Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 1740: Kill Sidney

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It is also a bit sad to say that the seven soul-eaters with dragon-shaped weapons are not only facing the attack of the 12-members of the purple scorpion, but also guarding against the sneak attack by others.

In addition to Sidney's strongest fighting, no one dared to sneak a sneak attack. After the first round of fighting, the other six were either killed positively or sneaked and killed. Six dragon-shaped weapons were all changed.

The purple scorpion swept Sidney, and the cold eyes finally fell on the new life body, Ye Ming, saying: "I have few regrets in my life. But let you live today, I regret it!"

Ye Ming smiled lightly and said: "There is no need for kindness in this world. If I were you, I have already shot it!"

Zi Yan said: "So, I regret it, I regret it very much! Because I couldn’t kill you, I have died several brothers and sisters today. To make up for my fault, or to make up for the embarrassment in my heart, I assure you, If I can live back to the Imperial Tianyu, Shuntianfu and Jinyecheng will have no leaf home!"

Ye Ming changed his mind and said: "This is obviously your fault. Why not pursue your own responsibility, but kill other innocent people? Purple, you are not perfect!"

Zi Yan said: "I never thought that I was perfect. I am also selfish. I admit that this time I was wrong. I indirectly killed them. But I will not let you go, nor will I let go. Ye Jia!"

Ye Ming smiled and said: "You finally admit that you are very selfish. In fact, I have already seen it. Your daily schooling is too hypocritical. Unfortunately, you can't live back. First of all, you may not be able to Kill me, even if you kill me, you have to face Sidney, even if you are strong, but then you still have to kill your seriously injured companions. If we delay some time, wait for them to recover some combat power, even if Kill them a few, you have to pay a heavy price! After that, you have to face the six Wang Bangqiang, you will not naively think, he really will stay seven people? Tell you, this is impossible , either one or one does not stay!"

Zi Yan is indifferent: "You are talking about the future, now killing you is the right thing!"

"No, this thing blames me, Ye Ming, I will deal with it!"

Jin Qingcheng suddenly spoke, and once the beautiful face, the deep wounds continued to have blood flowing out. Her heart is very clear, the reason why Ziyan does not kill Ye Ming, there are many reasons to consider her feelings.

She and Ye Ming played from childhood to big, be regarded as playmates. Although she did not feel good about Ye Ming’s behavior, she let her kill Ye Ming, she could not do it.

The last time Ye Ming left, I thought that everyone would not meet again. Who knows that such a fierce scene happened.

Zi Yan moved to Ye Ming again and again, there was a former friendship, and of course she also had the reason for her gold.

Once and foremost, even in exchange for such a heavy price, Jin Qingcheng is also remorse.

Without paying attention to Zi Yan’s inquiring eyes, Jin Qingcheng insisted: “This is something between me and Ye Ming. I solve it myself, life and death!”

"Oh, a life and death. Allure, you know, at this moment, I have no reason to be soft. Even if I am soft, let you kill me, the final winner will still kill you! Now your best The choice is to stay back and recover from the injury. After we are born and died, you will come up again, so that your chances of survival are even greater!" said Ye Ming.

Jin Qingcheng said coldly: "As long as I can kill you, why is it that I am dead?"

Ye Mingyi listened, stunned, and his expression was very wrong. This is the most intense murder of the other party since he met Jincheng.

Jin Qingcheng picked up a dragon-shaped weapon from the ground and rushed toward Ye Ming.

After that, the two turned into two lights and went outside the house.

"Try to delay the time!" Zi Yan rushed to Jinchengcheng.

The golden light shines everywhere, and the purple enamel instantly turns from the entity to the soul.

At this point, Sidney no longer cares about and cares about it. Instead, he relaxes his heart and smiles heartily. He said: "I didn't expect you to fight in the end, just because I saw it. Are you stronger than Longfei? s method!"

The purple scorpion threw the dragon-shaped rifle to Shuntiandao, and his weapon had just shattered. Then, the purple scorpion was golden and rushed to Sidney.

The purple scorpion did not take the dragon-shaped weapon. In the soul space, ordinary weapons are useless.

Sidney did not look down on him because he was below his two levels. When the purple scorpion reached the sea of ​​knowledge, the whole soul world was dark, and a stock suppressed the atmosphere and filled it all around.

Sidney has launched the Soul Eater.

"I am in a realm of two levels, and I am fighting in my sea, Zi Yan, I am taking advantage of you." Sidney's soul manifested itself, with inexplicable oppression.

Not yet started, Zi Yan felt a huge oppression from Sidney, apparently the first on the list did not have a name. This pressure has inspired the battle of Zi Yan. He shines with Jin Jinguang from the channel. From the channel: "I am invincible in the same realm!"

The perfect soul, let Ziyan have the confidence of all invincible!

"A good invincible!"

Sidney laughed and his palm jerked.

In the hand, a huge palm print that is completely condensed by the soul is transformed into a dark space, and is pushed toward the purple sable.

The oppression of the soul, coupled with the launch of the soul-splitting supernatural powers, changed other people, and could not move.

The purple enamel shines in the whole body, and it is a self-contained field.

The smashing fists slammed into the air and hit the palm prints, bursting out and blasting, then dissipated.

"I don't have time to test with you here, let's die!"

The purple scorpion shouted, the seal in his hand, a sly golden fingerprint, piercing the dark world of the soul, with a terrible pressure, falling toward Sidney.


Sidney made a fist with both hands and made a blow to the scorpio and shouted: "The soul burst!"


The two attacks collided and dissipated again. The two men's body shape retreated toward the rear.

Sidney's eyes flashed a fine light and said: "Good pure soul power, good control. Fortunately, you and I are not the same level, or else I will have lost!"

The purple scorpion stepped forward, and nine golden stars appeared in the heart.

The nine stars rotate and become a bead.


The sable of the purple scorpion is violent, and only after him, the dark world of the soul, there has been a violent tremor.

A golden fist, like a fallen star, broke through the dark world of the soul and attacked Sidney.

"Hey!" "Hey!"...

Sidney's figure changed, trying to get rid of the murder of the boxing, while playing another energy attack, going to the boxing.


After a punch, the purple scorpion changed into a golden long-sleeve knife, and the long knife was instantly sheathed. The knife-like knives were like the open folding fan, stretching toward Sidney.

Sidney, who had just broken the boxing attack, had to face this dangerous knife. He shouted, and his body was surging, turning into a soul weapon and kneeling down to the knife.

"Hey!" "Hey!"...

In the energy shock, the knives were broken.

But the next moment, Sidney felt a crisis of life and death, and his face changed greatly, looking back at the purple.

He saw a golden dragon bow, and the dragon bow has been drawn into a full moon, a golden dragon is resting on the bowstring, and the dragon is full of cold.


Just as Sidney turned around, the string of the full line fluttered, and the golden dragon rushed toward Sidney.

This is his field. According to the truth, he should be able to control everything.

The speed of the golden dragon is too fast. Even if Sidney has already explored the trajectory of the golden dragon, it can still not be avoided in time.


The golden dragon dragon feathers, shooting Sidney's eyebrows, then flew out with his body, and disappeared into the world in the blink of an eye.

The dragon's bow is turned into golden light, and Sidney, who is looking at the disappearance, has no easy color on his face, but is very dignified.

If it is a general soul-eater, even if the other party is the strongest on the list, Zi Yan also has the confidence to let the other party die under this series of attacks.

But the other side is Sidney, the first existence of the handsome list, really more powerful than the combat power, even more than the purple.

But just after the continuous attacks, every move is considered a powerful attack, even if Sidney can block, it is absolutely uncomfortable.

Sure enough, in the dark world of the soul, there was a wave of volatility, Sidney returned. His whole body became weaker, and there was an arrow mark in the eyebrow that could not heal. This is a permanent injury.

"Sure enough, admire, admire!" Sidney did not get angry, and his eyes were full of admiration. If there were no previous choices, I believe that many of the dead strongmen are also the same as Sidney. Character.

Unfortunately, in the face of these deadly choices, they have been unable to maintain their heart.

"Purple, next I want to show the strongest means, I have never dealt with Longfei, I am very sorry about this, perhaps my Soul Eater, can completely suppress him!"

The words, the power of the soul in all directions began to surge, and then shrouded toward the purple.

The whole world, without a trace of light, even the golden light of the purple body disappeared.

This is the same soul-souling power as Kesi, able to suppress all the power of the soul, as well as the means of attack.


The purple scorpion that has just been extinguished, the golden light is released again, this time is the perfect body.

Since the energy attack is not effective, then use the flesh to attack So, the golden sparkling purple scorpion, once again evolved the flesh combo with the soul.

"This...this is impossible!"

In the sound of the puff, the unbelievable voice of Sidney sounded.

This is his most powerful and proud method. He has the confidence to suppress Longfei. However, he did not expect that he would be broken by Zi Zi as soon as he showed his performance.

The attack of the purple scorpion falls on Sidney like a raindrop.

Every time, there is a little bit of golden power that goes into his body.


With a lot of golden power in the body, Sidney's body exploded.

———————————————————————— ps: I built a Leiwu group in 13 years. I am not good at chatting. I haven’t announced it. I announced it today. Can add groups: 2, 8, 4, 8, 8, 9, 9, 6, 1!

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