Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 2076: Star family

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"I want to protect the star family and guard the star family."

As a drop of the essence of the gods is integrated into the body of the soul, the soul of the other party has experienced dramatic fluctuations, and a second thought other than killing appears.

The blood is merged with the creatures, and more mindful voices appear in the soul of the other.

"No one is allowed to destroy the star family, and swear to protect the star family."

"Swear to guard the star family."

"Kill these invaders."

From the soul of the soul, the purple singer heard more voices and heard a roar and roar.

The face of the soul reveals an expression of anger, pain, and sorrow.

"He is a star family, is anyone invading the star family." Listening to the snoring from the depths of the soul, the purple brow furrowed.

At this time, a vague picture appeared from the deepest part of the soul of the soul. The picture of the picture was not real, but it consumed a lot of soul power, and its breath was becoming wilted. The drops of the gods that were previously incorporated are also obviously weak.

"I have to look at it, what is the memory in the depths of its soul."

Zi Yan once again pointed a finger at the heart, another drop of the gods and blood, flying out of the heart of the purple, into the soul of the soul.

With the integration of this drop of blood, the memory deep in the soul of the soul becomes clear.

In the depths of memory, there are many human beings, and they shine with the radiance of the whole body. The light is like the stars, and everyone has a strong atmosphere.

This is a race, it should be a mysterious star family. At this moment everyone is gathered together, looking at the sky, everyone's eyes are filled with grievances and anger.

On the day of the day, there is a battle at the moment, the battle is very intense, and sometimes a figure loses its vitality and falls from the sky.

Those people are all vague and can't see the appearance. It seems that they are not clear enough in the memory of the other party. However, the purple eyes can obviously feel a kind of arrogant emotion from those enemies. Perhaps this is the only feature of the enemy who stays in the memory of the other party. .

When the picture arrived here, it became no longer clear. The purple scorpion gritted his teeth and pointed a finger at the heart again. Another drop of the gods appeared.

In the depths of the soul, the picture is still changing. This time it becomes clear. There is a silhouette of a stalwart. The whole body is full of stars, like a dazzling star. After he joins the battlefield, the morale of the star is greatly enhanced. One enemy was forcibly killed.

He is very strong.

Judging from the picture of the battlefield and the breath of escape, this person should be the strongest existence seen by Ziyan, stronger than the Qinglong and Suzaku who were seen at the beginning.

"Hey, star ancestor, even if you have a war, the fate of the star family can't change. I have to destroy the star family, but also set up three talents to kill the array, so that the spirits of the star family will not enter the cycle, and the killing will be like this. Becoming another killer of my Protoss."

An indifferent voice suddenly sounded from the sound of the sky. As the voice sounded, the soul of the soul had signs of collapse, and even the voice of the purple, the voice of the cicada.

This is just the memory of the other party's remains. The owner of the cold, but still has such a terrible power, the purple eyes of the heart and the faint, seemingly feel that this voice is somewhat familiar, and should have heard it.

The purple scorpion gritted his teeth and suddenly clicked on his heart. Another drop of the gods appeared, but he wanted to see who was the voice.

However, as the fourth drop of blood was absorbed, in the memory deep in the soul of the soul, the figure could not appear, as if it were affected by the rules.

"If you can't do it, then a few more drops."

A big drink, Zi Yan connected to the heart of the mouth three times, this time directly appeared three drops of the **** of blood, integrated into the soul of the soul.


At the moment when the blood was integrated into the soul, the birth was broken, and a figure appeared in front of the purple eyes. It was a figure of light, and at the moment of its appearance, it became the only one in the world.

"God, is this the Protoss?"

"This is God. Is this world really a god?"

"God is coming, my star is in danger."

At the moment when this figure appeared, the world seemed unable to withstand the powerful force and began to collapse. Underneath, many people of the Xingzu people exclaimed in despair.

"Srid, even if I fight to death today, I must kill you." The voice of the star ancestor sounded again, then rose to the sky and rushed toward the figure of light.

"Is it by you? Today, God wants to lead the Protoss and destroy the Stars. From then on, there are no more stars, and some are just the proclamation of my Protoss."

The figure of the light was opened again, and at the same time stepping forward, the heavens and the earth collapsed.

The two strong men began to fight, the content of the battle could not be seen at all, only to see the endless light shining, the horrible energy fluctuations are passing.

This world began to be destroyed between the two sides.

"Appearance, I want to see their looks."

The purple scorpion shouted, and the scorpion could still insist on it. It was also the injection of two drops of the gods, and he had lost nine drops of the gods.

The image of the war was gradually clear, and the purple scorpion saw the world shatter and saw the destruction of the world.

Then, he saw the appearance of the star ancestor. It was a man with a resolute face. The eyebrows had a star mark and the stars disappeared.

The other figure is still invisible, his attack is not so much changed, but full of destruction energy.

Another energy confrontation, just as the two figures passed by, Zi Yan saw the eyes of the Protoss, it was a pair of cold eyes, in an instant with the four eyes of the purple, a penetrating rule Power appears.


It seems that the eyes, on behalf of the rules, Zi Yan looked at it, violated the rules, he suddenly coughed up blood, his face white.

And the creature, but also a scream, a black front, fainted.

The purple scorpion gasped, just if he did not decisively give up the soul that penetrated into the depths, fearing that he would encounter counterattacks and heavy losses.

He was so up in his heart that he couldn’t understand what level of strength he was. He only saw a pair of eyes in his memory and he suffered a counterattack.

After a long time, Zizi recovered and sighed: "The star family, here must be the star family once called the four kings, and the disappearing star family. These creatures should be the people of the star family. That war was still won by the Protoss, all the people of the Stars were killed, and the soul was kept by the Protoss."

It's simple, but from that picture, Zi Yan is fully aware of the fierce battle.

I am afraid that the Holy One has fallen more than one.

"This array of law should be the three talents of the Protoss, or else you can't explain the creatures of this world. There is no reason, just knowing how to kill."

"However, the Protoss said that this place is used as a big killer, but why is this place in the ancient road, is it the ancient road set up by the Protoss, just to prevent the humans of Tianwu 6 from going out from here? However, it seems to have been said that the sacred road was built by the human side."

Seeing the memory of the other party, the doubts of Ziyan’s heart have not only not decreased, but have increased a lot.

Fortunately, he knows where this place is, and what is the order here.

But there is no difference between knowing this and not knowing it, because Zixiao still doesn't know the secret of breaking this big array.

Looked at the soul again, the other party has been fainting, Zi Yan has the heart to look at the next memory, but look at the position of the heart, where the **** of blood before the full less than nine drops, Zi Yan is fortunate enough to give up.

Seeing so many memories has no effect on his current situation, but the gods and bloods are of great use to him. His heart beats every time, and every time the blood flows, there will be a **** force to enter the body. The perfect body that is tempered with sable.

"Right, what time is it now."

Suddenly, Zi Yan thought of this problem and immediately released the spirit and perceive the flesh.

At the moment, the starry rain has long since disappeared, and the sky is bright, it is already daylight.

According to the spiritual thoughts in the body, time has passed three days.

"Three days."

In the eyes of Zi Yan, there was light immediately, and the three days of life did not disappear. It seems that this **** is really extraordinary, and the soul of the other side is fixed.

"Since three days have passed, I think the other person should not disappear again. Try to integrate it into the body."

As soon as the mind moves, Zi Yan manipulates the sleeping creature and enters the body he specially created for him.

However, the soul that was originally able to be freely merged has produced rejection at this moment and cannot be integrated into the flesh.

"How could this be."

The purple brow wrinkled, and the face again revealed doubts.

After that, he tried to integrate the soul into the sword and still failed.

I tried a lot of methods and couldn't merge. The soul of this soul seemed to be complete.

"If that's the case, then try again."

The purple brow's brows are slightly wrinkled, and he hesitated for a long time. This is how the manipulation of the soul came to the world of the purple.

This is also the final test of Zi Yan. If the soul of the other party does not dissipate during the day, then it proves that the other party has adapted to the world and no longer needs to avoid the rules of the formation.

At the same time, the spirit of the purple is also looming over the other side, once there is an accident, then the sable will pick up the other party again in the first time.

Under the cover of Zi Yan Ling, the soul came to the outside world and was in the clear sky. Zi Zi silently watched the other side, and there was a tension in his expression.

As soon as he came out, the creature did not dissipate, still lying there, in a coma.

Time began to lapse, and the purple scorpion looked tense.

Time has passed and the soul is still there, with no signs of dissipating.

Twenty interest, thirty interest... After a full sixty, the creature is still lying there, motionless.

A quarter of an hour passed, and the expression of Zi Yan changed.

Half an hour passed, purple mouth, mouth with a clear smile.

An hour has passed, and the soul is still there. In this space, the purple laughter sounds.


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