Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 2094: Forces

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These Luo family monks looked at the purple eyes of Tianzhu with a look of horror. Their most powerful gods and fires were combined and they lost to each other.

They were horrified, and they looked at Deren, looking at the identity of the other party, and they had such a powerful slave.

"Hello, we recognize it! This is what we are wrong, what we need..." The semi-Saint treasurer, slamming Deron with a fist, put on a wrong attitude, and now he still believes that Deren is two the host.

"Kill, one does not stay!"

Deron was very clear about Zizu’s attitude towards the Luo family. He did not listen to the other party and waved his hand.


I have been protecting the stars of Deren. After I heard this sentence, I immediately rushed up. It seemed to follow the orders of Deren.

On the other side, Aster has begun to kill.

Looking at the battle in the field, Deren's eyes flashed brightly. Although he did not participate in the war, but because of his own words, these people have to die.

Two powerful beings from the Star of Life turned out to be their own slaves.

In my mind, I fantasize about what I want to say in the future. The two must do what they want, so that whoever kills will kill them. Deron’s face is smug, slightly lost, and laughs out.

"What are you laughing at?" Deron's ear rang with a purple voice.

The figure was awkward, and the illusion of the purple cicada on the ground was shattered. He immediately said, "Nothing, nothing, hey, is the battle over?"

At this time, Delon discovered that the Luojia Tianjing, who had lived before, had all fallen, and the stars were cleaning the battlefield.

"The harvest is good!" After a while, the stars smiled.

"The outside is also taken away." Zi Yan said.

Out of this space, there is no one here. After all the things in the store have been taken away, the stars opened the doorman and Deren went out first.

A lot of monks have been surrounded by outside, and it is clear that Luo family is carrying out a snatch.

As the door opens, everyone is also playing the spirit. Although it is impossible to think of the three guys, there is a glimpse of the bottom of my heart.

After that, this expectation comes true.

"They are out?"

"Oh my God, it came out, isn’t Luojia really trading?"

"With such a good thing, Luo can't be tempted. Now they are still alive, is this person a Luo family?"

"With two servants, how dare you publicize, it must be a Luo family."

The three people were able to live out. It seemed that this was the only explanation. The people stared at the three people who left, and some of them, the eyes flashed with greedy light.

How about the Luojia people, as long as they dare to go out of the world, in the void, still die!

Some monks quietly followed.

There are still some aliens, and the heart feels not quite right, stepping into the Luojia shop.

After seeing the scenes in the shops, they were dumbfounded.

I saw all the things placed on the counter on the entire shop disappeared, and I could not see the people at the Luo family.

“Don't you redeem everything?”

"If things are changed, what about people?"

Looking at the empty shop, everyone's faces are full of incomprehensible, no one wants to think if these people are killed, and whether the things here have been robbed.

The doubtful people entered the depths of the shops.

In that unique battle space, they saw a corpse, and their faces instantly became pale.

In the Rakshasa domain, there are still people who dare to shoot at Luojia?

They feel incredible and shocked!

So, they quietly retired, but they did not dare to swear.



The three people who left, perceived that someone was behind them, deliberately speeded up, and embarked on a transmission array, revealing a weak illusion.

"Flies are small and meat."

Deron said this, thinking so, deliberately carrying the two to a panicked planet.

After a while, there were many monks chasing them up.

As for the results, Deron, who looks excited, knows.

This time the harvest is not small, although he did not make any great efforts, but Zi Yan is still very generous to appreciate his ten unqualified Tianjing.

And Deren apparently tasted the sweetness. He didn't need Ziyan to tell him. He said directly: "After five times, you can find a Luojia shop. That size is not small."


The whereabouts have not yet been revealed. Naturally, it is possible to grab a few homes, and the purple scorpion decisively promised.

So under the leadership of Delon, the three began to smash around this piece of Luo Chenxing, targeting Luojia shops.

From the beginning, when I entered the shop and took out the Holy Force chip, the shop owner showed a greedy face, and I thought about how to grab things, and did not encounter a heart with normal transactions.

Fortunately, Zi Yan is no longer polite, and took their lives.

After the Suzaku's seal was absorbed by the flame of the snake, the power continued to increase, and the soul of Suzaku grew up in the process of constantly consuming the shadow of the snake.

After repeated looting, the news finally spread, and now the power of Luo Chenxing almost knows that there is a strong presence, specifically for Luojia.

So far, Luojia shops in the Luochen area have been looted by fifteen.

In addition to the Luojia shops, other shops are intact.



Luo Chen’s strongest person, named Luo Chen, is a true pseudo-holy. It is the first person in this region to be well-deserved and the master of this place.

At this moment, Luo Wei, in front of Luo Chen, did not say a word, the cold sweat on his forehead, dripping on the floor.

In front of him, there are three portraits.

"Do you know the three of them?" Luo Chen asked coldly.

"Know, know!"

Luo Hao nodded, his body trembled uncontrollably because of panic.

Among the three, Zi Yan and the stars, he certainly will not forget, it is these two guys that made him suffer a big loss.

The third person, Deren, is very familiar with him. It is just the existence of a bandit. When he sees him on weekdays, he will nod his head like a pug. He will not even look at this bandit with his eyes.

"The three of them robbed us of fifteen shops, and the people in the shops didn't have a living mouth." Luo Chen looked at Luo Wei and said coldly.

Luo Wei’s body trembled even more.

"The reason for all this is because of you. If you were not greedy at the beginning, you would not be tempted to have such a presence. Now, what do you tell me about this?"

Luo Chen’s words are not cold, but Luo’s eyes are full of fear.

He had not thought about it before, thinking about uniting multiple forces and attacking the two guys from the Star of Life, leaving them nowhere to go.

But he did not expect that the other party then daringly ransacked fifteen shops. At the beginning, he was prepared to shirk the responsibility of the small calculations, naturally, but Luo Chen.

To be precise, there are 16 shops in Luojiayi who have been robbed. The only living thing is Luo Wei.

"Also ask the adults to give Luo Yi a chance!" Luo said.

"Now it is the time to hire people, I will give you a chance to send someone to find me, even if you turn over the entire star field, you have to find me those three guys!"

Luo Chen said coldly.

"Yes!" Passing the death again, Luo Hao quickly nodded and turned to walk outside.

"Shengli wafers, even in the Rakshasa domain are extremely rare, you deliberately come up with this kind of thing here, obviously deliberately aimed at Luojia. Hey, the region is pure, looking for death!"

In the eyes of Luo Chen, the light of the cold is shining.

He has already inquired about the beginning and the end of the matter. Although Luo is not right, greed is first, but Luo Chen believes that the other party is deliberately arousing their greed.

At the same time, the families of several other shops knew that the sparsely in the family shops were all exchanged at low prices. Although the losses were not small, compared with the recent losses of the 16 stores in Luojia, it was simply Nine cattle and one hair.

"This matter, I will ignore it."

"The Luo family has provoked the sorcerer of the Star of Life, let them fight, we just have to look at it."

"If there is no attribute, the spar will be lost, as long as the person is still alive, this matter will not be mentioned in the future."

Other forces, naturally, also knew what happened at the beginning, so they chose silence and did not want to be enemies with the monks of the Star of Life.

Because they faintly guessed where this monk came from.

And really want to investigate, it will also pursue the responsibility of Luo Wei.



The news has spread, the entire Luochenxing, other Luojia shops, seemingly heart-wrenching. Not only did a large number of strong guards be sent, but every monk who entered the Luojia store would conduct a careful check.

In addition to the Luojia shops, there will be many monks every day, staying outside, some are the secret guards of the Luo family, and some are purely curious passers-by.

Just when the whole Luo family was ready to do everything, it was the one who was too late to meet the looting.

"Adults, now every shop, has gathered the strong people of Luojia. If you rush to take it, it will be very unfavorable to us."

Inside and outside the Luojia shop, the atmosphere has become very tense, and the same harvest is not small, it is not recommended to continue to take risks.

"It is really boring to kill such a, we go directly to Luo Chenxing." Zi Yan said.

"it is good!"

On the way forward, both Zi Yan and Delun changed their looks, and as for the stars, they were missing.

On the way to the transmission array, the two passed through a shop belonging to Luojia, where the atmosphere was very tense, and everyone who went there had to conduct an inventory check.

Stepping on the transmission array, the two came to a place called the tower star, which is the only way to Luochenxing.

"Adult, let's go directly to Luo Chenxing?" Deron asked.

Zi Yan nodded.

"Adults come with me." Deren walked in front, and it was like a master.

Just as the two were ready to embark on the transmission array, they habitually explored the purple eyes of the mind, the brows were wrinkled, and the steps of the journey suddenly stopped.


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