Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 2237: goddess

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The battle that Jiatu Huangtu worked hard to fight, could not stop, but stopped because of this familiar whisper. ○

After a scorpion fly to the holy king, the purple sable back thunder **** gently, standing in the air, turning to look at the place where the sound is emitted.

There was a tall woman standing there, wearing a red dress on her body, and the beautiful eyes of the gods were full of accidents and incredible.

For this woman, Zi Yan is certainly not unfamiliar. At the beginning of the two, almost some wonderful things happened. "Yi Qian, it is you!"

"Really you! How are you here?"

According to the accident on the face of Qian, after hearing the voice of the purple sable, it became a deep surprise and came to the side quickly.

The battlefield that was going to die before was stopped because of the reunion of the two.

Stars no longer shot, Jiatu Huangtu stunned him, and then swept away to the holy king who was almost injured and could not get up. Instead, he deliberately ignored his brother.

The other three saints are holding on to the injury and going to look after the picture.

The battle was only a short stop, and it didn't really end, so everyone did not relax their vigilance and they were full of guard.

As for the monks who followed the saints to the planet, they were very frustrated. The saints in their family were all killed and none lived.

According to Qian Qian’s emptiness towards the purple cicada, his eyes were full of surprises, and the purple cicada was also unexpectedly present in the place, and it was unexpectedly discovered that Yiqian had already entered the holy place.

As for what method is used to sanctify, this point is not much to pay attention to, and it is an excellent thing for friends to meet.

Of course, he is not stupid. It seems that Yiqian’s arrival here seems to be related to these people, and this has not continued to kill.

Yiqian went to the front of Zi Yan, Zi Yan unceremoniously stretched out his arms, Yi Qian did not hesitate, and a purple hug came a hug.

This hug is just a joy to meet friends, not related to love between men and women.

"Bold, don't be rude to the goddess!"

Not waiting for the hugs to say something, just listening to the distance is a dissatisfied anger, this voice comes from the Jiatu Huangtu.

The holy king beside him is dying. The younger brother is also half dead. The latter does not care about this. He cares about the hugs of Zi Yan and Yi Qian. This is a wonderful person.

However, this anger can also convey the meaning of multiple layers. The goddess seems to be related to the Protoss. The speculation of the original Yinzhong Dasheng seems to have come true. As for the second point, whether or not Yiqian is sanctified through the unique talent method, it has nothing to do with this guy. Because the other side looks into Yiqian's eyes, the fear is obviously more than love.

"How come you are here?"

Neither of them ignored the Jiatu Emperor, but asked the same question in unison. After that, the two looked at each other and laughed.

"You said first."

It is also an unanimous discourse.

The atmosphere between the venues became very weird, and the two sides who had previously killed and killed were stopped.

And listening to the two people's conversations that seemed awkward, the battlefields of the bodies of the saints were everywhere, and the atmosphere was incompatible.

"Do you know them?" After a brief silence, looking at Yiqian who decided not to ask questions again, Zi Yan chose to ask another question.

Yiqian nodded and said: "They are the Jiatu family, we are coming together."

His eyes swept to the battlefield, and when he heard the words of Jiatu Huangtu along the way, Yiqian’s heart also guessed an event, hesitating: “This may be a misunderstanding.”

This is certainly not a misunderstanding. This is a scene to die and live. The two sides can only live one before.

If Yi Qian does not come, today's two parties must die to one side, and still die!

Yiqian also saw this point and hesitated to say a misunderstanding, because she was not sure how the sable would deal with it, and it was not certain whether the sable would sell her face.

After all, this is not a trivial matter.

Looking at Yi Qian’s expression changes, and Ling’s seeing the gaze of Jiatu’s true picture, Zi Yan also guessed that Yi Qian’s identity was not low, so he chuckled: “Maybe it’s really a misunderstanding.”

Yiqian breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at Ziyan.

The scene of dying to live is completely resolved by a misunderstanding.

This seems to be a bit of a play, and it seems that it is somewhat irresponsible. Moreover, it is obvious that sable is a party that suffers.

But this is Zi Yan, Yi Qian is his friend, she said it is a misunderstanding, then it is a misunderstanding!

"Zizi is a friend I know in the Star of Life." Yiqian turned back and looked at the Jiatu Huangtu.

The latter's expression is very complicated. Recalling the assurance of the goddess on the way, I did not expect to see such a scene after even coming here, even the Holy King was almost killed.

Jiatu Huangtu hugged his fists at Ziyan, and looked bitterly: "In the next Jiatu Emperor, it seems that this is a misunderstanding."

Zi Yan nodded.

Jiatu Huangtu looked back at his own brother and holy king, and his face became more and more bitter. He knew that things would be like this, they would not come. a misunderstanding!

The ground is full of corpses, surrounded by energy fluctuations, the space opened by the sacred soldiers, can not heal, the whole world has been riddled with holes. Coupled with so many people watching, this place is indeed not a place to chat, so Zi Yan invited Yi Qian into the city.

When I turned back, Zi Yan saw Lei Zu, and on the expression that just relaxed, there was a slap in the face.

Leizu consumed a lot of power for this, but he said that a misunderstanding had let go of the enemy, not only lost a holy soldier, but also Leizu may leave.

Leizu smiled and said: "No problem, it is already the person who has disappeared."

Purple is a little sad.

"Everyone goes with me to the city." Leizu said, very free and easy.

In today's World War I, the big array above Leicheng disappeared completely, and there was no more thing to protect Leicheng. However, according to the strong strength shown by Zi Yan and others, I believe no one dares to play the idea of ​​Leicheng.

Zi Yan indicated that all other people had entered the city. As for the heavens who had to be completely slaughtered, Zi Yan finally let them go. The saints in their family have all died, and then there will be no threat to the sable, and they have no war.

Those days have gone, and the people from the Jiatu family have not gone, but they have entered the city with Yiqian.

In the process of entering the city, Yiqian said this intention, it is really for the things of the gods.

However, after some important words, Yi Qian did not say anything.

The Holy King and Jiatu Zhentu healed under the care of three other saints. Jiatu Huangtu and Yiqian, as well as the stars and three Leizu, all entered the hall.

Next, Jiatu Huangtu said the real purpose of this time. Hearing what the other party said, the face of Zi Yan was exposed to mistakes.

"You did this to stop the Doffer family?" Zi Yan was very surprised.

Jiatu Huangtu nodded and said: "Yes, although Jiatu and Daofu are both peak families, they are fundamentally different. In your words, we belong to the neutral school. The Daofu family belongs to the radicals. Because that year The loss is too great, they have not yet been born, but it is also fast, when their first goal is to get the gods."

Jiatu Huang Tu Dunton said: "In order not to let the Daofu family grow up, we have released the news in advance."

At this moment, Zi Yan understands that the original aliens are not a piece of iron, and there will be fighting between those big forces.

Next, I heard that the Kaitu Emperor said that Zi Yan finally understood why the former Jiatu map stood on the sidelines and seemed indifferent to the death of the saints.

It turns out that this star field belongs to the Doffer family and the Hult family. It is like the area where the Five Elements family is located in the Tianwu continent.

Although the Promise is also a hegemonic force, the area under the jurisdiction of the Promise is only a sacred place.

This time they came across the border, just as the people of the Promise went to the site of the Five Elements family, swaying the hegemonic forces and ordering the forces that depended on the Five Elements family. There are more people who die, and there is no loss for the Promise.

Moreover, to some extent, it is even tempting to let these people die a lot.

This explains the inaction of Jiatu Zhentu and the situation in which the Holy King finally took the shot.

"I knew that you have such a strong fighting power. We are saying that we will not send anyone. Our family has no grudges with your Star of Life. We are neutral. The adult of that year went to Hult. The Doffer family did not go to our Jiatu, which is why we can send the Holy King."

After listening to the explanation of Jiatu Huangtu, Zixiao knew that this was really a misunderstanding. But this misunderstanding, the damage caused is really too big, the thunder is dead, the things of the gods are transferred, and the whereabouts are unknown.

The Jiatu family lost four saints and seriously injured a holy king. The other party wants to completely recover the injury, fearing that it will take a long time.

As for the death of these saints in the Chengde Star Field, no one cares, and it is not counted in the loss. I don’t know if these dead saints know it, will they live in anger.

The original Dove Hill was so The current Jiatu Zhentu is also the case. In the eyes of the big forces, they can't even count the resources, they are the possibility of being abandoned at any time.

After thoroughly explaining this misunderstanding, the grievances of both sides are resolved.

The purple cicada also tells the truth that the gods are not here, which makes the newly-removed Kathu emperor become worried again.

Especially after learning that Leizu had the head of the gods, the Jiatu Huangtu was more worried.

After that, he had to arrange three saints with two seriously injured people to pass the news back, and then mobilized the forces to find the trail of the Thunder.

As for the Qian Qian and the Jia Tu Huang Tu, it is here to stay here, the latter is known as the protection of the goddess.

After the matter has been finished, the others left the living room and left the time for Zi Yan and Yi Qian to be alone. --╯蓝√√

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