Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 511: 魔小魔豹

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The golden fingerprints descend from the sky, the surface energy surrounds them, the road destroys the atmosphere, and points to the eyebrows of the little devil.

"No!" Seeing this blow, the little demon leopard was no longer proud, and his eyes were full of horror, and he couldn’t help but scream.

The scent of destruction, passed to the surrounding, the old demon leopard in addition to anger, the expression also has a lot of shock.

This human being has not only integrated the phalanx in one day, but the degree of fit is still very high. The attack is really terrible.


The golden fingerprints fell, and the little demon leopards avoided the inevitable, and the defending defenses were instantly broken. It hits a strong blow with the front paws, and when the fingerprints fall, it is forcibly broken open, and above the claws, it is also pierced through a blood hole.

The fingerprints continued to fall, and the power was not reduced. It was placed on the sword of the little magic leopard. With a bang, the saber-toothed roots were broken, with blue blood rain, falling toward the black pool below.

All of this is just an instant happen, but it can still spread the fear in the eyes of the little demon to the limit. Then I watched the golden fingerprints and clicked on its eyebrows.


The golden fingerprints eventually dissipated, and the little devil's eyebrows had a golden finger hole. The golden energy of destruction is destroying the body of the little demon through the finger hole, of course, only inside, without damaging the outside.


The screams of screaming, resounding in the sky, this time accompanied by deep panic and despair, a large piece of blue blood rain. The little demon leopard, because of the pain, is unable to tumbling in the air, making the space tremble.

However, during this period, the cyan light of the little demon leopard is still flashing, forcibly pumping away the aura around the world and starting to heal.

"Don't lang my blood, it's useless!" Zi Yan was cold and open, then pointed out another finger.

The golden fingerprints appeared from the void and rushed toward the little magic leopard. This time, the fingerprints were more powerful, and because of the serious consumption, the face of the purple eyes was white again.

Fingerprint once again penetrated the eyebrows of the little demon leopard, or the same position, Ziyan intentionally controlled, not let the scales damage, but still shattered a few scales, so that he was heartbroken.

After a few tumblings, the little demon leopard was no longer moving, the eyes of fear, and lost their looks.

An ancient beast was killed by two fingers. During this period, the monk took the opportunity to take away the blue blood rain that the purple scorpion could not collect. It was just a small episode on the table.

The little demon leopard died, and the vitality really dissipated. This time, the purple cockroach directly destroyed the other side's knowledge of the sea, and the other party will not be awakened again. There was a brief silence between heaven and earth, and then there was a roaring roar.

This roar, shaking the mountains and rivers, spread throughout the Five Sacred Mountains. Purple sables, monks, squirrels, and konjac hidden in the dark, are big mouth hemoptysis. The purple face was pale and fell from the sky. The konjac was also hidden from the hiding place.

This is a glimpse of the old devil leopard spirit reaching the peak, with incredible power, the old man could not block.

Endless anger, let its potential be stimulated again, even directly shocked the old man. In the sky, the figure of the old man dissipated directly and was shocked into nothingness.

It is also because the latter blocks more than 90% of the energy, and the purple scorpion and other talents only cough up blood and do not die.


The body of the little demon leopard fell from the sky and eventually fell into the black water pool, making it rare to make a sound.

After seeing the death of the old man, Zi Yan and others are immediately dumbfounded, the only snuggle, is it a shock? Only the spirited mouse, there is a sneer on the little face.

"Human, you all die for me!" The old devil leopard violently rushed directly toward Ziyan and others.

"哗啦啦!" The black water pool suddenly began to vibrate, endless black water droplets trembled, like a peerless murderer, and set off a big lang.

Big lang crazy scrolling, flying thousands of miles, the whole world, turned into pure black. There is no color between the heavens and the earth, it is dark, like the end of the world.

The shape of the old demon leopard was hit by the big lang and became unstable. However, the killing of the whole body is still unrelenting and becomes even more crazy. "Old things, no one can stop me!"

The old devil leopard passed through the layers of the big lang, went straight to the purple, and the crazy killing, shocking. Even though Zi Yan thinks of phalanx and **** spears at the moment, he can't be sure that he can block the attack of the old demon leopard.

He didn't have the confidence to block it.


Suddenly, a shrill scream, from the black water pool, a creature shaped like a black snake, rushed out of the pool, then turned into a black lightning, shot to the old magic leopard.

In an instant, the madness between the heavens and the earth swept through, far beyond the killing of the old magic leopard. And because of this killing, the shape of the old demon leopard has become unstable, it seems that it may fall into the black water pool at any time.

The old demon leopard in a state of madness, the look of a sudden change, this reminds me of the legend of the other side. According to research, this old thing has lived in endless years, and its strength is unfathomable. Even when it was its own destructive rule, it was about to become the ancestor of the real ancient beast. Seeing each other, it was also polite.

Under the mad killing, the old devil leopard instantly became awake, and there was a touch of fear in his eyes. The hatred of light was gone.


The blue blood flies between the heavens and the earth, and the old demon leopard turns into a blue light and begins to escape. Wherever, the blood is like a bright pearl, falling from the sky. And more blood than the little demon leopard, more flaming.

"The old demon leopard, break your claws today, just give you a lesson, if next time, it is your death!" The old and cold voice rang through the sky.

The dark rain began to spill, and the black lightning flashed away instantly, hiding in the black water pool. With the sound of slaps, the black rain gradually dissipated, and a claw of more than ten meters long fell into the black water pool and made a sound.

In the distance, I saw Zijing and others in this scene, completely petrified. This scene is really shocking. They never imagined that there was such a fierce thing hidden in the black water pool.

Just a blow, I smashed the claws of the old magic leopard, and listened to the tone of the other party, just didn't want to lick it. The old man apparently did not die, but the incarnation of the fierce objects in the pool.

"God, I actually saw the true body of my ancestors, I am too lucky!" The spiriting mouse is even more excited and screaming, while constantly jumping, because there is no control of the power, almost hit the monk into the black water pool.

The monk who has not been awake from the shock, his face changed suddenly, and he hurried back a few steps. Just kidding, there is such a terrible thing in the Blackwater Pool. Once he falls in, I am afraid that even the bones will not float.

When everything was gone, the water pool flashed again and the old man who had just been shocked by the old devil leopard appeared again.

He smiled and looked very kind, but after the incident, Zi Yan and the monk only felt the hair in their hearts. Only the spirited mouse is still very excited.

"Little guy, very good, discouraged, courageous, and ... wisdom!" The old man looked at the purple praise, such as the spring breeze, just a little pause, the other's greed was ingeniously changed into wisdom.

"Thank you for the help of the predecessors!" Zi Yan rushed to salute, as did the monks.

"You don't have to thank, this time you can live, because your strength is very strong." The old man smiled. His smile is like a spring breeze, with a touch of warmth, making people very comfortable.

The strength of the other party is strong, and the old magic leopard can be removed with one stroke. If there is any ambiguity in the heart, it can be directly shot. There is no need to deliberately put this kind gesture.

Zi Yan and the monk, thank you again, very sincere. Today, if there is no old man, they are really dead.

As for the so-called rules of the ancient battlefield, it will only work after it has died. People are dead, what is the use of punishing the other party?

"Old ancestors, is the rule you said before? Is it true? Is it true that we have such rules in ancient battlefields, does it mean that there are also law enforcers?" The spiriting mouse is still very excited.

Zi Yan and others are not in the ancient battlefield, and naturally do not know the status of the old. The old man who lived the endless years, but the real living fossil is also a real old antique. In the eyes of many ancient beasts or little demon, the old man is the **** of this region.

Just pointing you two sentences can make you stronger or change again. In the same year, the Devouring Rat was fortunate enough to get the advice of the old man, but he did not see the real body.

When I heard the words of the spirited mouse, the smile on the old man’s face suddenly converges and the expression becomes bleak. “Maybe! But they have not appeared for a long time, and this rule has already existed in name only.”

The purple cicada and the monk heard a burst of sorrow, and the so-called rules were horrible. After the sudden, it was a fortune, and I was more grateful to the old man.

The danger was lifted, the konjac appeared, turned into a black light, and jumped directly on the shoulder of Zi Yan.

Every time I see the konjac, the expression will be unnatural. It can't be imagined. Why is such a small guy suddenly becoming so big and becoming so The old man’s gaze also falls on On the konjac, the eyes suddenly flashed a glimmer of light, and the expression had a little disappointment, and whispered, "Split treacherous? Really a fierce battle?!"

The expression of the old man has always been very calm. At this moment, suddenly, there is a change, and a low voice is really unbelievable.

The devouring mouse is staring at the konjac. Can make the ancestors dying, obviously this konjac is not simple.

"Oh, unfortunately, it is not really a fierce battle!" The ancestors after the shock, shaking their heads again, the expression is difficult to disappoint.

And the other party obviously does not want to explain more, Zi Yan also dare to ask. The next step is a chat, the old man also deliberately pointed to the spirit mouse, which makes the spirited mouse excited.

After feeling that the old man is very easy to get along with, the monk is also awkward, and some awkward words: "That... ancestors, can you see us the ancient beasts that we worked so hard to kill? ”

—————————— ps: Get up at two in the morning, so far, the four have been completed! ! ! However, it is not over yet, there will be a fifth today! ! !

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