Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 2057: Purpura

The voice of Zi Yan spreads. Form a strange wave. Spread away toward the front.

He believes. The existence of the land of burial. I must be able to hear his words.

As the sound spreads out. Still waiting for the burial place to respond. Beyond the Holy Land. Waiting for the monk. It is stupid to stand there.

"Purple. He said he is purple."

"Yes. He is an arrogant adult. I said that I just saw how familiar I am."

"God. I actually saw the purple scorpion."

"That is the purple singer. The legendary existence."

After a short embarrassment. The faces of these monks. It is also the color of excitement.

Purple. This is a legendary name. Representing a generation of legends. About his deeds. All the scattered repairs in Tianwu are almost familiar. I can't finish it for three days and three nights.

Especially in this sacred place. Aster is a godlike existence. Since the last time it was almost bloody. Dealed with the shackles of the king's home. This sacred place. It has undoubtedly become a holy place of cultivation in all the minds of the scattered.

Everyone is very excited. Looking at the eyes is full of fanaticism and worship.

"Purple. How come you come again."

Just at this time. A voice sounded. I saw the space twisted above the gate of the site of the burial. A blurred figure appeared.

Hear the sound. The people turned back. After seeing this illusion. His face is also showing a shocking color.

This area. It has become a place for everyone to find opportunities. But they don't know. In this place of burial. There are still people there.

"Is he the Suzaku Saint." Look at this illusion. Recalling what Zixiao said earlier. The expressions of the people are constantly changing. There was a deep shock in the eyes.

"There is naturally something to do here." Zi Yan said quietly.

"As long as you don't remember the things here. Anything can be discussed." The illusory figure said.

Zi Yan heard a smile. Said: "Of course I am not for the three kinds of exercises. And. You may not have a proper method for me here."


"of course."

"Then come in."

The voice fell. The shadow disappeared out of thin air. I saw the towering gate above. A spatial channel has appeared.

Smile a little. The purple scorpion flew forward. When reaching the passageway. The purple cicada suddenly turned back. Looking at a group of people waiting for the trial. A faint smile. Said: "You. The place of the burial place will not open today. I want to know when to open. Go to the Promise to inquire about the news."

Ignore everyone who is blasphemy. The purple scorpion has a flash of shape. Entered the channel. Then the channel disappears.

"What does this mean?"

"Why go to the Promise."

The people obviously did not understand the meaning of Zi Yan. The faces are full of confusion.

suddenly. The look of a monk changed. Said: "Purple adult. It will not be conquered here."

"What. Accepting the land of the burial. How is this possible?" Others were shocked.

"You think about it. If the purple scorpion is not ready to conquer here. Why tell us. When to open the burial place. You need to ask the Promise. You know. The current Promise. Although there is a little privilege. But absolutely Not at the point where you can control the land of the burial."

I heard the monk said. Others are also taking a breath. With the return. Look again at this burial place. In each eye, there is also a strong shock.

If it is true as the other side guesses. Purple this time. It is really a big event. It is destined to sensational Tianwu mainland again.



at the same time. In the depths of this burial place. There was a loud, roaring sound.

"What. You want my place of burial..."

This roaring voice. It won't break for a long time. Even the whole place of the burial place is shaking.

In front of the teenager. Standing purple sable. Corrected: "It's not yours. It's the Suzaku."

"Purple. You know what you are doing." The teenager stared at the cicada. The look is changing.

"Of course I know."

"Have you know. Have you ever thought about it. Once the Suzaku singer returns, it is not the place where the burial sacred. She will think. What to do."

"Interracial people may invade Tianwu Continent at any time. In this dangerous moment. I think the Suzaku Saint will not care about these little things." Ziyan's words are still dull.

"no big deal."

The young man blinked. The sound has improved a lot. "You will open all the trial roads of the land of burial. You must take out all the heavenly techniques. You will even have to move the location of the burial place. This is bigger than the smashing. You also say this is small. thing."

A smoky expression. Become serious. He looked at the boy. The color of the road: "Invasion of aliens. All forces can't be left out. In the case of knowing that the future will be ruined. Why don't we prepare in advance. Let us become stronger. Let the disaster come. We have Greater power is resisting."

"I have already done it. If it wasn't for you, it would be blocked. The land of today's burial will be opened again." The boy said with disappointment.

Zi Yan shook his head. Said: "Not enough. It is not enough. I need to open the holy land all day long. All the exercises need to be born in advance. Need to let those heavens. Get the heavenly method as soon as possible."

"Purple. You are destroying the rules. Destroy the rules set by the saints. These are the things left by the saints. It is the saint's own things. Now it can let others try. It has already revealed the saints. The breadth and generosity. But you are insatiable. You are insatiable."

Faced with the cold eyes of young people. Zi Yan said quietly: "This is just the best use of everything. The things here. It seems a lot. But for the saints, it is of no use. Don't say that the saints can't see. Even my purple eyes are Can't see it."

The boy looked sarcastically: "I can't see it. Then don't come."

"I came for the sake of the world."

"This sentence. Still go to lie to others. Tell you the sable. Want to bury the land. No way."

The teenager is very persistent. The tone is very firm. Of course this is in the eyes of Zi Yan. It is stubborn. Do not know how to work.

"The things here are holy. Not you alone. I think if the saints are here. Her old family will agree."

"Oh. Impossible." The teenager is cold.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you anymore. I want to see the Holy One."

"You know that the Holy One is not here. And you also seize this point. Only dare to come here to relax."

"Then you must have a way to get in touch with the Holy One."

"I don't know. I can't contact." The boy turned his head.

"If I take it apart, you can't contact it." A little more cold.

"Be free. As long as you have this strength."

There was a smile on the face of the teenager. But the next moment. This sarcasm is solidified. I saw the purple sable in front. Released its own breath. The golden energy is full of the whole body. Exudes a violent breath.

Zi Yan stood there. The surrounding space began to be naturally distorted. That is because space can't bear this power.


Zi Yan looked at the boy indifferently. The golden light of the whole body has become paralyzed again. at this moment. He not only raised his breath to the peak. At the same time, the body is also pushed to the limit.


Distorted space. After the purple enamel shows the most peaky atmosphere. It was a blast. Followed by the sable. A huge black hole appeared. This black hole appeared. It is also constantly spreading.

This is a comprehensive destruction. Once it spreads. The entire land of burial. The layout of those saints. Will be completely destroyed.

"The peak of heaven."

Feel the scent of purple. The boy’s face changed dramatically. He knows that the purple cicada is against the sky. At the same time, I also understand the anti-天者 of the peak of the heavens. What powerful power is there.

But what he didn't think of was. The purple scorpion actually went to the peak of the heavens. And it is the true peak after the fusion of the anti-sky energy.

"Damn. You stop me. You will ruin it here." Look at the ever-growing black hole. The teenager reacted. A sharp voice rang.

"Notify the saints. Say what I want. Otherwise I will destroy it." Standing in the black hole. Purple eyes look cold. The words are cold.

The expression of the teenager is changing. It seems hesitant.


Purple scorpion body. The energy is shocked. The spread of black holes is accelerating.

"Okay. Ok. I will inform the saints now. You have to stop."

Look at this accelerating black hole. The face of the teenager has changed dramatically. Hurry and say.

"You will be notified now."

Purple scorpion body. Energy is not scattered. Black holes no longer expand. But it also prevents it from healing.

"Damn. You will regret it."

The sinful look of the purple eyes. The teenager is kneeling on one knee. Hands clasped around your chest. Look up and look up. A devout face said: "The Holy One. Your most sincere servant. Sincerely pray for you. Please shine your radiance on the earth. Illuminate the world."

Look at the expression of the teenager below and the words that sounded. Purple grin smiled. It is really enough to think about it.

A mysterious force. Penetrated the land of the burial. Passed through the Tianwu continent. Arrived at the warrior continent. It was also conveyed to an inexplicable space.

This moment is in this space. The color of the turbulent flow drifts. The scent of destruction of a stock is constantly raging.

This is a space that the rules can't is also the channel that the alien saints need to open. In this space. At this moment, seven or eight figures or sitting or standing here. Their body. Each one exudes a suffocating shrine.

With this mysterious arrival. One of the women wearing a flame robe. The brow is slightly wrinkled. Whispered: "I feel the call. Is it the Holy Land?"

"The Holy Land has an accident. Isn't the aliens invading the Tianwu continent?" Hearing the woman in the red dress. A green robe man turned back.

"Qinglong. You are making a joke. The battle of the warrior continent has not yet started. How can the aliens go to Tianwu mainland." Another man spoke. If the purple is here. Certainly can recognize. This man is a thunder and holy beast.

"I went to see."

The woman in red is opening. At the same time a light left the body.

Just when the purple scorpion screams at the gods. It is a feeling of inexplicable holy prestige. Business with no warning.

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