Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 1575: Purple world

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Black inflammation died, but the devil was also seriously injured.

Although the black inflammation finally received strength, but the previous collision, both have suffered a minor injury.

If it was not the previous confrontation, under the influence of the soldiers, the power of the last strike of the two men must be destroyed.

The devil held a half-length rifle and sat slowly on the ground. He looked at the black body in front of him, his face full of grief.

The purple cicada appeared not far away, and the complex looks standing there, not coming forward.

The eyes of the devil are full of recollections. It seems to be recalling the scene that met with black inflammation many years ago. Unfortunately, he did not speak and did not share the past with the purple.

Zi Yan wants to ask about the origin of black inflammation. I want to ask who was sent by black inflammation, but I opened my mouth, but there is no opening.

It doesn't make sense and doesn't make any sense.

Even if he knows how it can be, he can't even beat a black inflammation. Even if he knows who is behind him, he is also looking for trouble.

"Predecessors, let's go." Standing in the same quarter of an hour, I don't see any movements in the devil, and the purple eyes can't help but open.

"I won't leave, let's go." The devil said faintly.

"Go, you can't go!" A cold voice suddenly sounded in this open space.

Then, a figure appeared.

This is a middle-aged man, wearing a battle armor, appearing out of thin air, coldly sweeping the purple cicada and the devil, and then his eyes fell on the dead black inflammation.

"This waste is really natural and anti-bone, and it is not enough to make a mistake!"

Hearing this disrespectful words, the purple face is expressionless, and the devil is also a smile. Looking at the nine-fold domain, he sneers: "If he is still alive, you are afraid that he will not even breathe in the air."

The middle-aged face changed and his face was full of anger.

The purple scorpion is very speechless, and the nine-fold domain is second only to the existence of the landlord. This kind of person is placed in the city of one hundred and eight, and there is no problem in mixing the city owners.

This is definitely a big man on the top, and it is difficult for ordinary people to see one side.

But today, this kind of existence is like the cabbage, there are three.

The devil looked at the middle-aged man and sneered: "Although I have been injured, it is definitely not the case that you can kill it. If you are interested, please call everyone else."

The middle-aged man's face has become more and more ugly, but he can become a nine-fold domain, naturally not a reckless generation.

The next moment, there was a figure beside him.

Zi Yan quietly looked at these people until they all appeared.

There are four in the eight-fold domain and eight in the seven-fold domain. Together with the previous nine-fold domain, there are a total of thirteen.

The Jiuzhong domain is already the peak of the domain. This level is placed in Shuntian, and it is definitely the top force.

Therefore, the number of these top forces is also very limited, and casually one person will cause concern.

For example, the magical order disappeared out of thin air, and it has already caused a shock in Shuntian.

Once too many fields are dispatched, it will inevitably attract the attention of other forces.

Take this time, the Ziwei six-person team went out of the city, and there were only five seven-fold domains, which still attracted the attention of some forces.

And before you look at it, there are nine, eight, and seven heavy ones. It is impossible for their team to go out of Shuntian without any notice.

They can appear here, naturally there are other channels, but this channel can not provide more manpower.

Therefore, these thirteen people are already the limit.

The thirteen people of this limit, the magical order of the last serious injury, plus a wounded six-fold purple sable, can have an 80% chance of winning.

Of course, this is not counted as the Thunder sacred beast. If the sable is added to the Thunder sacred beast, the two sides can have five or five chances to win.

All the people appeared, and the atmosphere was naturally smashed.

Although it has not yet started, it is a matter of time.

After seeing the situation, Zi Yan was rushing to the front of the magic ring and said: "Predecessors, the boy has a very fast speed, he will leave first. As for this, he will be handed over to his predecessors!"

Not waiting for the devil to answer, Zi Yan turned and ran, it was called a simple.

And a group of thirteen people, immediately dumbfounded.

You must know that when the Lord faced the aliens, he even dared to catch up with him, and he must kill and kill the aliens.

But the devil clearly saved him, but he went to the devil.

The devil smirked and did not care about the escape of the purple scorpion.

"Catch!" The nine-fold domain was low and gave a low voice.

The other 12 people turned and chased, and soon disappeared at the end of everyone's sight.

The territory of the nine-fold look at the magic sneer: "Good calculations, but what can you do, you think that we are coming, there is no preparation?"

The devil asked faintly: "What preparation?"

"Prepare the speed of the purple scorpion!" Jiuzhong domain self-channel: "At the beginning of the war, we also saw that the speed of the Lei family is really terrible, claiming that the first thing in the world is not exaggerated. But as long as he suppressed his speed He is like a toothless tiger, and he will die!"

The devil looked up and looked at the nine-pointed and said: "So, you have already prepared, naturally it is impossible to suppress by speed, should it be other methods?"

“The space here has been transformed by our joint efforts. This is the place of death specially built for the purple scorpion.” The nine-fold domain is self-channel.

"I understand, it seems that the purple is dangerous." After that, the devil directly closed his eyes.

The nine-fold domain is cold and cold, and the death of the purple scorpion is already a matter of nailing on the board. Now the devil has closed his eyes, apparently in healing, and has begun to consider for himself.

However, the Jiuzhong area is also happy, even now, he still has no confidence to kill the serious injury, but he can wait, wait for others to come back.

You must know that the purple scorpion with a group of people can kill the eight-fold aliens, and the thirteen of them naturally consume the deadly and severely wounded.

The two were so quiet.

The purple scorpion that fled at a very fast speed quickly realized that the speed was suppressed, but he was not surprised, but only some accidents, and a smile on his lips.

He did not intend to escape at all.

The rear chasing soldiers were getting closer and closer to the purple sable, and the sables could hear their smirk, so he smiled coldly and drilled toward the front.

Just in front, there is a glowing space channel, like a transmission channel.

"No, he opened up a transmission channel!"

When a few people saw this scene, they also shouted and accelerated again.

Twelve people finally entered the space channel before it was closed.

But it is very different from the imagination. This is not a transmission channel, but a world.

The world, with its abundant five elements, has the power of heaven and earth, and many rules and forces, they are combined to form a perfect world.

Zi Yan is in this world, laughing at twelve people, "Welcome to my domain world."

“This is your domain world?” The look of the twelve people is constantly changing.

"If the fake exchange!" Zixiao laughed.

"How about that, do you think that this will kill us?" Eightfold domain cold road.

"There are all visitors in the distance, saying that some of the killings and killings are more hurtful. You, everyone, I will take you to visit my world of the real world. There must be something you can’t expect." With.

"Hey, is it difficult to have a void tree?" Another eight-fold domain is cold.

Zi Yan single-handedly moved toward the void, only to see the space there began to oscillate, followed by a small tree rooted in the void, Zi Yan chuckled: "You, this thing in your eyes, may be very precious. Can be I am here, but even Chinese cabbage is not as good. Why is this? Because there is no Chinese cabbage in my world, but there are many empty trees."

Everyone heard it, and my heart was amazed. Some people sneered at it, but in the next moment, they widened their eyes and opened their mouths, looking at the surging void.

I saw that between the voids, one after another, the empty tree appeared. Under visual inspection, the number was no less than twenty.

Each of the Void Trees is known as an invaluable treasure, but there are more than 20 strains here.

Everyone's eyes were shining, and the breath was followed.

"You, my world, the current diameter of three million meters, equivalent to 60,000 miles in diameter, do not want to see, what is there in my 60,000-mile world?"

Under the temptation of Ziyan's words, everyone is also heart-warming.

You know, even in this world, they still have the confidence to kill the purple. Because they also have a world of the world, although the area is not larger than the purple, but the power contained in it is more powerful.

Everyone is silent, and silence represents the suggestion of Zi Yan.

Then Zi Yan walked toward the front, and twelve people followed.

The world of the purple scorpion is no longer the same as before. It is nothing but a lot of things.

Such as some towering peaks, such as a river, there is a thick tree.

These are not the deliberate intentions of the purple scorpion, but the evolution of the five elements of the rules.

From the current point of view, these are the most common things, but when the world is big, some of these common things may evolve some spiritual things.

The golden sun is shining, and it shines on everyone's body. Between the two, everyone has an illusion, as if they are really in the real world.

The purple sighed slightly: "My world is still expanding, but it is a pity that there is no evolutionary birth."

"Your world can also evolve its own souls? So, these things are self-evolving?" An eight-fold domain heard a surprise.

"Of course, or else who will be bored with these ordinary things in it." These things are too common, usually to the place of the war-torn continent, but also need to be deliberately sought.

The mountain is the most common. There are no veins in it, no other special rocks, no living things in the water, and trees are the most common in the mortal world.

The faces of the twelve people have changed. If these things evolved on their own, they are like the evolution of the legendary new world.

These are the first things, and once the birth of the spirit, then this creature is the most primitive existence of the world, once the soul learns to practice, it will be the first strong in the world.

As in the current war-fighting continent, there are some special existences, and the combat power is so powerful that it is hard to imagine. For example, those higher lives are said to be the first creatures that emerged when the world evolved.

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