Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 1642: Change in the list

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Because of the defeat of the alien golden lions and the escape, the entire alien army lost its military power and completely collapsed. They no longer attacked the defending city in vain, but fled to the Dax plains around the city.

During this period, the rear humans have been chasing after.

Because all the nine weights are pinned down, or just escaping, no one cares about sable, so in the process of chasing, the sable is like a fish, and it’s a pleasure to kill.

His contribution point is growing rapidly.


The cold screams, the silver pike pierces into the heart of an alien, and then the pike begins to swallow, feedback energy, the severely consumed purpura, the body energy is instantly replenished.

Seeing that human consumption is huge, I feel that it is hopeful to kill. Other aliens who have gradually moved closer to Ziyan have seen these scenes dumbfounded and turned and ran.

Zi Yan smiled coldly, took the knife and pulled the knife, and another perfect knife circle crossed.

This pursuit, has been chasing the Plains of the Plains, on the way to escape, the alien army can be described as a heavy casualty, humans swept away the previous grievances, killing is very happy.

However, I went to the site of the aliens again, so the army stopped here, but there are still some humans who are chasing them in.

The situation has stabilized, and if it goes on, it may suffer losses. Xu Hou takes people back and goes to the city of Huangtian.

The old man of Sink got the news to close the big guards, and the big troops entered the city.

At the moment, the living human beings are left in the city. They gather together and witness the arrival of the human army.

Xu Hou, who was headed, came over and looked at the crowd. He nodded and said, "It's good."

Xu Hou's body, invisibly released tremendous pressure, this pressure fell on the seven heavy body, let them have a sense of suffocation, at this moment I heard Xu Hou's praise, they not only did not feel proud, but even the nervous atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

"I heard that your leader is called Zi Yan, which is." Xu Hou said indifferently.

"Opening the adults, the purple scorpion leader is not here." Shuntiandao said.

"Go and ask him to come and see me." Xu Hou said indifferently.

"He went out to hunt and kill the aliens, and he hasn't returned yet." Shun Tiandao responded faintly, and this time there was no politeness in the words.

"Yeah." Xu Hou brows slightly wrinkled, his eyes sweeping toward the heavens. "This is your attitude."

A huge pressure emerged, and Shuntian Road snorted, stepping back two steps, his face turned white.

The list exists, and it is really strong.

Those who are close to the heavens are also under great pressure.

"We have hundreds of deaths and injuries and laid down the city of the royal sky. Is this what we deserve?" Shuntian Road said with pressure and indifferent.

"You have laid it." Xu Hou glanced at the heavens, and his mouth flashed a slap in the face. "There is a share of everyone in the city. As for the seven little guys, you still feel that you have a great credit. Don't forget, who provided your things."

Shuntiandao, but can not say a word, things are provided by the people of the Emperor Tiantian, this is only true, but only some refined weapons, the main blessing effects, can be attached to the purple.

If it were not for the city, they would not be able to launch an attack in advance.

In this way, there will be no hundreds of casualties, not to mention, with purple eyes, they can also be self-sufficient, and it doesn't make sense to fight the city.

But now it’s good, and the death and injury have taken down the city, but it’s gotten like this.

"There is no right or wrong in the battlefield, no grievances, only life and death, only obedience." The eyes swept to these seven little guys, Xu Hou coldly said: "Call me to see me after I came back, of course, if he died outside, I didn't say it, then, you have to re-assemble and resist the aliens."

After that, Xu Hou smiled ridiculously. "It’s just killing a few aliens, but I think I have a lot of credit."

Is it a few aliens?

For the nine-fold aliens, Zizi almost put their lives on their own.

Hundreds of people are full of anger, but in the face of a strong power gap, they are not allowed to speak.

As for other monks who came with Xu Hou, they all looked at Shuntiandao and others.


Suddenly, the whole city trembled a little, which made everyone's face change, thinking that the aliens invaded again.

A dazzling golden light appeared from somewhere in the city of Emperor, and the golden light illuminates the whole city.

Looking at the golden light source, many of the seven faces have a confused color. They are almost the first time to come to the city of the Emperor, and they don’t know what is in the city.

Among the crowd, Wharton’s eyes flashed, and he exclaimed: “It’s the place where the list is the best.”

Wharton no longer cares about the other, directly flew to the top of the list.

Shuntiandao and others are also curious and follow Wharton.

Then more people rushed over.

After the 1000th place, Xu Hou has not changed since the 1000th place, Xu Hao has been in the position of the millennium. At this moment, the towering stone list is distributed with golden light, and some people must enter the list.

The most likely, it is to squeeze into the hundredth, squeeze the name of Xu Hou.

In the usual, those eight or nine heavy may not care, now they kill seven, even a contribution point will not grow, naturally will not care about the seven-fold list.

But Xu Hou was present today, and the list change is most likely to be the name of Xu Hou, which makes everyone very curious, so they have swept away to the list of the local soldiers.

The tall military list can be seen far away. On weekdays, this is a dark list. Only the above handwriting is golden, but today, the whole list exudes dazzling golden light.

Among the golden light, it is a name that represents a strong existence. The first one is Longfei, and the golden handwriting is dazzling.

After that, a name was arranged down, in the hundredth position, it was Xu Hou.

Xu Hou’s current contribution point is 7500, and his name is still in the 100th, and he has not fallen.

Looking at the list of the unrestricted squadrons, everyone is puzzled. Since the rankings have not changed, why the list shines golden.

Xu Hou stood in the distance, his face was a bit gloomy. He knew that it was not that the military list had not changed, but that time had not arrived.

"It should be him." After closing the moat, the old man of Sink went straight here and looked forward to the list.


The list of the squadrons was trembled again, and the golden light shining on the list became more and more flamboyant. Only this time, all of the ninety-nine names converge. Only the name of Xu Hou is still golden.

Xu Hou's two words, Jin Guangzhen, dazzling.

This represents the glory of the past, even if it is about to disappear at this moment, still shining with the golden light, telling people the glory of the past.

But Xu Hou does not think so, he thinks this is a shame.

Under the golden light, Xu Hou’s name disappeared, and Jin Guang also converges until it disappears.

The next moment, the golden light re-emerged, brightened by dimness, and finally dazzled, representing another shining star.

A new name appears in the golden light, purple.

The front is the word Zi Zi, followed by the contribution point, 7500.

Just a little difference, squeezed down Xu Hou.

"Look, it’s purple."

"The sable leader."

"The leader of the Purple Skull is on the list, and the list of the genius."

A burst of cheers broke out in the crowd

Enter the list of the genius, which represents honor, the highest honor.

Some people who have the heart, know the name of the crowd, just after the adult, but also deliberately raised the voice of cheers.

"Haha, who said that the purple scorpion leader is dead, is this not good to live, but also entered the military list of one hundred." Pretty stone laughs, while the eyes are swept away to Xu Hou, the latter's face is somewhat ugly.

"A new generation of new people for the old man, haha, a rising star." Fog hidden smile.

Next to Xu Hou, a nine-pointer coldly said: "There is only a little contribution from the district. At best, this little guy is lucky."

"Yes, it’s just a lucky little guy."

Others nod, Xu Hou's ugly face gradually eased.

On the list, the golden light gradually began to converge, but the name of the purple enamel is still golden and flaming.

Just entering the list, I saw the name behind him, and contributed points, even increased again.

Originally it was 7500, but it increased by 100 points in an instant and became 7600.

Subsequently, this number is still increasing by thirty or fifty.

The reason why this is beating is because the process of changing the list is a bit long. During this period, Zi Yan has gained new contributions.

As the number of points continually beats, Zixiao’s contribution immediately passed the mark of 8,000, which was more than a hundred times.

I also just said that the singularity of the sable of the sable is also awkward, closing his mouth and looking at the list incredulously.

In just a few moments, it has grown by more than 500.

You know, this can represent more than 500 alien lives.

Think about their contribution point, the growth is called a difficult, even if there are many aliens to kill, but it is not so fast.

It’s hard to be done, he’s not going to kill the aliens.

Other people are also surprised.

Xu Hou’s nephew stared at the constant contribution point and was silent.

The ninety-ninth, originally had a contribution of 8,030, and at this moment, the distance between the purple and the purple is only 30 points.

"Beyond, beyond."



Just a short line from the list, Shuntiandao and other people shouted sincerely, and then hundreds of people who survived, began to shout.


Jinguang’s smashing list of the squadrons once again trembled, and then another burst of glory.

Hundreds of people saw this scene and cheered.

In the golden light, the glory of the older generation gradually gathered, representing the newcomer's purple, and boarded the ninety-ninth.

As for the original one hundred, it is no longer Xu Hou, but Wharton.

His contribution point is 7,110 points, which is only less than four hundred points from the former Xu Hou ~

"Wharton, you are on the list."

Everyone cheered again, but Wharton stood here compared to the absence of the purple.

The eyes of other people, almost subconsciously looking at Wharton, want to take a look, this is only a little worse, it can replace the seven-fold position of Xu Hou.

Went up in front of the 100th, Wharton should have been happy, but when he thought that Zi Yan had only been here for a few years, he went to the ninety-ninth place, and Wharton could not help but smile.

The cheers of everyone, a loud voice, Xu Hou faceless expression of people leaving.

The dignity that was just lost by everyone, at this moment, was found by Zi Zi.

In their eyes, Xu Hou walked very dingy.

However, some people are worried. Although they have found their face today, the road ahead is still very long. If Xu Hou wants to do something, it should be easy.


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