Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 2536: Strongest defense

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Under the leadership of Fan Li, Bensenlu and others began to deepen.

During this period, you will encounter many different time and space creatures guarding here.

Then there was a series of battles.

Last time, because there were too few strong people, Bensenlu lost a lot of money, and did not get anything. Even the shadow of the mother's nest was not seen.

This time, they are full of four, six, eight and five, and they have full confidence in getting the mother nest.

"Young master, from the perspective of these different time and space creatures, the mother's nest here should not be born for a long time, and our people are enough to deal with it."

While speaking in Fan Li, another five-level time-space creature appeared. They are still the body of the beast. They are not transformed into human beings like the time-space creatures in the trial ground.

It is still cruel, and wisdom is still not high. The reason why it stays here is that it is guarded here according to the wishes of the mother's nest.

In the rear, there are naturally strong players rushing up, and then everyone join forces to fight, and the five-level alien time-space creature has to retreat.

During the period, one more out of the ban.

However, compared to the eight and five levels of Benson's side, there are only two five-level time-space creatures, and the combat power is not high.

Two levels and five levels have been killed.

They took away the five-level body, and after returning to decomposition, they could exchange for a small contribution and a crystal.

Then they met another six-level alien space-time creature.

After seeing each other, Fan Li said: "This is the strongest at the moment. Killing him will see the mother's nest."

When Benson and others heard it, the eyes were immediately brightened. For Fan Li, they have absolute trust.

Because looking at the whole realm of the gods, people like Fan Li may not be able to find five.

The four and six levels are all around, and in the case of four dozens, the battle is coming to an end.

After that, they entered a ban and came to a huge space where they saw the mother's nest.

In addition to the mother nest, there are many nest eggs.

Although Fan Li has found a lot of opportunities for Senlu, this is the first time they have seen their mother's nest. At this moment, all of them are bright-eyed, excited, and breathing is getting faster.

This is the mother's nest, which represents an absolute chance.

Not only can we exchange huge amounts of contributions, but once we refine and refine ourselves, the realm can make rapid progress.

"I sent it, but we made it this time." The sons of the gods who followed Bensenlu were also very excited at the moment.

"Oh, that is of course!"

Benson Lu smiled proudly: "You don't look at who you are following? Tell you, this is just the beginning. The days that are going on are still growing, and you will be able to use your nesting energy in the future."

"Thank you for Lu Shao!"

The three sons of the gods thanked each other.

At this moment, the mother's nest occupies half of a space. Once all refining, I believe that everyone's realm can be leaps and bounds.

"Young master, we have to hurry to avoid the extra-budget," Fan Li said.

"What are you, we..."

Benson’s triumphant words have not been finished yet, and Fan Li shouted loudly: “Not good, someone is coming!”

Everyone heard the sound and turned back, only to see the space there was distorted, and the appearance of a Protoss appeared.

It is purple.

This is a strange protoss, and the realm is relatively low. After a few people see each other, the look is also slight.

The eyes of the purple scorpion swept through the mother's nest, because I have seen the mother's nest, so it is not shocking at the moment, and if it is more than the volume, the mother's nest in front of him is not as big as he had before.

His eyes passed over the sons of the gods and looked at Fan Li and said: "Your perception is really sharp!"

"Who are you? How come here?" Fan Li stared at the purple.

"Take him who he is, kill him!"

Bensenru waved his hand and saw a five-level walk from the rear and rushed to the purple.

The sable body recedes and passes through the ban.

"Don't chase, be careful to ambush!" Fan Li shouted.

"Afraid of what, we are so many people, still afraid that he has an ambush?" Benson Lu smiled faintly.

"It is true that you have a large number of people, of course, not afraid of ambush." ​​The voice of Zi Yan, once again, saw him coming in again.

"kill him!"

Bensenlu waved again and was a five-level one.

The purple scorpion retreated and then came in again. The fifth grade disappeared.

"Young master, it is not too late, you have to take away your mother's nest!" Fan Li said.

Bensonlu did not respond. As the son of the most arrogant god, he naturally has an absolutely arrogant side. He looked at Zi Yan and said: "I am curious, such a broken place, how many can block the five-level gods. Existence. Even if the four waste-built cities are added together, I am afraid that I can’t find a few."

When the words fell, Bensonlu waved again.

Once, twice, three times.

Five five-level gods went out and then did not come in again.

At the side of Benson, the fifth of the five gods left the last three.

There are four at the sixth level.

"Sixth level to kill him!" Benson Lu said coldly.

I saw a six-level rush out, but also did not come back.

Seeing Zi Yan’s face again, Benson’s eyes showed a touch of anger, which was a very annoying face.

"Young master, the other party must be prepared, we have to take away the mother's nest first." Fan Li again voiced, it seems very anxious.

Benson's face gradually became ugly, because the other party was too calm, and the calm was even too abnormal.

Although there are three six, three, five, and five other levels, but no one knows how many people are hidden behind the ban, and how many strong people there are.

So Benson decided to listen to Fan Li’s opinion first. He took a step back and prepared to make people push forward, and he went to collect the nest.

Just after this, I saw strong spatial fluctuations behind me.

Bensenlu turned subconsciously and saw the light on the mother's nest. The power of the rules of the road emerged from the body and surrounded the whole body.

Around it, the space is constantly twisted and becomes very unstable.

"No, it has to run away!"

Seeing this scene, Fan Li’s face changed greatly and he lost his voice.

After Bensonlu and others noticed the abnormality, they also rushed toward the front.

"First kill it, or else it will escape!" Fan Li shouted.


The three six-level, in an instant, three light training, went straight to the mother's nest.

As long as this light falls on the mother's nest, the mother's nest will die in an instant.

Because it has almost no combat power, the defensive power is almost equivalent to zero. Once it was able to kill it easily.


But when the three rays of energy passed, only the power of the space appeared, preventing the advancement of these energies.

The space seems to be solid, and the three attacks are still.

In the scope of the space package, the light of the mother's nest flickers and disappears into the space.

It ran away.

I ran away.

Benson Lu and others are dumbfounded.

Although they have never got a mother's nest, it is clear that the mother's nest has almost no attack power, but who can think that it will run away?

They had been standing here for so long, and the other party did not run away, but now they ran.

The biggest chance is that it is gone.

In this space, in addition to the fluctuations in space, there are only those eggs that are different in time and space.

No, the biggest chance, it is gone.

The purple cicada, which had been calm before, was dumbfounded at the moment. He obviously did not expect that the mother's nest would actually run away.

There was a sigh in front, and then Benson and others looked back, staring at the purple eyes, the eyes seemed to eat people.

"It’s all you damn, it’s all you!" Benson Lu gnashed his teeth.

"I can say, is this just a misunderstanding?" Zi Yan looked at Benson.

"go to hell!"

In the eyes of the murderous flash, Bensonlu rushed toward the front, his body, surrounded by four gods.

Compared to the third level of the purple, the opponent's fourth level is obviously stronger.

In front of Zi Yan, Bensen Lu punched him with a punch.


Strongly turbulent, horrible energy surges, large glare, and Benson's body flew directly out.

Zi Yan stood there and did not move, I saw him in front, there is a light shield, the light shield is simple and vicissitudes, exudes a strong atmosphere.

This light shield is being held in the hands of the monk.

"Shuang! It's so cool!"

The light shield was removed, and the monk was outcropping. After seeing the fourth-grade Benson Lu was shocked, his face immediately showed ecstasy.

"Haha, come, come, see the means of your family Buddha!"

He laughed with excitement, his body was full of light, and there was a sense of invincibility in the world.

"What are you doing, hurry up and see the strongest defense of your family!"

The monk shouted at everyone.

"Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!"...

A ray of light came forward, a strong man was close, and a powerful attack fell toward the monk.

On the monk's body, the Buddha's light surging, the Buddha's power of the two ancestors poured into the shield, only to see the body surface of the shield, there appeared a mysterious rune, the rune was extremely bright and constantly flashing.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

A powerful attack fell on the shield, causing a roar of energy. The powerful energy was constantly splashing, the runes on the shield were constantly changing, and then a powerful anti-shock force was uploaded from the light shield.

For a time, these predecessors, the gods, were all shaken out.

This scene is more and more exciting to see the monk, even the purple cicada behind him is also moving.

If such a shield is given to him, how terrible will he be with a knife and a shield?

Looking at the crowds The monk smiled proudly: "This is just an appetizer, waiting for your family to understand the shield, haha, that is dinner!"

His voice just fell, powerful power came from a distance, but a six-level attack launched against the monk.

His punch fell on the shield.

The light of the gods suddenly appeared, constantly surging.

This time, the sixth-level gods were not shaken back, only the light on the light shield, extinguished in an instant, and then powerful forces passed through the shield and landed on the monk.


The monk slammed back and smashed the purple scorpion, and the two men flew outside the ban.


Bensenlu shouted, indicating that everyone was escaping toward the front.

And he retreated to the rear, and Fan Li, who was back in the back, flashed with excitement in his eyes.

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