Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 2525: Falling city

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After several times of transmission, the purple scorpion appeared and chose to fly.

It is not impossible to continue to transmit, but to worry that the other party can find space fluctuations to catch up.

He hides the world in space and the other party can perceive it.

As he escapes from the teleport, the world will start immediately, and the fluctuations will be greater, and the other party will be keenly aware.

After running for nearly a thousand miles, he stopped and entered his own world.

Others are looking at him strangely.

"It seems that even if there is a world that is free to expand, it is not free to do here. The one that is just too strong is far from what we can deal with."

Zi Yan said: "I am in a hurry, I still find the place to settle."

Others nodded.

The existence did not catch up, I wonder if it was completely ridiculed by Zi Yan.

After waiting for a long time, after no abnormalities, several people began to kill the spatio-temporal creatures.



In the tenth domain, in the castle where the last transmission array of the particularly dangerous area can reach, there are four people standing.

According to the original plan, they can still transmit it again, but just two servants have appeared, telling that the city has been broken and the transmission array has been destroyed.

So, he had to give up the idea of ​​transmission and walk toward the gate of the city.

Outside the city gate, there are a lot of different time and space creatures at the moment, and the number is amazing.

They constantly attacked the big city, and all kinds of snoring continued to ring.

"Do you really want to develop power here?"

Sini looked at the alien creatures outside, and his look changed slightly, looking back at him.

He nodded and said: "I want to do something in the realm of the gods. This is the best starting point."

"Can it be too dangerous here? Is it better to go back and not develop power in other places?" Xavier said.

There is a faint smile on the corner of the mouth. "Although the identity of the **** of the gods is indeed awkward in the realm of the gods, this is not what I really want. What I want to do is to get recognition from the world. Let everyone know the name, not the **** of the gods!"

His eyes are firm, looking forward, full of pride.

"You, leave!"

He clung to the three men, rushed out of the city of God and flew away in the distance.

The other three stood there and looked awkward.

Although they are born, not righteous, each person has a label of the lingering child of the gods.

Usually, they think this is the glory of supreme.

I can hear what you said, and their hearts seem to have shaken.

Who would not want to be recognized?

Who doesn't want to be famous for the earthquake?

The three people actually only came here to see here, and did not intend to really come here to develop power.

After all, the incident has also produced a lot of power. Although nothing has been obtained in the end, many people have been offended, but the relationship between the four seems to have gradually become harmonious.

Those who have offended, although they are very big, are the children of the gods, but they are not afraid, and even the faint heart is still very excited.

After all, not everyone dares to offend so many children of the gods.

"What do you guys think?" Sini looked back at the two.

The two hesitated, did not speak, and the look was obviously shaken.

Sini looked out of the city, and his body shape had disappeared. He said with emotion: "We have endless life, but we have lost the courage and courage to create miracles."

The two looked up and looked at Sini.

"Rather than returning to the family area and continue to be the son of the gods, the developmental forces of the shackles are not as strong as this one in a chaotic area."

"But if it fails? Isn't that a joke?" Xavier said with some concern, after all, God is more than a son.

"At least we worked hard and tried other fates! Even if it is a joke, it is much better than those cowards! Two, leave!"

After that, Sini also rushed out.

"The two madmen!" Core Lin looked at the departing Sini, and snorted.

"Core Lin, what should we do?" Xavier looked at her.

"Hey, they are all gone, can we still be afraid? If we are not good, are we better than a godless son? We are leaving! This time, I also let the family people have a good look, I have a core." Can bear, at the very least, stronger than that!"

When the words fell, Core Lin also went out.

"Wait for me!" Xavier followed.



"Oh, wait for me!"

The rushing rush, heard the sound of Sini from the back, he looked back and saw Sini followed.

"How did you come?"

The light of the energy of the body rushed, and all the time and space creatures that tried to pounce on him all shook out.

"I am also interested in this place to see if there is a place for me." Sini said.

The sneer laughed and said: "You don't want to tease, this is not for you!"

Sini dissatisfied and said: "Why, you don't believe me? Tell you, although I am a child of the gods, I also have a hot, brave heart. Here, I am still awaiting!"

"Yes, there are us!"

Corelin and Xavier also followed.

I have to say that these four existences that have had conflicts of interest have gone through a series of things.

Look at the three people, nodded, and then the four people walked side by side.

During this period, more time-space creatures pounced on the four people, all of which came and went.

It is not clear that the four people have come here, and it is not clear that the four are looking for a suitable place to put the city.

Of course, the four did not know that Yiqian also came here with the team.

After leaving the city, after about a thousand miles, the four stopped. During the period they did not meet the ruined city, it should be the wrong direction.

To connect with other cities, they must be guaranteed within a thousand miles.

"We have to put the first city nearby."

His eyes are sweeping and he is looking for a place to put in the city.

The surrounding terrain is flat, but there is no place to deliberately choose.

Xavier looked at him with some concern: "If we have settled the city, what should the original city be destroyed?"

When the city is destroyed, the transmission array will naturally disappear, so everyone can't transmit it.

"It’s just a thousand miles apart. If we work hard, it won’t be a big problem. Moreover, we can send some people to the city to kill the enemy, as long as we hold the city. After our city is established, they On the other hand, nature will not be too hard."

A few people agree with the opinions of the people, and then they have to discuss which city they should be placed here.

I thought about it: "According to the city's ranks, my city has the highest level. If it is dangerous, it can last for a long time, so my city is placed outside. Next is Sini, then Xinlin. Here, use your city in Xavier."

For the arrangement of the embarrassment, several people have no opinion.

Once the cities are connected and the transmission array is open, then the four cities are connected and can support each other during the period.

"We go deep in a straight line. Once we have developed, we can extend from both sides when other people arrive," he said.

Xavier looked at his confident self-confidence and asked: "If it fails? What if your city is broken?"

Sini and Corelin are also watching.

Now the only thing that you have is a seven-tier city.

If the city breaks, he can really have nothing.

"If the city breaks, then try to redeem a city and start over. Just have a hope of living, isn't it?"

His gaze looked at the distance, and there was a faint smile on his face. It seemed that even the scar of the scar had become softer.

Looking at the self-confident and calm look, several people nodded subconsciously, in fact they did not agree with this statement.

If even the only seven-level city is gone, can you start again?

In fact, they didn't understand that when they were at Star Road, they had nothing, and even life was almost gone.

But he didn't die after all, but he went to this step.

This is the day when those who are against the sky, no one can reach.

Of course, except for Qian.

Because she has a **** god.

But he has nothing, can have today's achievements, can stand side by side with these children of the gods, because he never admits defeat, never give up.

Next, the four people went on to see where the other cities should be placed, and then went back.

Next, it is to bring people to open up the city.

And hey, it is necessary to find the next day God borrows people.



Zi Yan did not stay for a long time, he quickly returned to the original road, he worried that after returning without a shadow, he could not find him.

Going back to the place where he was attacked, Zi Yan did not find the strong presence, and obviously the other party has left.

Then he is here waiting for a shadowless return.

About a month later, the shadowless returned to the original place, and Ziyan asked with some expectation: "How?"

"There are indeed mother nests here, but they are all very secretive, and the nests here can hide in space and it is very difficult to find."

Without a shadow, "Of course, these are nothing to me, but it is too dangerous along the way. There are countless powerful aliens in time and space."

Looking at the shadowless expression, Zi Yan can also guess the difficulty along the way.

Without a shadow, he continued: "But it is indeed a place that cannot be done. If you have the ability to go deeper, the harvest is definitely not small. There are already three places in the mother's nest that I have found."

Danger and opportunity coexist.

"Then, which position do you think the city is better?" Zi Yan asked to put it here, if there is no further problem, there is no problem. ”

Next, I returned to the world of Zi Yan without a shadow, and then saw that everyone is breaking down those time-space creatures.

Obviously, he also knows how these different time and space creatures came from, so he said: "If your world is not suppressed here, then more time and space creatures are not for you. I suggest you continue to go deeper. The location is around 100,000 miles."

This conclusion is reached without a shadow, not only because of the world of purple, but also because of the quality of the city of Yiqian.

As a nine-level city, the city's defense level is extremely high, ordinary time-space creatures, can not be broken.

After deliberation, everyone decided to go deeper.

They continue to stay in the world of sable, and the sable begins to teleport.

After ten teleports, they marched 100,000 miles to the place where they could be placed in the city.

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