Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 428: Rare vein

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The golden light flashed away, and the eyes of the leading man suddenly became awkward, the vitality dissipated, and the figure fell from the sky.

Take away the spiritual ring, the purple scorpion turned into a light, chasing away to the escaping royal air.


The golden light flashed, such as a sharp blade crossed, blood flashed, a royal air fell from the air.

Only a dozen people in the district, on the purple, there is no chance of winning, and ultimately a group of more than a dozen people have not escaped, was smashed by Zi Zi.

With two months of advancement, Zi Yan has left the outer area of ​​the chaotic land and reached the central region.

Compared with the peripheral regions, there are more strong people here, and there are more Danyuan blame.

Moreover, this barren cattle village belongs to a large force in the central region. It is said that there are ten big Danyuan grotesques, and the purple scorpion has heard before, so the shots are decisive and all annihilated.

Taking away the spiritual ring, Zi Yan is hurried to leave, to the central region, he is relatively low-key.

It didn't take long for a team to arrive, close to a hundred people, and there was no shortage of the late emptiness, each emitting a strong atmosphere.

"It’s the fifth team of theirs, and it’s no wonder that they will not be with us. They are all dead.” Seeing the dead on the ground, everyone’s face changed.

"A good sharp attack is almost a blow to the commandment, so clean, is it a Dan Yuan old monster." Looking at the wound on the monk, a middle-aged man frowned.

"Impossible, how can the Dan Yuan old blame shoot us, and within a few hundred thousand miles, who does not know that we are quite cattle, who dares to be the enemy of the top ten Danyuan."

"No matter what, let's die, let's go and hold the veins first. Before the adults return, there must be no loss."

After the pedestrian left, it was a rush, and the bodies on the ground were not treated.

The purple scorpion went all the way, the speed was very fast, and there was no one who met the man.

At night, he was quietly practicing again, and a piece of medium-sized stone was absorbed, and the energy of heaven and earth also gathered from all directions to the purple.

Suddenly, Zi Yan felt a strong breath from the horizon.

"Is it a man of the wild cattle village, has already caught up." The eyes opened, the purple brow furrowed slightly, then converged, concealed, and waited for change.

If it is really a man who chased him, then he does not mind sending the other party to the road.

After a while, a figure appeared from the sky, full of hundreds of royal air, releasing a strong atmosphere, and there are some of the existence of the late stage.

"There are so many Yukong late." Looking at the figure on the sky, the purple eyes are bright, there is no Danyuan old monster in the team, and relying on the speed, he can completely kill everyone, and the harvest must be very rich.

"Come on, speed up."

"You can't get to the place before dawn, and you can't take care of your life."

The speed of the people was very fast, and they rushed past the top of the purple scorpion. They disappeared in the blink of an eye, and even the spirits were not released.

"So anxious, they are on the road, what happened in front of them." Purple frowning, appearing from the dark.

In this area, it is possible to dispatch so many strong people. Apart from the accident of the wild cattle village, there is no other power. It can be said that this area, the wild cattle village is the real hegemon, the top ten Danyuan strange, shocked everyone.

This evening, Zi Yan was practicing, and after dawn, he got up and started, but intentionally or unintentionally, he went to the direction of the departure of the people in the wild cattle village last night.

On this road, Zi Yan never encountered other thieves, this area seems to be completely quiet.

The intuition of Zi Yan told him that there must be weirdness.

On the second day of the evening, Zi Yan once again sensed the existence of the monk.

"It's them." It was the emptiness of the sky that I saw that night, but now it is hidden in the surroundings, and it was discovered by the powerful spirit of Zi Yan.

The night fell quickly, staring at the night, and the cicada carefully escaped a hidden monk and went deeper. After a few sneak, he stopped.

Because under the powerful spiritual thoughts, Zi Yan found that there were too many monks hiding in front of them, and they could not pass through.

Once deep, it will inevitably be discovered.

"Little guy, you go to the front to see." Zi Yan pulled out the little guy from his arms and voiced to indicate the other side.

The little guy was sleepy, and after hearing the words of the purple, he ordered a small head and patted his chest. It seemed to be saying that it was on me.

Then he was like a ball, rolling forward in the dark, it merged with the night, even if the mind was swept, it could not be detected.

"Where is this in the end, there are so many royal airs sitting in the town, and there is a look of alertness. Is there anything in it?" Zi Yan frowned.

The hidden emptiness, far more than a hundred, so the battle, it is inevitable to let Ziyan have some guess.

It didn't take long for the little guy to roll back, his little hand pointing to the purple scorpion for a while, and the eyes were shining.

"What, you said that this is a vein." Ziyan was taken aback.

The little guy nodded and then figured again, indicating that it was a big vein.

"How big is it." Zi Yan asked.

The little guy responded again, with a few big holes in the Batu Caves.

"With such a large vein, shouldn't there be a Danyuan old man sitting in the town, why there are so many royal airs, and each guard is full, as if there is a big battle, some people want to attack this vein." Purple tongue.

"But, who dares to move the top ten things of the Danyuan." Ziyan does not believe that among such large veins, there is no Danyuan old man sitting in the town.

After thinking for a long time, Zi Yan did not figure it out, so he planned to stay and watch for a while.

When the sky is bright, the purple scorpion is retreating to the outer zone, then carefully explore and look around the environment.

Every night, he continues to sneak into it.

After a few days, there was no abnormality. The sable was somewhat intolerant. If it were not felt that the emptiness became more tense, the sable had already left.

At night, there are royal air patrols in the sky, huge spiritual thoughts spread, sweeping everything in the mountains, in addition to the monks patrolling during the day.

The purple scorpion is far away and waits for it to change.

Two days later, he found human traces in the distance. In order not to stun the snakes, the konjac was dispatched again, and then brought back a shocking news.

"What, there are hundreds of royalties." The purple color changed, it seems that there is really a big fight.

Moreover, the most popular battle of the Imperial Air in the history of Zixiao, there should be more than a thousand, and Zi Yan now finally understands why the enchanting people of the barbaric land come out and can live back, but there are few.

Here, if you are strong, you will be attacked by hundreds of squadrons, and you will die, unless you have the highest speed in the world, like the sable, and have a strong physical defense.

"There is a battle of the Imperial Air, there is a battle of the Dan Yuan old blame, this should be a big force not weaker than the wild cattle village, and look at this vein." Ziyan meditation, doubt in his heart, may see twenty Dan The battle of the veteran blame.

"There are ten Danyuan blame, hundreds of emptiness, is it for a Yuanshi vein."

At the beginning, the Yuanshi vein of the Batu Caves was only close to the billion stone, and it was deliberately placed there. Obviously the big head has been taken away.

Although this vein is larger than the Batu Caves, there is a Danyuan old man sitting in the town. As long as it is not set up, there will not be many Yuanshi, and it is obviously worthless to dispatch so many strong people.

Suddenly, in the mind of Zi Yan, there was a flash of light. "Is this not a Yuanshi vein."

In the chaotic land, the Yuanshi veins are precious, but there are also things far beyond the Yuanshi veins. For example, the ore used for refining the Dan soldiers, the value of the materials is far more than Yuanshi.

For example, diamond veins, once discovered, will cause the world to vibrate.

Thinking of this, Zi Yan became excited.

This vein, perhaps a vein of some rare ore, produces something that is what makes Danbing.

This can explain why another force has to spend such a huge price to attack this vein.

The purple cicada was on the periphery and waited for two days.

On the third night, the group of people dispersed and smashed the veins in front of them from various places.

"The enemy attack, hold the vein."

As the harsh whistling sounded, a fierce scuffle kicked off, and in the dark night, there was a bright light, and then it was a sound.

Scorpio bursts with the horror of energy, and the energy of one stock fluctuates and spreads out.

"Haha, the man of the wild cattle village, I don't know how many big Luo silver crystals you have mined in these days." The world laughed loudly and laughed loudly, and a strong stock appeared. Strong fighting force, rushing toward the mine pulse.

"Damn, it is the man of the setting sun, kill me." A cold voice rang from the veins, and then a group of empties rushed out and killed in the air.


The energy of the cockroach scrolled and a sound blasted. This is a melee. The Imperial Air has more than a thousand people. Every moment, there is a fall of the sky.

Blood is flying, only a few moments, the world is full of blood and blood.


The energy of the road fell down, the mountains of the blocks burst, the grass turned into powder, and the purple eyes in the distance looked like a shiver.

The melee of these thousands of people is really terrible. In this, the individual's combat power is almost negligible.

As soon as appeared, it was dozens of attacks, dense and faint, falling in the same direction. In a flash, a large piece of royal air fell.

Here, there is almost no difference between the existence of the late Yukong and the pre-empty period. Anyone who is swept by a piece of energy will die.

In a short moment, the dead sky is close to the hundred.

At the same time, Zi Yan found that these royal airs were insanely rushing toward the veins during the fierce battle, which is quite different from his previous imagination.

"Rosen, you are here to **** us here, aren't we afraid that our top ten Danyuan grotesques will come back and destroy your sunset mountain." A cold voice sounded, and a middle-aged man vacated.


Ps: This is the third time yesterday. I owe a lot of money. I wanted to try to break out. But who knows that yesterday only played two chapters, and the pressure was a little big.

Immediately until the end of the month, these days will try to break out, just say try, if you can't get out, there is no way, of course, the kind of things that make up the number of chapters, I can't do it,.

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