Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 2638: Go to the battlefield

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"any request?"

Zi Yan looked up at the light and shadow above, and there was doubt in his heart. Zhong Tang Zhong Ling would ask him.

Zhong Ling did not answer immediately, he seriously thought for a while.

Aster is waiting patiently.

"Can you promise me, no matter when, don't give up the world." Zhong Ling said, the tone is very sincere.

Don't give up this world?

A glimpse of the purple, do not understand the meaning of the other side.

"This world is the foundation of all living beings. Can you promise me that no matter what happens, don't do things that harm the interests of the world?" Zhong Ling said again, the tone became serious.

"Why do you want to tell me this, I am just a god-like existence?" asked the purple sorrow.

"I can't see you. Your future has too many possibilities. Now you really don't have this strength, but it's not necessarily in the future. I hope you can promise me this request, or request." Zhong Ling said.

Zi Yan said: "Do you think that in the future, I may do something that harms the world?"

Zhong Ling shook his head and said: "I don't know, I just have some concerns."

"What is the world you are referring to? The gods? Stars and stars? The star of life?" Ziyan asked again.

"I will understand you later."

Zhong Ling looked at Zi Yan and said: "The world is very complicated at present. You need to feel it slowly, but when you are ready to make choices in the future, I hope you don't blindly. Don't harm the world because you have no survival. No one can survive."

Zi Yan nodded and said: "Although I don't understand what you are talking about, I think I should not do anything that harms the world in the future, because my friends are in this world."

This is a question that the sable has thought about, unless the gods don't allow them, otherwise he won't fight the gods.

But his purpose in coming to the realm of the gods is only to occupy a small area. Now he has done it.

And he is very clear that the gods are very big, and the protoss of the gods are not so concerned about the land.

Nowadays, the time and space are raging, and with the scale, the people of the Star of Life come here, and it is also beneficial to the gods.

It is really necessary for Ziyan to make a choice. Then he is an extremely powerful existence. According to everything else, there is no big-scale battle between the two sides, and it is even less likely to endanger the world.

"It's good to have this sentence for you. This thing is for you, maybe it will help you in the future."

In the hands of Zhong Ling, a light spot was condensed. The light spot descended from the sky and was caught in the hand by Zi Yan.

"what is this?"

"This is a little spiritual body of the **** of death. After the growth, the power is equivalent to the imitation. You should cultivate it." Zhong Ling said: "Even if you can't use it, your avatar can be used. He has imitation on him." Pintong Tianshen needle, with this imitation of the **** of the world, it is a perfect match."

Ziyan senses the spirit in his hand. It is too weak and does not know how long it will take to grow up. It is about to advance to the crisis of the crisis. This thing is of no use to him.

He looked up at Zhong Ling and said: "After I left here, I will go to a dangerous area. Can I give up this thing and change a strong defense from you."

“How strong is it?” Zhong Ling asked.

"It is enough to block the attack of the nine-level god." Zi Yan said.

Zhong Ling reached out again, and there were three light spots on the top of the sky. He came down to the bottom and fell on the purple hand.

"When you take it with you, once these three light spots are launched, you can form a defense. Every defense can insist on the time of three interest. In this three interest, you are absolutely safe." Zhong Ling said.

Zi Yan put away the spirit and three defenses, and thanked the other side for the fist.

"Okay, you can go."

The space in front of the purple enamel began to distort, and a channel appeared, and the purple scorpion entered the passage.

The outside world, Yu Qian, saw that Zi Yan disappeared from her sight and was worried about the other side.

However, she did not dare to rush into it. It is difficult to go in and out.

Just waiting for a very long time, when she felt bad in her heart, the space beside her suddenly twisted, and then the purple scorpion came out of it.

Seeing Zi Yan appear beside him, Yi Qian is very surprised.

"Let's go." Zi Yan said.

“Has it been successful?” Yi Qian looked at Zi Yan.


Ziyan nodded.

"how is it?"

"The speed is a lot faster, even if you face five levels, you can take advantage of it."

"That should be careful, but there are nine levels."

"Well, I will."

The two began to return.

Walking out of the tomb of the gods, at the entrance to the ban, Zi Yan took out the spirit of the previous Zhong Ling and said: "This is for you."

"What?" Yiqian took the spirit to look at it.

Zi Yan said: "The imitation of the gods of the world will gradually increase."

"Where did you get it?" asked Yu Qian curiously.

"The spirit of the **** of death is given."

"You saw Zhong Ling?" Yi Qian is very surprised.

Zi Yan nodded and said what happened before. He didn’t have any good concealment for Yi Qian. Even the three defenses were said.

According to Qian, I feel a little strange, but I don’t care. Nowadays, they are still very weak. Even life-saving is a problem. There is still a long way to go to change the world.

What makes her puzzled is that Zhong Ling, who is the **** of the world, has a replica?

Does such a existence require replicas?

Out of the forbidden land, the patriarch of the Moonwolves are still waiting. After seeing the two appear, they immediately greeted them.

I got the thunder of the sky, and the purple scorpion needs to hurry into the battlefield. In case the Sadeny God really sent other black orders, it would be troublesome.

Therefore, they did not accept the invitation of the Moon Wolf patriarch, and they planned to leave quickly. When they left, they took a few of the nine wolves to leave.

Today's Toby City is still expanding, and it is still recruiting people. Relatively speaking, these wolves are more trustworthy. The only regret is that their realm is too low.

But Toby City has resources, and they also have time, so they are not in a hurry.

After returning to Toby City, Yi Qian handed these people to Qiao Lina and asked her to arrange these people. As for her and Zi Yan, she went to her own city.

When I came to the city, Zi Yan had a simple exchange with everyone. During the period, I told the monks and others to join the battlefield. Just enter the initial level and slowly grow up.

After reaching God's level, everyone's realm has become slower, and they want to speed up the break, and only enter the battlefield.

After that, Zi Yan decided to leave and enter the black battlefield.

He took all the ancestral monuments, and there were several ancestral monuments. As for the other ancestral monuments, they all stayed.

During this period, he saw the heart of the thunder wing after the fusion in the world. After the integration, the heart of the thunder wing became extremely complete, and the body also had a ancestral monument, and the number was still quite large.

In the end, Ziyan got a total of eight ancestral monuments, just like the ancestral monument, only one piece can be all together.

When Zi Yan decided to leave, he also told Yi Qian, for example, let him take Shangguan Yueer and go to other regions to find other ancestral monuments and other Jiu Jibing. These two things are for the Star of Life. , has great significance.

After that, Zi Yan is gone.

The entrance to the battlefield is next to the city where the Goddess of God is located. It is a special entrance, and there will be many gods coming here every day.

After being transferred to the city of Shandini, the sable was out of town, and then swept away from the entrance to the battlefield.

When he was on the road, he released his breath and could meet many levels along the way. They felt very surprised after they felt that the purple enamel had only one level of breath.

After all, there are very few first-class gods who dare to enter the battlefield.

Of course, during this period, I heard some sarcasm and disdain, and I didn’t say anything about the sable. If it was possible, he would not come here.

The entrance to the battlefield is a small city with only one entrance. There are several gods at the entrance, and Ziyan follows other people into the city.

Entering the city, Zi Yan first saw a four-story castle, where it came to register, and then gave a token of relative rank.

This little purple is ignored, because he already has a level token.

Going deeper, you will see some shops, which can be recycled in the battlefield of the class, can be converted into contributions, exchange some medicinal herbs.

Because this is the entrance to the level battlefield, it is necessary to convert the battlefield here, so the purple enamel can not be exchanged.

If it is an ordinary remedy, he can use resources to redeem it in the outside city.

Going deeper, you will encounter one transmission channel after another, where the real entrance to the battlefield will be clearly marked.

Most of those who came with Ziyan went straight to the bronze battlefield. Only a few of them went to the silver battlefield, but after Ziyu came here, they went straight to the black battlefield.

Those who ridiculed him before, after seeing this scene, were slightly stunned and stopped moving One of them said: "Is this an idiot, even going straight to the black battlefield? Already?"

"It must be new, and I don't understand the rules here." Another **** will open his mouth.

But in the next moment, their expressions changed, because that only one level of existence, actually took out a black order.

"Black order, that is a special black order, he has a black order!"

"I will get a black order at the first level. Who is he?"

These gods have all changed their faces. They have come to the battlefield for a lot of times, and they know the meaning of a black order.

Those who have black orders are all strong ones, and it is extremely difficult to get this black order. How can the other party get the first level?

Not only did they lie there, but even the channel guards were paralyzed. I saw that the other party was holding a black order quickly, apparently going to check it out.

It’s incredible that one will be the black-level holder of the first level.

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