Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 1879: Natural vision

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The arrival of the Thunder sacred beast makes the purple scorpion very unexpected.

"Predecessors, how come you are."

"The refining of the squad, there is no loss, I will protect the law."

The manifestation of the thunder and holy beast of the human body, the expression is very serious.

Near the purple sable, invisible from the thunder and sacred body felt a pressure, this pressure made him feel the danger.

Immediately, Zi Yan looked surprised: "Predecessors, you broke through."

The Thunder sacred nodded.

The old farmer walked out of the wooden house and looked at the Thunder Saint, saying: "Everything is ready."

"rest assured."

"Well, I will give it to you here, little guy, come in with me."

Ziyan went into the wooden house according to his words. From the dialogue between the two, it seems that the refining of the Heavenly Soldier is not a smooth thing, and his expression has become dignified.

The refining tools are still in the room, but at the moment, each one has a heavy and repressed atmosphere, showing the real extraordinary.

The old farmer pointed to the position of the bellows and said: "Next, you are responsible for controlling the fire, remembering that when you control the fire, you must constantly inject the world's origin. In this way, the refining Tianbing can have a great fit with you. ""

Zi Yan nodded, sitting cross-legged next to the bellows, the world's origin into the bellows.


The flames burned, the hot and the high temperature scattered, and the strips of fire snakes rushed in all directions.

Except for the place where the purple scorpion is kneeling, and where the old peasant stands, other places are covered by flames.

This flame is very hot, but there are defenses that the old farmers bless, but it is not hurting.

“First warm up.”

The words of the old peasant became very brief, and then it was silent.

The flame is burning continuously, and the world's origin is also constantly being provided. Fortunately, it is purple, and it has a perfect world to be the backing. If you change someone else, even if you give him this chance, there is no source.

In the blink of an eye, seven days passed, and the old farmer stood next to the purple sable, looking at the stove and not saying a word.

Without an opening, nature can't stop, and the sable can only convey the power of the world.

The second seven days passed and everything still didn't stop.

The third seven days passed and the fourth seven days passed.

Time passed, and soon the seventh seven days arrived.

On the 7th and 47th days, the old farmer said: "Well, take out the materials."

The use of preheating alone took seven or seventy-nine days. During the period, the consumption of the world's origins was far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

The purple eyes are moving, and the same kind of heavenly material appears in front of the eyes.

The old peasant raised his hand to make an energy. The stone of the soldier with the signs of life and the light of the thunder fell on the center of the stove and floated there.


The old farmer fired another energy, and the Tianhan stone slowly flew up and landed nine inches in front of the soldier's soul stone.

This is followed by the star rock, which is directly opposite the Tianhan Stone.

The fourth one that flew up was the group of fire spar, which fell to the right side of the soldier's soul stone.

The fifth material, the Thunderstone, fell to the left of the Soulstone.

At the moment, the four materials are divided into four directions. According to the distance of nine inches, the soldiers are completely protected.

The old farmer once again ignited the energy, and other materials floated up and landed in all directions.

At this moment, the soldiers in all directions are guarded by other heavenly materials.

"Enhance the flame."

After doing everything, the old farmer shouted.


The sable has completely let go of the flame. This kind of flame is very hot and definitely belongs to the level of Skyfire.

At the same time, the origin of the world in the purple scorpion is also continuously flowing out to the front. The fire of the sky meets the source, and the flame is more violent.

Then, according to this level of transportation, it is completely possible. The purple scorpion machine looks up and looks at the heavenly materials that are associated with him.

At the moment, under the perception of the purple scorpion, the cold stone is releasing the cold and cold atmosphere, and the cold and cold breath constantly rushes toward the most central soldier's soul stone, and the soldier's soul stone that absorbs the cold scent is releasing the same. Ice and cold, give seven other materials.

Similarly, the soldiers' soul stone is also absorbing the breath of the other seven materials and transferring it to other materials.

At this moment, the most central soldier soul stone, like a transit station, is constantly distributing the attributes of other materials.

During the period, the old farmers' hands were constantly printed. It is obvious that this kind of transportation needs to be started by the array method, and it needs to be controlled instead of converting the distribution.

This is a refining device that has never been seen before, and at the moment, the materials will perfectly absorb the properties of other materials and thus blend perfectly.

The old peasant's hands were printed, and the printing was constantly changing. It was very fast. He looked purple and dazzled. His expression was serious, and there were only a few materials in his eyes.

The purple scorpion is constantly delivering energy, and the power of the source is enough.

Fortunately, the world of Zijing is full of so many lakes that it is enough to consume.

The passage of time, another seven days, the various materials are still delivering energy, there is no sign of melting.

The second seven days passed.

The third seven days passed.

In a blink of an eye, the heavenly materials that were refining under the fire did not change.

Two months have passed and three months have passed.

The time is very fast, it has been a year, and for a full year, these materials are still not melting.

It is also expected that this purple scorpion will be expected. After all, it is the Heavenly Soldier that will be refining, and it will never be as easy as refining other weapons.

Outside the cabin, the Thunder sacred beast stands at the moment, centered on the log cabin, and a huge hidden array has emerged.

However, the Thunder and the Holy Beast are very clear that this formation can only play a role temporarily. Once the Heavenly Soldier is born, it will definitely cause a vision of heaven and earth.



The purple scorpion that constantly transports the world's origins has gradually become numb, and all the movements are like mechanization.

Where is this in the refining.

In Ziyan's view, this is not at all in the refining.

The world of all the realms will be formed in the moment of entering the supreme, and there will be no change during this period.

After that, the realm will be based on the rules in its own world, to understand the rules of the heavens and the earth.

During this period, the origins of their own world will be consumed as soon as they enter the Supreme. Even if there is wealth, the number is not much.

Can be purple?

In the case of this constant delivery of the source, he has been going on for nine years.

Nine years.

How many world sources will be delivered.

In these nine years, Zi Yan has never stopped, it seems that the endless world of origin, the hard life consumes one-ninth.

And those heavenly materials, in these nine years, just completed a process of energy conversion.

At the moment, the nine pieces of material are all spiritual, with other attributes, which are perfectly integrated.

Just a fusion, there is no sign of melting at all. In Ziyan's view, another nine years may not be able to melt.

The second nine years have arrived. The nine heavenly materials have undergone a little change, the volume has become smaller, and some impurities have been expelled.

This process is relatively easy, and the old farmers do not need to print frequently. During the period, there are some simple exchanges with Zi Yan, but it is not enough in January.

“This is the second phase of change. Once again, the material will melt.”

The old farmer opened his mouth and his words were still simple.

The purple cicada shook his head and could not help but smile.

It seems that the nine-phase material has started the third phase of change in the nine-year period. This change is still refining impurities and quenching over and over again.

When the fourth change comes, the time has passed for thirty-six years. The world of the world, which is the root of the sable, is almost half the consumption.

The volume of nine heavenly materials has been reduced by almost a third.

But according to the meaning of the old farmer, this time the refining weapons do not care about the size, as long as the essence.

Among them, the huge star rock, which has shrunk by more than half, emits bright and dazzling starlight.

Soon after the fifth nine years, these heavenly materials have finally changed. Their bodies have a drop of liquid, and the liquid is tightly attached to the material.

The sable is not clear about how long this melting process has been going on. Now he is faintly worried, for fear that the world's origins will be exhausted at critical moments.

Moreover, in these decades, Zier found his own source of the world, and after it disappeared, it would not be regenerated.

Originally, Zi Zi guessed that as long as his own world's origins continue to grow, he will naturally become a strong player in the war-fighting continent after reaching a limit.

But the development of things now seems completely unexpected.

The world is constantly consuming, and the new world's origins are no longer present. Zi Yan began to worry about it, and worried that the road that Zizi saw at the beginning may be inaccurate.

In this way, in the case of embarrassment, tension, and worry, the sixth nine years are over, the seventh nine years are coming... The eighth nine years have passed.

For those grades of materials, impurities are still reduced during the melting process.

Finally, in the ninth nine years, all the heavenly materials melted together and turned into nine liquids floating above the stove.

At the moment The world of the purple world is almost exhausted.

"adhere to."

The old farmer sighed low and raised his hand to make a print of the road. These prints were successively placed in the liquid of the nine groups, and then the liquid began to squirm, like the life in it, combined together.

Because the previous breath has been converted, the fusion at the moment is quite perfect.

In the process of integration, the old farmer is constantly printing and looks very dignified.

These perfectly blended liquids absorb each other's deficiencies in the process of change, and the volume is gradually shrinking.

As the old farmer said, these are the essence, and after the final fusion, the liquid still has the size of a palm.

These liquids are creeping, sometimes turning into object shapes, and sometimes becoming adult-shaped. In the process of constant illusion, a life fluctuation spreads from the middle four.

This wave of volatility spreads and communicates with the world. For a time, over the huts, the wind and the clouds move, and the vision is natural.

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