, he was a long distance from the battle. He saw a man named Zhou Tong. He was a Zhou family and he was an elder. It is said that he did not know why he would turn out Zhou Jia. When a family of four fled, they were discovered and a big battle followed.

In that battle, Zhou Jia dispatched a lot of strong people and also degraded many strong people, but eventually killed the elder Zhou Tong, and also killed his daughter-in-law, and the little girl survived.

Seeing him in the first battle, it was very strange at the time, why the three men were so powerful, but the little girl did not have the strength, it was a pure mortal.

More strangely, why did they clean up the portal, and after killing three people, they did not kill the mortal girl.

On that day, his identity as a guest went one step further and became the door of Zhou’s door. He became a person in Zhou’s eyes.

The next day, he saw the mortal little girl and knew the secrets.

In the next twelve years, he left the Zhou family with a little girl and began a journey of looking for special energy fluctuations for twelve years.

In order not to attract attention, he was extremely careful about this matter, and he did not dare to make a big deal, but it has been fruitless for twelve years.

Until a while ago, a senior in Zhou’s master of calculus had a message, and he learned about the approximate position, and then began to look for the energy fluctuations with great fanfare.

But who can think of this, a very small number of people who know and have kept the secret of twelve years, and who have guarded for twelve years, turned out to be fake.

This is whether Zhou Jia got it wrong or was involved in the calculation.

The tall man can't figure it out and can't figure it out.

After completing this task, although he can't say one step to the sky, the future in Shuntian is definitely bright.

What's more, he has worked hard for this for twelve years, and he is going to succeed, but it is a failure.

His heart is unwilling.

Retired everyone, he was alone in the water pool and dazed, Dong Qing was to convey the message.

Zi Yan and other realities stand on the distant peaks. He does not have the intention to have only one person left in the pool. On the contrary, he is more willing to face a group of people than a five-fold domain.

Since the other side is sitting at the waterhole, then the purple scorpion has to wait, because after quietly releasing the spiritual thoughts, he perceives that the tall man seems to be careless, but has already filled the spirits all around.

The other party is so cautious, not because of the sable, but in the prevention of the surrounding areas that are hidden in reality.

Recently, these domains are just around the corner.

The tall man looked at the pool of water and suddenly stayed in his eyes, suddenly a flash of light flashed in his eyes, raising his hand to make an energy.

The energy blasts on its left side, and a figure appears.

This person has the strength of a dual domain, but after his body shape appears, his face changes immediately, and he is prepared to flee.


An icy drink came out from the mouth of the tall man, and then a world of the realm emerged, forcing the double domain to be shrouded. Then, a boxing man appeared, hitting the double domain with greatly reduced speed.

His domain world was smashed with a punch and powerful power poured into his body.

The body of the dual domain began to shine, and then exploded.

The energy oscillates and the double domain is dead.

Surrounded by a dead silence.

This is the first time in a few days that I dared to try to get close to the watershed. This person thinks that the hidden means are brilliant, but it is obvious that the tall man with high realm has a higher skill.

This scene shocked the other guys who were ready to try.

Zi Yan’s heart is annoyed. This thing that doesn’t know how to live and die, even the five-fold domain can’t do anything. You’re going to make fun of it, and now it’s even worse.

After observing for a few days, the guy, besides Dong Qing, obviously does not believe anyone. At this moment, one person alone guards the water pool. With the strength of the five-fold domain, there is no other way than the many monks attacking.

Fortunately, Aster is also very patient.

This news was quickly passed to the mysterious Zhou family.

After the person who was in charge of the matter heard about the things in Dong Qing’s news, the accident was angry again.

I thought I killed Zhou Tong, but I didn't expect it to be put together by Zhou Tong.

"Emotions should not be too radical, and the bell must be tied to the bell." Just as the principal was furious, a voice suddenly sounded.

"I still hope that my ancestors will be confused." The man respectfully squatted in the hall.

"The bell is in the area, and you can find it carefully."

After saying this, the voice disappeared.

After the slightest glimpse of the principal, he understood the meaning of the sentence and then conveyed the order: "Zhou Tong must not die, the introduction must be by his side, go find it, find it quickly."

The expedited news was quickly passed to Dong Qing, who returned to the water pool after seven days.

Dong Qing whispered a few words at the tall man's ear, and the latter nodded.

"This area is not big, it is not small, and it is easy to find two people who have been hidden for 12 years." The tall man smiled bitterly.

Dong Qing stood by, bowed his head and said nothing.

"Commanded, use all the power, go to the dumb of this area." After a moment of indulgence, the tall man commanded.

Dong Qing’s eyes lit up and instantly understood the meaning of the adult.

Dong Qing left, this time he took away dozens of domains.

Then, a huge reward was spread in this area, and the reward was to find a dumb.

Dumbs do not distinguish between men and women. As long as one is found, it will reward 10,000 pieces of reality.

This reward is huge.

So in this area, a time has formed a storm of catching dumb.

Because it is useless to provide clues alone, you have to see the talent line.

During the arrest process, some normal people became dumb and were forcibly taken to the receiving place.

Two days later, Dong Qing saw too many dumbs, but he was not the person he was looking for, and many of them were cut off from their tongues.

The tall man had to release a reward again, as long as the mortal was dumb.

As a result, on the second day, there were many more mortals who were abolished.

After the crazy slashing of these swindlers, the third reward was re-issued.

As long as the mortal female is dumb, there are elderly people next to them.

With the lessons of the past, this time it was too little to deceive. It took only half a month to narrow the target to two. After another day, the spearhead pointed to the tavern.

Dong Qing went to the tavern to investigate and found that the entire pub was covered with a strong atmosphere, and there was no one they were looking for.

After asking the guys, they couldn’t tell where the boss was, just saying that they had left some time ago.

In addition, Dong Qing also learned that in addition to the two grandsons, there is also a ugly ugly follower, it is that ugly, one shot killed Moss.

The atmosphere outside the tavern, Dong Qing feels a little guilty, he is afraid of playing the grass and stunned, no matter how much it is turned back.

"You are sure where they are still After listening to Dong Qing's report, the tall man looked at Dong Qing and asked.

"I'm not sure, but with my perception and insight, I suspect that the whole pub is a complicated big array, there is a killing array and a magical array." Dong Qing hesitated, not sure.

"The old man, who was able to deceive everyone in the past, even I lied, naturally there are two sons, but even if the old man did not die, the calculations should have paid a lot of money in the past, not afraid, but the ugly, can Boxing Mossiu, I just used the power of the flesh, but it was a bit interesting. I thought about it when I finished this matter and went to see what strange things he had. I didn’t expect it to be wrong. He actually followed This matter is related, so just go and see."

Said, tall man got up and left the pool, Dong Qing walked in front of the road.

The two left, and a number of domains came up again to protect the pool.

After careful design several times before and after, I finally waited for the chance of the purple scorpion, and did not hesitate to leave the mountain. In a secluded place, his figure disappeared and concealed in the void.

In the concealment, Zi Yan went straight to the pool,

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