Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 2273: 6-word mantra

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"Not a great holy, a holy king!"

The stars came to this side and fought side by side with the two. Shen Sheng said: "In this world, the probability of the appearance of the Great Saint is very low! Even such a family, there is still no big holy!"

The words of the stars are very certain, because this is another secret in the star road. It is the Kathu emperor who utters this secret. I believe that there is no reason for the other party to deceive them.

This is also the reason why Zi Yan took six people and dared to come to the hegemonic family.

"Is it holy king?" Su Mengyao turned to look deep in the side of Zi Yan.

Zi Yan nodded and said: "It should be!"

In the last battle, he teamed up with the stars and others to almost kill one. This time, there are more strong players in their ranks, and their combat power is even stronger. I believe that facing a holy king, it should not be so embarrassing.

There are five monks there, and Zi Yan continues to look back and try to collect a new planet.

It is already a void, the solid energy around it and the crystal, all of which have been shattered, leaving only one planet in the void.

The saints who were afraid of retreating in the distance saw the purple and Su Mengyao here, and they also saw that Qiankun Wanyuanyuan was collecting the planet, but they did not have the strength and the courage to stop.

The breath of the Holy King swept from a distance with a strong oppressive atmosphere.

Those who retreat from the saints are letting them go, and the figure of a middle-aged man appears. Wherever the other is, all the saints are very respectful.

His eyes passed over these saints, and the holy king was indifferently cold. A group of saints can't deal with five people in the district, which is a shame for the Hotth family.

That coldness is like a heavy hammer in the heart of a group of saints. Some of the previously wounded saints have a white face and a **** mouth.


The indifferent eyes passed over these saints, and this looked at the five people in front.

Seeing these five people, there are actually two beautiful women, and the Holy King’s eyes flashed a strange color. But by the time he is in this realm, the beauty is obviously no longer his own.

"I haven't been born for many years, I didn't think that the generation of the stars on the Star of Life, the courage has already been so big. Since you took the initiative to die, it will be perfect!" Looking at the five people, the Holy King smiled coldly.


At this time, there was a huge earthquake in the distance, a huge planet, which was constantly shrinking, and then entered the Qiankun Wanyuan source.

Such a scene caused the attention of the Holy King. His sight moved to the distance and fell on the source of the heavens. Immediately, his pupil was suddenly shrunk, and it is clear that he has already felt that this big trip is extraordinary.

Deep in the bottom of the eye, a greedy flash of death, he said in a deep voice: "Go and take the trip!"

Behind the Holy King, all the saints heard it, but there were some faces. They were beaten back in the past, and they tried many times and could not rush over and suffered heavy losses.

"Waste, these guys I will deal with!" The coldness of the dissatisfaction of the Holy King, the breath of the Holy King began to surge, the pair of cold scorpions locked five people.

These saints breathed a sigh of relief and deliberately circumvented five people, hoping to rush to the purple scorpion.

“Hey!” “Hey!” “Hey!” “Hey!”

At this time, the stars, the konjac, the glorious, and the bright moon were turned into streamers, and they rushed toward the saints.

Seeing these four people, these saints trembled in their hearts and retreated.

"court death!"

Seeing that only one bald head was in front of him, the eyes of the Holy King stunned, and the feeling of being despised provoked the anger in his heart. The body robes are windless and automatic. He raises his hand and prepares to shoot.


At this time, a Buddha number sounded and the monk took the lead.

I saw a huge slogan, emitting a bright, glaring Buddha light, and printing it toward the Holy King.

When the word is moving forward, it is zooming in, and there is a strong breath.

The palm of the king lifted down, and the void was swaying, hitting the plaque.

This slogan, which can annihilate the saints, is instantly shattered in the attack of the Holy King. The sacred corner of the sacred king evokes a bit of disdain. It seems that he wants to sneer a few words and say that the last sentence is not self-sufficient.


A blow to the defeat, the monk knees in the void, hands folded, the Buddha's light shines, there is a light wheel behind him, like a Buddha, the first word of the six-word mantra appears.

The void began to distort, and the syllable of this word echoed in the void, with an inexplicable energy. The former sages, numbing blood without warning, looked back in horror.

At the moment, with the monk as the center, within a radius of three kilometers, there is a slap in the voice, which is full of devastating power.

In the face of this energy shock, the Holy King faceless expression, step by step, the strength of the whole body surging. The monk expanded into a sound wave within a radius of three kilometers, which became distorted and forced to collapse.

The second light wheel appeared behind the monk, accompanied by a second syllable.


The distorted void has once again become stable, with a word of blessing, and the range of three kilometers has expanded to five kilometers.

Within this five kilometers, the golden light is full, the Buddha shines, and the two-character syllables are echoing.

Some of the saints who had just retired, began to cough up blood, lost their eyes and looked horrified, as if they saw something terrible.

"Buddha Mantra, but that's it!"

Among the two syllables that lingered, the words of the Holy King’s indifference sounded, and his voice was like a heavy hammer, which sounded in this void.

After the horrified saints heard the voice of the Holy King, they woke up and immediately retreated toward the distance.

The stars and other people who rushed forward also circumvented the scope of the monk's attack. This kind of attack is indiscriminate. As long as it is within range, it will encounter attacks, no matter how good or bad.

The two characters of the monk did not have any influence on the Holy King. He took another step. This step took hundreds of meters and the eyes flickered.


The third sound of the monk appeared, and a third light wheel appeared behind him.

The original energy enveloped five kilometers, which extended to seven kilometers at this moment.

The Holy King still sneered, and took another step.

This step is nearly two hundred meters.

At this moment, he is less than three hundred meters away from the monk, almost a two-step journey.

The monk seemed to be unaware of this scene. He looked at the holy king with a compassionate smile on his face, and the fourth light wheel appeared from behind.

After the light wheel appeared, the fifth light wheel appeared immediately.

"Bao! Mi!"

The fourth and fifth sounds appear almost simultaneously.

Within a radius of 10,000 meters, it was swayed by the Buddhist light of the monk. The energy formed by the five-character syllables continued to oscillate, making this space begin to twist itself.

Within a radius of 10,000 meters, the distorted space is very dangerous, but in the distance everyone looks at this scene, but does not feel any danger. There is even a feeling of peace and compassion. If the distorted space is like a dangerous beast, then the feeling of this beast is like being domesticated, not only without fierceness. Meaning, but it is still very well-behaved.

I have to say that this is a perceptual illusion. Once you step into it, you will die in an instant.

This can be seen from the energy of the Holy King's body and the two steps he took. Under normal circumstances, after the two steps of the Holy King, they should have already arrived in front of the monk. But now, he is still a hundred meters away from the monk. And he used to be a disdainful expression, and it was becoming a little dignified at the moment.

"Six words are true, there is still one word!"

The Holy King screamed, his energy began to violent, centered on him, a reverse swirling vortex appeared, scattered around.

As the vortex spread, within the control of the monk, the power of the five-word mantra is rapidly annihilating.

The battle in the distance has not yet begun, and everyone is watching the battle between the Holy One and the Holy King.

Even the purple sable in the distance, I turned my head and looked at the battlefield over there.

The six-character mantra, known as one of the most powerful supernatural powers of Buddhism, is a famous existence on the star of life, and it is also the magical power that the purple dragonfly always wants.

Today, the saint-level monk will undoubtedly show the full power of the six-word mantra. The power of the six-word mantra is also full of expectations.

On the battlefield, the Holy King began to move forward, step by step, and his pace has changed from a few hundred meters in the previous step to a ten-meter step in the present.

But as soon as he arrived in front of the monk, he had the confidence to destroy the other side. This kind of supernatural power is powerful, but the gap in the realm is irreparable.


The sixth light wheel appeared behind the monk, and the last sound of the six-word mantra appeared.

After the last sound appeared, within a radius of 10,000 meters, the energy began to violent, and the void was constantly distorted, as if it were forcibly isolated, forming a new world.

This world is enveloped by Buddha, peaceful and compassionate.

At the time of the formation of the world, the Holy King went to the monk in a difficult way, just like a mountain carrying a mountain, **** and a sword, a little difficult point, a sword gas stabbed toward the monk's eyebrows.

"The bitter sea is turning back to the shore! The donor, killing and killing!" The monk's hands clasped together, the voice of compassion, sounded in this world.

At this moment monk sorrows and sorrows, is the real sorghum.

The Holy King in this world saw a peaceful land of freedom, and there was no killing in that area. The voice of Buddhism chanting echoes in every place, making people feel peace of mind.

"Go to death!"

The Holy King smashed his head and forcibly expelled this feeling. An angry roar broke out, reaching the sword in front of the monk, and went straight to the eyebrows of the monk.

It is obviously impossible to control the mind of a holy king by virtue of this technique.

"I don't go to hell, who goes to hell! Amitabha! The donor is turning back!"

The monk once again took out the Buddha, and the sword was opposite. There was no meaning of dodge. The compassionate expression seemed to be willing to sacrifice himself and to save the other.


The sword pierced the monk's eyebrows and passed through instantly. The monk's body shattered.

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