Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 335: Ethereal

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The purple singer disappeared and there was no news.

The first battle of the day was also his last battle, ending with a big victory, causing another sensation.

"Purple must have found a top secret valley and retreat."

"Yes, although he has no fighting power, how can he be hostile to all forces, only to hide cultivation."

Throughout the entire area, various speculations have been heard, and various versions have been circulated.

But whether it is true or not, the purple cockroach really disappeared.

"Purple, dare not come out to fight."

"We have a fair showdown, who wins and who leaves."

Outside the big cities, there are downfalls, and in the ring, the words of the powerful forces are very pale. This is obviously a strategy, no one will believe in a fair confrontation.

In the true world of the world, who can be hostile to the purple, all screams, there are conspiracy.

Maybe Wang Hao can, he claims to be the first genius of Yunxia City, very mysterious, rarely shot, but because of the relationship between Zi Yan and Wang Xianer, he will not shoot, Wu Mo is lazy, but Wu Zong’s reputation is very high. Maybe there are some means, but he is a friend with Zi Yan.

Good and evil monks, with six-character mantras, can annihilate the air, but he also disappeared, and the killer of the genius is looking for him everywhere.

Except for three people, the screams of other monks are pale and powerless.

Zi Yan did not respond again, the loophole can only be seized once, the next time obviously will not work, around the ring, do not know how many strong ambushes.

All forces are dispatched, looking for all the mountains that can be found, looking for places with human footprints.

But half a month passed and there was no news about the sable.

"On that day, Zi Yan purchased thousands of bottles of Yuan Lidan. Even if two people are enough to break through to Lingyuan, he must be shut down, not to appear in the air."

There are many people talking.

But those big forces can be anxious, and the purple scorpion will be able to kill all the monks in the real world, even the enchanting can kill.

Once you really break through to the spiritual realm and become the royal sky, then who can do it, who is the master?

This kind of strong person is usually difficult to live in the world.

Everyone is closing their doors, fighting for strength and making breakthroughs. How can we manage these things?

The passage of time, and half a month passed, the purple scorpion seems to disappear from the human world, disappearing without a trace.

They searched for the mountains and mountains, and found the mountains and rivers, and found nothing.

Some people speculated that Zi Yan left the southern region and went to the outside world.

"A real world in a district, if you dare to go to the outside world, you will die if you live for three days. It is a dead end." Tan Fang heard the news, apparently not believe, he came from the outside, naturally know how fierce the outside fight is. .

He let the killer of the slaying geek continue to look for it. At the same time, he also warned many forces to sell some power and not to perfuse things.

"It is not necessary to go outside the southern region. It may be possible to join the ethereal sect." Some people speculated.

The relationship between Ziyan and the Essence is very good. When the floating people said that the door of the Essence, it has been open for the purple.

Moreover, Su Mengyao joined the ethereal ancestors, and there was no clue for the purple scorpion for a long time.

"The ethereal sect." Tan Fang heard the news, his brow wrinkled.

For several major forces, the Essence is very mysterious, but for Tan Fang, the Essence is a big faction. Although it can't compare the Promise of the year, it can be survived from the turmoil of 10,000 years ago.

"Su Long may also be there." Some people speculated, and said the relationship between Su Long and Su Mengyao.

"The ethereal sect, after a few days, we will go to the meeting, we must find Su Long." The frowning Tan Fang, finally said.

A few days later, the array of the Tianshou Pavilion headquarters was once again bright, a strong stock appeared, and several strong people came, and brought what Tan Fang wanted. Tan Fang’s heart was set, and people went to the ethereal Zong.

This time, in addition to the strongest of the genius alliance, they also took the two old people of the genius to go to the Essence.

There are a number of masters who are dispatched. This is an indescribable battle force, and it has a hidden foundation. Once Su Long appears, it will certainly be able to kill.

Tan Fang left, his original purpose was Su Long, and he was not interested in Zi Yan.

As for the rumors of the Tianwu people and the unparalleled combat power, his interest is not great. At that time, he just grinned and said: "Tianwu, are you the cabbage in the day?"

The disappearance of purpura causes vibration.

Those big forces that have hatreds with the purple scorpion can't sit still first. Once the purple scorpion really breaks into the spiritual realm, it will be too dangerous to appear at that time. Besides the sovereign level, who can suppress him.

So, they tried every means to find purple flowers.

"The sable is very affectionate, we can start from his friends." There is a big force suggesting that this is a good suggestion, although some shameless, but they care about the result.

As a result, people of several major forces dispatched to find traces of Zi Yan friends.

However, a few people also disappeared from the air, without a trace, only the wonderful sky has always appeared, but he is a person of Wu Zong, who can take him to be purple.

Lu Peng, Zhang Haotian, did not return to the sect, and the two disappeared.

Nie Tian also disappeared.

As for Su Mengyao, it is in the distant ethereal ancestors, no one dares to go there to scatter wild, and there are forces to hear, the people of the genius alliance went to the sacred ancestors, one by one is also quietly exploring the next move.

In addition, one person has attracted the attention of the forces.

Lin Xue.

Another confidante of Zi Yan, who was originally a farmer of Cangli City, but the last ruin and one line, Lin family disappeared at night.

No one cares about it before, but now I think about it, someone found a clue.

Zi Yan’s friends have almost been passed down, there is no reason why the confidante can’t get it, and the Lin family disappears very strangely.

"It must have been passed down and concealed."

There are forces to use this as a breakthrough to find the people of Lin Family. It is hard to find a person, but there are so many people in a family that cannot disappear from the air. If you look carefully, there will be clues.

Gone with the Wind, located in the northernmost part of the southern continent, where the clouds are hazy, the peaks are steep, and the pieces are towering into the sky. The mysterious ethereal ancestors are built on the foothills and covered by clouds.

And the surrounding array is heavy and easy to get lost.

Tan Fang came with a few masters, standing in the air, looking at the huge Zongmen from afar, and said: "The Alliance of Heavenly Killers."

The sound is rolling, like a thunder and thunder, shaking the clouds and passing it toward the front.

The entire ethereal ancestor was blocked by the clouds. This is a large array of guardian ancestors. The power is unimaginable, and there are many people in it. Many people dare not be strong.

Tan Fang’s words fell, the sound rolled, causing violent shocks, but there was no sound in the ethereal sect, and it was silent.

"Tianzuo Alliance visits." Tan Fang drank again, the sound was very cold, rolled up the endless clouds, and the sound waves passed out.

After a long time, it was only in the ethereal Zongli that a voice was heard. "We are dying with the celestial alliance with you, there is no intersection, and the momentum is coming, it is to find things, or to visit."

The low voice sounded very majestic.

"We don't have any intersections, but you are fascinating, but they hide the people we are looking for in the Alliance. We come here and hope that you will surrender this person." Tan Fang did not anger, said slowly.

As a master of the sovereign level, naturally there will not be no city, and the mood is long gone.

"You have come to the wrong place. Here is the ethereal sect. Except for this disciple, there are no outsiders coming." In the mountain gate, the voice rang again.

"Su Long has been removed from the Tianwu Alliance and has become the target of the Tianwu Alliance. It is already a dog of funeral. There is no place in the whole Tianwu continent. I hope you will not make mistakes." Tan Fang said again, his eyes flashed. .

"Let's go back, I said, there are no people outside the ancestral hall."

Behind Tan, there is a sovereign level: "If you say no, there is no, how can we believe in you."

A burst of drink, driving the rolling clouds, the clouds were blown away, everyone saw the top of the mountain, an old man stood quietly.

He was wearing a robe, a crane and a child's face, a fairy wind bone, standing on the mountain gate, holding a Buddha dust in his hand, dancing in a robe, and flying silver.

"The ethereal people."

Seeing the face of the old man, there is a scream at the level of the sovereign. In the southern region, there is almost no master level who does not know the ethereal and scattered people.

The sensation that he caused that year was really too big.

And a few years ago, Wu Ruoshan was turned into a pig's head. After that, Su Long was in Wu Lishan and married Wu Ruoshan.

"If you believe it, don't believe it. Here is the ethereal ancestor, only the disciple of the dynasty." The robes are dancing in the wind, and the dust of the Buddha in the hands of the floating people is shaking. There is a kind of dusty temperament.

He is very strong, and he has not been very humble because of the other side.

"Bao Sulong, you are floating in the sect, it is to be against the forces of the entire Tianwu continent." Tan Fang's voice was a lot colder, his face became gloomy.

"I said, Su Long is not here, you have come to the wrong place."

"You are nonsense, Su Long is not there, then Su Mengyao can hand over her at, I don't believe that Su Long does not appear."

"Oh, Su Mengyao is my ethereal disciple, I can hand it over to you." The ethereal and scattered people are also cold eyes.

"You." The eyes of several masters have become unhealthy.

"Here is the ethereal sect, not the genius alliance, nor the Tianwu alliance. You come here to ask people, obviously it is the wrong place."

"You can consider the consequences." Tan Fang asked, his body is full of a strong atmosphere, a strong energy, not cited.

"Consequences." The ethereal people laughed loudly, and the whole body breathed in the same breath. "We are arrogant and never provoke others, but if anyone thinks we are bullying, it is a big mistake."


The scorpion trembled and the killing was boundless. Tan Fang’s whole person turned into a light, like a sharp blade, sharp swords, and rushed into the sky.

At this moment, he seems to be a sword.

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