Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 2179: Planet controller

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The purpose of Aster's departure from the Nicolo Star Field is to avoid encounters with the people of the Dove family. Although his current combat power is not weak, there are so many strong people following him, but the high-end combat power is still lacking.

There is a holy body in the sky, and there is no such thing as a chance. Although it can kill the false saints, it cannot be hostile to the saints.

The glory of the opportunity is enough, but unfortunately want to be a stronger than the purple sage, after all, it will take a short time.

Yu Kai still couldn't refine a piece of crystal, and it is not a saint for the time being.

It can be said that the team of Zijing has great potential, but for the time being, it is still lacking in high-end combat power.

This team with potential, the most needed now is time.

Zi Zi, who came to this place, is planning to find a panicked planet for everyone to retreat for a period of time and stabilize the pace of their progress. However, after coming to this star field, I discovered that this place was actually well organized by the Zanbu family, and there was no broken planet.

It is said that every time the planet is broken, there will be a saint of the Zambo family, and then the planet will be destroyed and completely destroyed.

In any planet that has a monk's life, it belongs to the Zambo family, and the entire star field is exactly like the private property of the Zambo family.

Even the residences of other families belong to the Zanbu family. They are stationed here and can be blessed by the Zanbu family, but they must also pay a certain rental fee.

The whole star field is completely iron plate. All the forces are living under the wings of the Zanbu family. It is obviously not realistic for Ziyan to use the same means to destroy the Zanbu family.

There are many empty planets here, which are rented by foreign forces. They can take root here and stay here for a long time, and they are blessed by the Zambo family.

You can also retreat on a special planet, and there will be no interruptions under normal circumstances.

"We also rent a planet." Zi Yan thought about it and said that the cost of renting a planet is not very high, and they are so many people, they really need a decent place.

This is the responsibility of Deren, who has long been recognized by everyone and is the steward of the team. He walked into a shop in the Zanbu family. After a while, he took a light ball in his hand and walked out.

"The 88th planet, one thousand pieces of non-essential spar a year, rented in a hundred years. Seeing that we are new faces, we gave us a 20% discount."

Zi Yan nodded and said: "The price is fair,"

Being able to rent a planet, obviously it will be some forces, the price of one thousand pieces of non-essential spar per year, I want to come to those forces can accept.

However, the purple scorpion obviously will not stay in this place for a hundred years, even if he can stay, the power on the star of life, afraid that it will not last long.

Under the leadership of a special person, the four people came to the planet numbered eighty-eight. The aura of this place is quite rich, with large open areas, as well as mountains and highlands.

"There have been investigations here, there is no potential to reach the holy star beast, you can rest assured to live."

The monk who led them specifically, after carefully explaining some of the rules here, turned and left.

In this century, the planet will be owned by these people, and without his permission, outsiders will not be able to set foot.

Once rushed to the footsteps, then the law enforcement of the Zambo brand will be shot.

It is said that among the law enforcers, there are three sacred leaders, and no one dares to violate the rules of this place until they have the strength to deal with the holy command.

Purple is very unexpected for the management mode here. He took out all things and released all the monks in it.

Next, everyone will stay here for a while, so some houses need to be built.

This is simple for everyone who is the weakest in heaven. However, everyone can recruit all kinds of original rules and build a variety of buildings, but these buildings have no guardianship.

The castle where the sable is located is independent. This is what the sable is deliberately demanding. In addition to cultivation, he will refine some sacred crystals. Once an accident occurs, it will only destroy his own residence.

In just two days, there are a lot of castles here, and the vitality has become richer.

The sable is not immediately invested in the process of refining the sacred crystal. He is constantly inspiring the energy of the heart of the gods. At the same time, he is also deliberately urging the colorful sacred trees to absorb the speed of the Holy Spirit and strengthen the transformation of the flesh.

I have to say that now he is much stronger than when he left the Rakshasa field, and the sacred power in the body has become more and more intense.

Next, he is trying to improve his strength.



Xingchang is a member of the Zanbu family. He is a pseudo-holy, responsible for the 80 to 100 planet.

When these planets are not rented out, he occasionally goes to the planet to investigate and see if there are any abnormalities. Once someone is in, he will say hello to each other, because in the years that followed, he was responsible for managing everything on the planet, just like an external housekeeper.

Once something happened here, he also communicated with the Zanbu family.

Of course, in addition to the necessary services, it is necessary to go to see who is coming to rent the planet.

After learning that the 88th planet was rented for a hundred years, Xingchang did not go immediately, but waited for seven days, and then went to the 88th planet.

"Zanbu family, the person in charge of the 88th planet, Xingchang came to see him,"

Standing outside the 88th planet, Xingchang’s voice passed in.

"Come in," a faint voice sounded, the light of the star's body flickered, and a channel resembling a space portal appeared.

On the Zambu star, each of the rented planets is given a number, and each of the assigned numbers has a built-up array.

These arrays are not powerful, and a half-sacred can be broken. It plays a major role in perception. Once it is destroyed, the Zanbu family will be aware of it in the first place and then dispatch the law enforcement team as soon as possible.

Into the portal channel, the eyes of Xingchang is a middle-aged man, his realm is only a natural world, looking at Xingchang said: "Welcome to your arrival, my name is Deren, it is the management here,"

A pseudo-saint and a heavenly environment, the realm between the two is not equal, and there is a gap between the two. Hearing Deren said, although Xingchang’s expression has not changed much, it is inevitable that he will look down on each other.

In his view, a region can be a steward. The existence of this place, even if it is intended to set up a force, is also an extremely insignificant force. It is very likely that there is only one pseudo-saint.

Similar to this situation, he has met a lot. He has just become a pseudo-holy, but he does not know how to be tall and thick. He is looking for a group of people to think about creating a party and thinking about the famous star road.

Deron stood in front of Xingchang, did not rush to him, did not show a very respectful look, the kind of casual attitude, so that Xingchang slightly raised his eyebrows: "I heard that you rented this place, I It is the person in charge here. You can find me in the future. This is a business trip. Come check it out and take a look at it. By the way, are you going to set up a force, your power leader?"

Deron followed Xingchang forward. "We are only retreating here. We are not planning to set up a force. My family is practicing, and it is not convenient to interrupt."

"Inconvenient to disturb, a big shelf," Xingchang snorted and aggravated the tone of speech. A pseudo-holy of the district did not come to see him. In his opinion, the guy was purely swaying.

For this planet, Xingchang is very familiar and once empty, but only seven days have passed, and there are many more buildings here. These buildings have their own characteristics, some burning with flames, some like ice casting, emitting cold chills, and others floating directly in the air.

For the number of these buildings, Xingchang is very unexpected. It is obvious that there are many people living here, and sometimes one or two monks can see and enter.

Looking at this scale, it should be enough to create a small force.

Xingchang thought so, his heart was still very disdainful, and did not look at the meaning of these people. So he boldly released his own spiritual thoughts and wanted to see what the situation was.

When he said such a thing, he did not do less, but there was no other malice, just purely to save trouble, taking advantage of his identity and the strength of the pseudo-Holy, no one dared to treat him.

Moreover, he has always insisted that this kind of tyrannical practice is actually for them. Let them know that it is not a joke to create a party, but the premise needs to be strong enough.

Deron’s realm is too low to know what the other party is doing, so there is no change in expression.

The spiritual thoughts of Xingchang extended in a very arrogant way and swept toward the world.

The spiritual thoughts of the false saints can directly explore the world.

But what is different from the past is that this time Xingchang's spiritual thoughts have been extended, not only to get counterattacks, but to wait for a more arrogant counterattack.

"Who, find death,"

Like this kind of lingering, it sounded, and at the same time, one share was stronger than Xingchang's spiritual thoughts. Too many spiritual thoughts extended from various intercepted the spirit of Xingchang halfway Read.

These spirits are very strong, with a strong fierce atmosphere, making Xingchang's face change.

He quickly recovered his mind, but he was still late. When the spirit came back, his face had no blood and he coughed up a bit of blood.

"What's wrong with you," Deron accidentally looked at the guy who spoke and said, suddenly vomiting blood.

"Hey," "Hey," "Hey,"...

Then, there was a stream of light, and they were full of horror, and they appeared around them, staring at the white-faced Xingchang with a cold look.

Looking at these people around, Xingchang is completely scared. Every one here is a pseudo-holy like him, and the atmosphere released from the whole body is more arrogant than his. Judging from the fierceness of their natural appearance, these people are not only the best in the same class, but also the existence of the same level.

And this kind of existence is not one of the ones he guessed before, and there are dozens of them. The breath that came out made him feel very depressed.

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