Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 2239: Alliance

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In the world of Ziyan, in the energy ocean, the thunder of the light is constantly surging, just like the road, the snake is swimming. ≡≤≈≮≡?≮.╳┯.

These golden thunder energies are all scattered with the saints. This breath is very repressed, suffocating, forming a sea.

With so much energy of the saints, if used to fight, it will take a long time to completely empty. If a saint has seen this scene, it will be shocked. The energy of a person is almost equal to the sum of the energy of a group of saints.

The purple scorpion stands above the ocean and looks down at the sea of ​​energy of the saints.

At this moment, he finally became a saint, the true saint!

He has the perfect holy body, the perfect saint soul and the perfect saint energy. His world has changed dramatically, and the world has changed again with its promotion.

It took a total of five years!

It has been five years since the return of the Chengde Star Field. In the past five years, Zijing has been retreating, and it is only today that the energy has been transformed. Make the energy all change.

His strength has become stronger than it was five years ago!

Purple eyes opened and announced the end of the retreat.

He did not immediately get up and walk out of the room, but took out a big seal burning with a golden flame on one side, staring at the big print. ∥ ⊥⊥ ┭ ┭ ┭ 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在.

The soul of Suzaku has been fully approached to the Holy Level.

But Zi Yan was not too happy, and even a flash of sorrow in his eyes. Although Suzaku's soul is only a short step away from the Holy Order, the spacing between the steps is greater than the spacing between all the world's heavens and the Holy One.

Because Suzaku prints further, it will become a sacred soldier. This step is undoubtedly difficult to cross. Otherwise, among the many stars of the saints, the sacred soldiers will not be so rare.

In the same way, the knife spirit is also a step away from the holy level, but it is difficult to get out of this step. This is different from cultivation. At least there are methods and directions for breakthroughs in cultivation. No one knows how to make weapons advance to become holy soldiers.

Collapse the Suzaku imprint, Zi Yan walked out of the room.

After a five-year exhibition, the Sinister Star has become well organized. Under some extreme means, the aliens here are not so repulsive to monks from the Star of Life. In particular, after the news of the sable against the sacred king, from the Chengde star to the sinful star, these people also fully recognized the monk from the Star of Life.

Just as Zi Yan walked out of the room, the city of that month had been condensing the sacred crystals and walked out of the room. After bidding farewell to the moon, it was on the way to the Chengde star field.

It has been fully sanctified. If you want to be a holy king, you need a process of accumulation, so Ziyan considers going back to Wu Da 6 first. ≡.┯╊.┯

The avatar came to the sinful star field and merged with the purple scorpion. After that, it did not appear. This scorpion sable also needs to be taken away.

According to Qianqian and Jiatu Huangtu, they appeared on the sinful star field on time. After the two sides met, the Jiatu Huangtu took the initiative to say: "Zizi, I got accurate news, those saints have not invaded the warrior 6 You still have some time to prepare."

This news is absolutely good for Zi Yan, no better news, he nodded gratefully. Next, he will redeploy the next thing.

Yiqian and Jiatu Huangtu looked at Ziyan. Under the perception of the two people, after five years, the purple scent became more profound and unfathomable. If five years ago, Jiatu Huangtu still had the confidence to fight against Ziyan, but after learning that Ziyan was the anti-celest of the star of life, after five years, he dismissed this. idea.

Even if he comes from a big family, with extraordinary strength, you don't have to fear those who are in the holy. But among these anti-celests, this unique anti-celestial person is not included.

Looking at the purple sorrow, which was quickly lost in thought, after the hesitation of the Kaitu Emperor, he said: "Purple, can you speak in one step?"

The three people at the moment stood outside the room, and occasionally there were monks passing by in front of the three, with curiosity and awe in their eyes.

Zi Yan nodded and gestured back to the room. ∧.╳╬.

The three returned to the room and sat down in the living room. Zi Yan said with apologetic: "Just out of the customs, there is nothing to entertain two, please forgive me."

As usual, Yi Qian smiled at the purple sable, and when she saw Zi Yan, her smile would become sweet and her mood would be relaxed.

As for the Jiatu Huangtu, it is very unconcerned, saying that Ziyan can't find any good things to greet him. Even if he takes it out, will he be able to see this grandfather?

In the past five years, he has been following the goddess, on the one hand to protect the safety of the goddess, on the other hand, the family has heard the news, let him carefully inquire about some things about the purple.

The emergence of the anti-celestial person from the Star of Life is a big event for the whole world. It is well known that some insiders are very valued.

After understanding some of the things of Zi Yan and considering the heart of Zi Yan through these things, there was a dialogue between the two sides.

"Purple, we want to form an alliance with you!" said Jiatu Huangtu, who came to the door.

"Allied?" Zi Yan looked a little stunned, and some could not understand Jiatu Huangtu.

The arrogant Jiatu family, the overlord forces in the Tang Dynasty Star Road, the tremors of the lame star road will actually find him to form an alliance?

The last time, the Jiatu family failed to pursue, it should be in the face of Yiqian. ≤⊥≠≦≦⊥?≤. ╊ 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指 指This is the loss.

Purple is also the leader of the power, it is clear what kind of mentality is the people of the power.

"Yes! Alliance!" said Jiatu Huangtu: "The goddess is here, and our alliance will be witnessed by God!"

Seeing some of the expressions of Ziyan’s doubts, Jiatu Huangtu said again: “My so-called alliance is not for you and me, but for you and our Jiatu family! The whole family!”

If you are allied with such a big family, let's not say that there are any advantages. From a literal point of view, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. This is an excellent thing. Even for Zi Yan, it is equivalent to the charity in the snow.

But is there really such a good thing in this world?


Because Yiqian is a goddess, and he is a friend of Goddess.

Zi Yan looked at Yi Qian, the latter's sweet smile that looked at Zi Yan has disappeared, replaced by contemplation. Obviously, she didn't know about it beforehand.

As a result, Zi Yan is even less convinced that the aliens will give him a snow, and he wonders: "What can I give you?"

For the Jiatu family, there are too many help for Ziyan. For example, the previous news is a kind of help. In turn, what can Zizi help the Jiatu family?

In addition to his big killing, he seems to have nothing special.

But such a person, Jiatu family can be quite a lot.

"We only need one of your promises to give us a promise on behalf of the Star of Life!" said Jiatu Huangtu: "If we get this promise, we are allies!"

"What promise?" Zi Yan asked quietly, and his expression became dignified.

What the other party wants is not their own promise, but the promise of the Star of Life.

"The war has already started, then it will definitely evolve to the day of full combat. At that time, the Temple of Thor will re-enter the world. I believe that you will not be unfamiliar with the Temple of Thor. The reason why the radicals invaded the Star of Life is for the Temple of Thor. We hope that you can give a promise, if the Thunder Temple is open, let our people go in!" said Jiatu Huangtu.

"Is this promise?" Zi Yan appeared to be somewhat unexpected.

It seems that this is not a big deal. If the strong ones in the Star Road are fully stationed in the War V. 6, then the War V6 will be destroyed. Moreover, as the fighting continues, the War V6 will inevitably suffer heavy losses. Even when the Thunder Temple appears, how can people there stop them from invading?

Seeing the changing expression of Zi Yan, Jia Tu Huang Tu seems to be able to guess what the other person thinks. He smiled bitterly: "Do you think that the Star of Life will be really so vulnerable? For many years, for the Temple of Thor, the radicals Conservatives have not attacked the star of life, but the result? Even many of the great saints have not been able to enter the Thunder Temple, they are directly destroyed! Even the gods, not one died."

"Your resources are limited, but you have the ability to create miracles. This is something we don't have in the existence of the stars, and everyone knows this, so there will be this special trial star road. Give us the strength to improve. Only then have you deliberately suppressed and forbidden you to become stronger!"

Looking at the purple enamel will still be suspicious expression, Jiatu Huangtu smiled bitterly: "To tell you the truth, the reason why we do not fight against the Star of Life is not to take care of the people, pity the world, but feel that it is not necessary. After entering the Temple of Thor, The real danger begins. Why not keep some strength before this?"

There is no secret in the Star of Life, Zi Yan is not clear But he can see that this Jiatu Huangtu is not like a masterpiece, so he nodded and said: "If it is only this request, I It can be a substitute for the Star of Life to promise you. But... can you give us some help?"

Since it is an alliance, the interests of both sides are naturally mutual, so the next step is to negotiate the interests.

"We will give you a truly fair trial environment!"

Looking at the incomprehensible expression, Jiatu Huangtu said: "If I invite all of you to go to the star domain under our jurisdiction, are you willing to go?"

Zi Yan shook his head very decisively. Here is a pick-up place. You can't leave. If they leave, the next person will suffer.

"This star field belongs to the radicals and conservatives, and there are few neutrals. If you don't want to leave, we will secretly build a transmission array here, so that after your people come here, you can pass this transmission. Array, reaching the planet under our jurisdiction, giving them a relatively fair experience."



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