Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 345: World vibration

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"Booming." "Rumble."

Scorpio, dark clouds, thunderous, turbulent, horrible Tianwei, crushed, it is frightening.

Everyone returned in the first time, and his face changed dramatically, and he was shocked.

This is the thunder of the thunder, the most feared thing of the monk, on behalf of the monk to go against the sky, was condemned by heaven, this piece of heaven and earth does not recognize, so it is down to the world.

"How can there be a thunder in the end?" All the people changed color, looking at the terrible thunder of the scorpio, and the heart trembled.

Dark clouds, such as rolling magic, swaying the sky, dark, but then, the road thunder fell, with the roll of Lei Wei to destroy all vitality.

The world is roaring, the thunder is shaking, and this world is shaking.

This is the thunder of the sky when the Imperial Air enters the sovereign level. It has the power to destroy the world. Before the robbery, everyone must be carefully arranged. If you have arranged everything, you will be robbed.

But today, the catastrophe is so sudden, so that the peaks of the world are overwhelming.


The thunder fell, such as a thunderbolt, illuminating the scorpio, dazzling, hit a body of the peak of the emptiness, the next moment, destroying the thunder of the thunder, the peak of the air, was hit by a blow .

There was a **** rain in the sky between heaven and earth.

This was injured in the ten-party silence, and at this moment, they were robbed of the world, and they had no hope of surviving.

The black cloud rolled, covering a few miles, the terrible Lei Wei fell, the road was thunderous, and the ripples ruined.

This is a terrible scene. Except for those who should be robbed, everyone is far away. Some of the slow ones have been wiped out by the thunder and blasted into fly ash.

Between heaven and earth, in addition to rolling thunder, it is a scream of screaming, constantly reverberating.

The thunder fell, the rocks shattered, and the majestic peaks around the Yingying Valley were cut in half.

"Purple, I want you to die." A man who was black and black, blocked the two heavenly thunders, roared in the air, and his eyes were infinite.

But the heavens and the earth are thunder, forming a chain of heaven and earth, running through the sky, destroying everything, and where there is a purple figure.

"Boom." Thunder fell, hit the top of the head of the air, the next moment, the smash of the emptiness of the air, disappeared in the world.

In the distance, everyone was frightened and fleeing, it was terrible, and the existence of the peak of the Imperial Air, said that death would die.

"Dead, die, everyone will die together."

There was a roar of the air, and the eyes were full of unwillingness, turning into a light, rushing toward Wang Zhenwei and others who were dozens of miles away.

The top of his head, the black cloud rolled, followed his body shape, and sometimes fell a glare.

"Go away."

Seeing the situation is not good, Wang Zhenwei turned away, the speed is very fast, Qi Qingqiu and Liu Mingyong, keep up.

"Boom." "Boom."

During this period, the Tianlei thundered, and the slow-moving true Yuan monks, all of them were screaming and turned into flying ash.

Thunder and thunder, and tens of miles, during this period, the Royal Air repeatedly coughed blood, resisting the thunder.


When the third thunder fell, the air finally fell, and it was crushed and ruined.

This is a very shocking scene. Ziyan attracted a thunderous robbery. No one can escape this robbery. All the peaks of the Imperial Sky are under the thunder and turned into fly ash.

"Purple, you will not die."

Between heaven and earth, the heavens and thunders fall down like a chain of heaven and earth, running through the sky, and at the moment when the sky is turned into a fly ash, a curse sounds.

The royal sky died one after another until everyone was wiped out.

After half an hour, the dark clouds dissipated, the sky was sunny again, the sun was shining, and there was no cloud.

The former Yingying Valley disappeared completely, and the blood-stained valley was turned into a flat land. Sometimes there was a thunder and lightning energy raging, and black smoke rose.

The steep mountain peak disappeared. Only one body was covered with a canyon. The blood merged into a small river. The corpse was everywhere, and the blood was shining and the grievances filled.

The six forces that besieged the purple scorpion, the strong all fell, even the existence of the peak of the emptiness, but also died a number.

On this day, the world shook.

Ziyan once again created a miracle, posing a peerless array, destroying dozens of imperial air, hundreds of true Yuan monks.

"too terrifying."

All the monks who thought of that scene were all creepy, whether it was the previous peerless squad or the subsequent thunderstorm, it was shocking.

Since the end of the war, Yu Yinggu has become a dead place within a few miles. It is said that every night, there will be ghosts crying.

"Purple is coming."

Occasionally, there are monks who pass through this place, and they can also see a blurred figure, like a ghost of ghosts, making a ghost cry, and disappearing.

The purple scorpion pit has killed many powerful people, so that the corpse is everywhere, and the grievances have become a dead place.

No one dares to come.

Some monks who are daring and do not believe in evil will arrive in this place with grievances. After a few days, they will die without innocence.

The purple cicada incident, the rumbling of the rumor, makes people shake.

He really created a miracle, but his own life and death is a mystery.

Some people speculate that the purple scorpion is still alive. After summoning the thunder, the first time he ran, leaving a line of life.

But more people speculate that the purple scorpion has been wiped out by the thunder, because it is the thunder of the peak of the emptiness, even the emptiness has been bombarded into fly ash, not to mention the purple scorpion, throwing away all kinds of miracles, he is just a true world Monk.

The forces of several parties have suffered heavy losses. This time, Zi Yan really hurt them. It is expected to break through the sovereign level and even die.

Such losses, let them distressed to vomit blood.

Several major forces were angry and angry, but there was a place where there was a madness. The life and death of the purple cicada was unknown, there was no trace, and there was no place to suffocate.

Lin Xue is still in Yongcheng City.

Therefore, the big forces are the trouble of looking for Lin Xue, but there are Liu family ancestors, no one can help Lin Xue.

And on one night, Liu’s ancestors were furious and screamed, and two of them secretly sneaked into the Liu’s attack on Lin Xue’s emptiness. At this point, no one dared to pay attention to Lin Xue’s attention.

And on the second day, Liu Jia’s family announced that Lin Xuexue was a righteous woman and regarded it as his own. Since then, Lin Xue’s identity has risen and the Liu family can be sheltered from the bright future.

Tan Fang, who is sitting in the Tiangee Pavilion, was very surprised to hear the result, but that was all. The loss of the Tiange Pavilion was so heavy that many old killers died.

He has the heart to rectify everything, reorganize the celestial killings, and reorganize this barbaric land, but unfortunately, within a few days, he received news of the genocide, saying that Su Long appeared, not in this barbarism. The land has a fierce battle and the losses are great.

"Damn, he actually left here long ago." Tan Fang was so angry that his eyes were angry and burned. When he came, he left the genius and left the area.

At that moment, the old people of the genius Pavilion were completely dumbfounded.

The loss was heavy, and the only reliance was to abandon them. They wanted to cry without tears.

Half a month later, the genius club suffered the impact of the big forces.

Headed by the Wang family of Yunxia City, Liu Jia, supplemented by the Qin family, and the participation of the forces of Wu Zong, began to attack the various branches of the Tiange Pavilion.

At the same time, through the division, find the headquarters and launch a devastating attack.

The world shook again.

In January, the two headquarters of Tianzhu Pavilion were leveled, and the last headquarters was discovered. It was only after waiting for many forces. When they arrived at the place, people had gone to the building and many killers ran away.

This area, the three major cities of the seven major cities, at this moment disappeared one of the forces, the genius pavilion has turned bright, and became the object of everyone shouting and killing.

Lotte City is home.

The strong loses a lot, and Lotte City is full of all kinds of battles, so that they have no choice but to worry about the other, all the strong are transferred back, first save the current status.

Cang Li and his family also suffered very large losses. This led to a large force composed of two forces. Because of the loss of the strong, they fell out of the top three and became the bottom force.

The Chu family has also become very low-key recently, no longer threatening the dignity of the Chu family.

As for Wu Zong, the losses were heavy and the forces that were placed by the wonderful air were completely suppressed.

This area has undergone great changes.

The major forces have long since lifted the all-nighter of the purple sable, and the portraits have all been cancelled, but the sable has never appeared.

Everyone guessed that the sable is dead.

Lin Xue believes that Zi Yan is still alive, but she did not go looking for it. After the storm, she stayed at the Liu family, and then she was retired.

This incident, let her understand a truth, the strong is respect.

At the same time, many enchanting, but also retreat, hit the spiritual realm.

The vibration caused by the sable is so great that they feel more or less, feel inferior and practice hard.

The passage of time, January, February, March, half a year has passed.

The purple cicada still does not appear.

The rumored purple scorpion incident was also precipitated over time, slowly decreasing a lot.

Without the sinful offense, this area is once again restored to silence, as if there is no anger, it becomes dead.

One year passed, and the Chu family once again showed a enchanting scorpion. It had a strong fighting power, and it was enchanting with the Cang family. In the battle of Cangli City, the two won no match.

Both of them are the strength of Jiuzhongtian, not far from Lingyuan.

The battle was fierce, but the people who watched it felt very boring. They had seen a battle in Ziyan, thrilling, killing more than a dozen enchanting, which time was not bloody, seeing today’s battle, flashy, Many people feel that there is no Because of the enchanting battle, the purple scorpion that is about to be forgotten has once again become the object of discussion.

But Zi Yan did not show up in a year, and the hope of living is not great.

Everyone is sighing, one of the strongest enchanting, and eventually fallen.

A few months later, Yunxiacheng Wangjia, a message that made the people of the world shake, the first day before Wang Hao, officially broke into the spiritual realm, became this region, the first young enchanting to break through the spiritual realm.

This is a sensational news.

Wang Hao finally broke through, which is almost the same as many people's guesses.

The world is shaking, everyone is paying attention to Wang Hao.

In the past, after the enchanting, after breaking through the spiritual realm, it will leave here and go to the outside world. For thousands of years, it has become a rule that will not become.

Whether Wang Hao will leave this time has become the focus of discussion among the people.

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