Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 2187: a starry environment

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"what did you say,"

Zan Buhaolin stunned and said doubtfully.

"You don't have to lie to me. The person you said is Hill, from the Doffer family." Zi Yan said, "I just noticed that your expression changed, and your eyes seemed to flash a touch of surprise and confusion."

"What, sister, the person you said is the Daofu family," Zanbu Haochu, who had already gotten up from the ground, was also taken aback.

"What about that? He bullied your sister. Shouldn't we go to clean up him? Are you afraid?" Zan Buhaolin glared at Zambu, and he was wronged.

This time it was not put out, but it was really wronged. I believe that the other party did suffer a loss in Hill’s hands. And look at this Lord, although the heart is not bad, but definitely not the temper that can be endured if you suffer.

Zambu Hao scratched his head and said: "I don't mean that, but I am a little surprised. Not to mention the Daofu family. Even if the Protoss bully my sister, I must be a Protoss."

"It's almost the same." Zambuhaolin's face was again smiling, but the tears fell from the cheeks, and then looked at the purple, but did not ask for anything.

"You are right, this thing helps you to help me. Don't say that you have grudges, even if there is no grudge, as long as I know the news, I will go there in person. How many people are there, you honestly tell I." Zi Yan said.

"I don't know the specifics. Anyway, I have only seen five saints, two are in the field of the stars, and two are his guards. But the other party has a special status and must be able to call the comet. The other saints, the saints in the star field are six."

Zi Yan frowned and said: "How come six, not deeper, the stronger the strength of the star domain,"

You know, in this Zanbu domain, the number of saints has exceeded ten, but the deeper comet, but only six saints, which makes people understand.

"I know that this problem happened when your teacher entered the star field and then carried out a devastating killing. The star field that was killed did not have a saint, nor did it have a huge family. During that period, the strongest person, It is directly killed by your teacher. Over the years, the six stars have appeared in the star field." Zanbu Haochu said.

"There are only six saints, why don't you settle in that star field?" Zi Yan still has doubts in his heart, but he knows that the family has always wanted to enter the Nikolo star field.

"That star field caused the world's spiritual power to become very disordered because of the war of the year, and the spiritual power in the planet is not so easy, even not comparable to the Nikolo star field. Plus we praise the family, not too The big wild vision is not interested in it. It is said that our family has taken care of such a star field, and it has been somewhat difficult, but there is no energy to plunder."

Zi Yan nodded, this reason can also be said.

"The family, the star field can have a family," Zi Zi asked.

"No, only the Holy One."

As a result, the number of saints that Ziyan needs to face is nine, but it is the same as the Nicolo.

“It’s been more than a year since the time has passed, and you can be sure that the tribe is destroyed,”

"There was some means for the tribe to make Hill very difficult. In just one year, he could not break the tribe." Zambuhanlin affirmed.



In the same year, there was a big turmoil in the Xingxing domain. The root of the turmoil was the Promise, which is now taboo in the Star Road.

In the turbulent times, the saints in the comet were killed, and it is said that the dead king has a number. Time has passed for a long time, and a lot of people have already died in the same year, so the authenticity of that battle can no longer be considered. I only know that the Promise, with one person and one force, almost blasted this star field and made it permanent. Sex disappears.

At that time, he was still a strong man, and he was the master of the power of one party. This star field was named after him. But with the Promise, the shackles were forcibly killed.

Fortunately, after the battle in the past, the Promise continued to deepen, otherwise it would be easy to rename the Promise Star.

No one knows the details of the year, and naturally no one knows. The Promise almost killed the 徳懿 star field because of a tribe from the Star of Life.

That tribe is one of the royal family, known as the moon family.

In the first year of the war, although the Hill of the Doffer family did not see it, he was very clear about the reason and details of the war.

He also knows that the moon family did not leave, but hid on a certain planet in this star field, but this planet was concealed by a strong prohibition.

After coming here, after many years of searching, he finally found the hidden moon.

It was just that something was unexpected. He was slow to break into the moon.

Looking at the end of the line of sight, the mask of a city's forbidden mask, Hill's handsome face gradually added a touch of frost, he whispered: "The slave has not returned yet,"

Next to Hill, stood two Saints, one of them said: "It should be to explore the prohibition."

"This waste can't be done even with this."

As I spoke, I saw a silhouette of a star shining through the distance, flying from a distance. The appearance of this person is almost the same as that of the star family. It is just a touch of gray between the eyebrows, and the eyes are not as bright as the stars. The whole person is very decadent and has no vitality.

"Waste, what I found," looked at the flying figure, and Hill said indifferently.

"Starting the master, there is no flaw in the ban, and my whereabouts are almost exposed." This figure is kneeling on one knee and respectfully said.

"A little thing can't be done, what is the use of this waste?"

Hill kicked on the other's chest, and a sacred force surged. The latter's body shape coughed up blood.

"Give you three more days. If you can't think of a way, you can break yourself."

After that, Hill turned away and the other two saints looked at the heavenly figure indifferently and followed Hill.

The heavenly figure got up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. The gray gas between the eyebrows became more and more intense. He looked back at the forbidden city, his eyes were ignorant, and he was desperate.

In that city, there is also a pair of scorpions on the other side at the moment. This scorpion is vicissitudes and wisdom. At this moment, looking at the heavens, there are many helpless eyes in the eyes.

"Now, he is more painful to live than to die." A voice rang from behind, and a woman who was covered in the moonlight came over. She was like a painter with a delicate and impeccable face. Straight jade legs set off a tall figure, this is a woman who does not lose the brilliance, but also a rare beauty in the world.

In front of her, the owner of the gaze is a mature middle-aged woman. She stands on the wall of the city, dancing on her body, looking at the heavens and for a long time.

"I should find a way to save him." The young and beautiful woman came to the beautiful woman and said.

"How to save, we need to save ourselves more now." The middle-aged woman sighed softly.

"This prohibition, with their strength, is difficult to break. We just open the ban, let him in, and then find ways to save him."

"His soul has been controlled, coming in here will only make our situation worse, and maybe it will hurt him. Although his life is very hard, it does not rule out some kind of change, early fall. ""

"Is it just like watching him self-destructive," the young woman said to the beautiful woman.

"Perhaps, fate will arrange all this." The beautiful woman looked up at the sky and looked at the endless starry sky. In the words, there was a lot of helplessness.

"Destiny will only let him go to death." The young woman could not bear.

After that, it was silence. The two stood on the wall and did not say a word.

In this way, one stop is three days, and that heaven is also standing for three days. In the line of sight, the people of the Dove family reappeared. I don’t know what the two sides said. The heavens nodded respectfully, then turned and went straight to the side.

The young woman said: "He is coming. Still like he used to, ignore him,"

The middle-aged woman shook her head and did not speak. It was only in her wise eyes that there seemed to be a light.

Before the beginning of the heavens, the speed is getting faster and faster. The whole person is like a meteorite. The sound of whistling sounds in the forward direction.

He rushed directly toward the ban, and his expression was not afraid of death.

"There is no such thing as a ban on the saints. How can a heavenly environment be possible in his area? Is he not alive?" The jade hand covered his mouth, and the young woman was very surprised.

It seems that the danger is close, the self-vibration is forbidden, and then a group of fires fly out of it, flying directly toward the heavens.


The heavens were hit by the fire, and the starlight defense of the whole body was broken instantly, and the body flew out.

Flying hundreds of meters, the heavens stabilized the figure and rushed forward again.

"You don't want to die, hurry back." The young woman shouted at the heavens outside the ban.

"Go back, he died faster." The middle-aged woman said.

On the ban, the fire reappeared and landed behind the heavens. The latter was once again shot, but this time he was covered in flames.

This is the unique prohibition of the Moon, which was left by the man that year, even the Holy One did not dare to step forward not to mention a heaven.

If the other party insists on rushing forward, it will die.

"Old ancestors, he can't die. We are saved." In the eyes of the young woman, with a pleading.

There are nine saints in the distance. They are laughing after seeing this scene. Among them, Dove Hill laughs happily. The expression is exaggerated and looks awkward.

The middle-aged woman shook her head and said: "No one can save him unless..."

When the voice was not finished, her expression suddenly fluctuated and her eyes looked somewhere.

The prohibition over the moon family has also caused some strong fluctuations at this moment.

The body was completely covered in flames, and the eyes were full of deadly ambitions. The body that rushed forward suddenly burst into a certain direction and turned to look in a certain direction.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ps: Happy New Year.

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