Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 542: Mysterious region

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Among the old castles, there is an energy that is vast and simple. Then, the sound of the cymbal sounded, and the door of the castle was suspected to be open.

Everyone turned their heads, with their different expressions on their faces, looking towards the gates of the castle.

The dark gates of the old castle are thick and tall, and black energy is constantly flowing. Although the door did not open, it seems that it is not far from the opening, and the sound of the cymbals keeps ringing.

"The old castle is about to be formed!" Wu Bo's face changed slightly, and then he felt a chill in the air, but it was a group of the Yaozu, who had already swept his gaze here, among the cold scorpions, with bad feelings. .

Not far away, after Chen Liang and Zhou Xun felt this chill, the look was suddenly changed. Even though their number is far more than those of the Yaozu, there is no chance of winning the opponent.

"We don't have much time. If we don't join hands, we will be broken by each of them!" Wu Bo turned his head and looked at the purple eyes, and there was a touch of anxiety in his eyes.

After the purple scorpion sinks slightly, it nods and says: "That's good, let's join forces and join the castle together!"

"Okay! It is really happy! You friend, I Wu Bo made a decision. I do not know how to call it?" Wu Bo hearty laugh.

"Purple!" Purple is a faint road.

"Well, Zi Yan, this time we will join hands together, it will inevitably have a lot of gains! I told them to come over a few times. Everyone knows each other. It is said that they don't know each other. After that, everyone is a friend!" Wu Bo laughed.

Under Wu Bo’s instructions, Chen Liang and Zhou Xun also came over. The two arrived, the attitude was excellent, and the lowest posture was put in, apologizing to everyone. Then began to talk about the relationship, with Shang Bingxi said some old things, but very clever did not mention Shangguan Qixiang.

"Things are gone, there is no need to mention it again!" The purple eyes eased a lot. There is no hatred between the two sides. At this moment, it is no big deal.

After that, everyone began to discuss how to enter the castle.

"They are not good goods, laughing so insidious, do you really believe them?" Wang Shan suddenly heard.

"There is nothing to believe or believe, just use each other." The voice of Zi Yan sounded in the sea of ​​people. "When you start to work, you only need to defend, you must be careful to hide in the secret killer."

"What, there is a killer in the dark?"

"Yes, and there are a lot of them. Besides, there are other forces, you have to be careful!"

On the bright side, there are only a hundred people here, belonging to the land of chaos and the land of great waste. But in the dark, the number of strong people is quite a lot, which is why the konjac has been hidden.

Several people quickly negotiated and reached consensus and consensus. If the other party does not do it, then all enter the castle. If the demon suddenly shot, then the purple scorpion and their enchanting, stop the strongest among them, others think of ways to enter.

This is an agreement that cannot be called fair and unfair. Although there are many people who have entered the old castle, the strength is not strong.

During this period, the castle also trembled several times, and the sound of the cymbals continued to ring. And the gates of the entire castle are filled with black energy, making it impossible to see whether the gate is open or closed.

The konjac told the sable, the door opened quickly, and he felt the **** call and became more intense.

Zi Yan swears in the heart, must send the konjac into the castle, and gain the inheritance of the sorcerer.

At this time, a group of demons were moving, and they were not looking good, and they came to the side.

The people of several major forces have become very nervous. After Wu Bo looked at the purple eyes, he was courageous and said: "What are you doing for the Yaozu in the wilderness?"

It seems that I look down on the human beings here. The Yaozu only came to five or six people, and other people watched the drama in the distance. The head is a pair of **** demon people, only seeing the other party's eyes flashing red, the corner of the mouth is a bit more sarcasm, and said: "The ants, the things here, have exceeded your tolerance, quickly rolled out here! Otherwise, die!!"

A few enchanting people, their faces suddenly became difficult to look at. They are the hegemonic people. In the chaotic land, they are absolutely the king's dominating. Just a light cough, the chaotic land can shake the earthquake, when is it scorned? Roaring?

Not only are their faces ugly, they are the other geniuses of their family, and they are all angry, and their eyes are fierce and their eyes are fire. But in the end everyone is jealous of the strength of the demon strong, there is no excessive action.

"The demon, pay attention to your tone of voice!" Wu Bo sullenly opened his mouth, and his emotions are still under control.

"The ants in the district, dare to yell in front of us, give you three time to get out of the way, or else you will die!" Red 瞳 demon has a chill in the eyes, cold mouth.

"The demon, you know what you are talking about? To do it with us is to be the enemy of the entire chaos. Are you going to fight the battle between the two regions?" Wu Bo's voice also became very cold.

"Idiot's ants, you still have two time!"

"This is an ancient battlefield. Everyone should be equal. Why do you drive us away? Your behavior is very immoral. I strongly condemn you!" Wu Bo began to condemn each other.

Next to it, Zi Yan’s face flashed a touch of laughter. Although Wu Bo has always been open, but he also represents several other enchanting. The hegemonic power of the chaotic land will actually speak the words of morality and condemnation. It must be said that this is a very confusing and funny thing.

In the eyes of Wang Shan, there is even a slap in the face. These hegemonic forces are also in front of their own homes. They can be strong and meet the Yaozu, and all of them are dying!

"Two interest!" The red dragonfly's mouth flashed a smirk.

In the face of a strong demon, the leaders of several major hegemonic forces became shameful, but did not dare to make excessive behavior. The eyes are more often looking towards the purple, I hope the other side to take the idea.

"Two of your mother's interest, there is a skill to quickly start, a group of people are not demon and not demon idiots. Also **** scholars count three times, how long is your **** understanding of the three-party?" Nearly sacred enchanting Yukong, Wangshan disdainful grin, and then directed at the red dragonfly demon is a roar.

Wang Shan’s roar, some unexpected, made the other demon people on the opposite side a glimpse, and did not react.

"Barbarians, pay attention to the size, how can it be so rude?" The Yaozu did not react, the four overlord leaders, but already reflected. They changed dramatically and began to blame Wang Shan.

"蝼 蚁, you are looking for death!" The accusation of the four major hegemonic forces, so that several Yaozu have reacted, one by one, surviving and killing.

"Idiot, don't be fucking, you have the ability to do it!" Wang Shan did not fear.

The leaders of the four major hegemonic forces are even more sullen. Then a pair of eyes looked at the purple eyes, and the eyes seemed to condemn the purple, not even constraining their men.

Sure enough, Zi Yan turned his head and looked at Wang Shan. He said: "Tell you many times, don't swear, don't swear, you don't listen!"

Upon hearing this, the eyes of the four major forces have eased a lot. The Yaozu is more aggressive, and directly said: "Do you think that the accusation is finished? The matter is not over, the time of the three interest has passed, and all of you are dead!"

The purple enamel has the same color and continues to the mountain. The voice has improved a lot: "I heard no, people have not finished with us. This is the reason why you are swearing! How many times have you told me that the monks can't solve the problem! It’s all idiots with brains in the water. How can you understand what you are saying? If you want to solve the problem, you have to kill it directly!”

Zi Zi’s words were very good before, but the more they got to the back, the more wrong they were. The last sentence was even more shocking.

"Purple, you?" Wu Bo and others looked at the purple incredulously.

Zi Yan swept to them and said: "To deal with these idiots, it is useless to swear, the most direct way is to kill!"

"Killing? Ants in the district, great courage! Let's die!"

As the words fell, a cold and cold killing emerged, and the red dragonfly turned into a light, and the first to rush to the purple scorpion.

"Idiot!" In the eyes of Zi Yan, the same flash of light, followed by the right hand, fluttering and waving to the front.

The faint golden light is flashing, and the purple scorpion is not using any energy at all. However, listening to the red dragonfly demon mourning, the body shape instantly flew backwards.

When the other side steadily stabilized his body, a clear five-fingerprint appeared on his face.

"You?" Feeling the burning pain in the cheeks, the red dragonfly demon can be described as shocked and angry. The other side’s blow was very quick, and he did not respond.

"Where a bunch of idiots came, they all gave the Buddha a grandfather!" At this moment, a loud scream, the monk was electro-optic, holding two saber teeth and rushing to other demon.


The monk's shot is more direct, and the opening is the six-character mantra. A strange wave of volatility spreads around and sways the soul. Just in the moment when the other party was slightly lost, the saber-tooth was cut on the other side.

Then the sound of the fluffy sounded in the sky, and all the demon people were all fled by the monks. The power of the monk is very heavy, and there are several enchanting hemmen who are already coughing up blood.

The digital demon, in a moment of complete defeat, mourning is still echoing in the heavens and the earth.

Such a scene naturally stunned everyone next to it. Ziyan has a strong fighting power, and they also know that it is expected to be able to repel the Red Dragonfly. But such a bald monk is so strong.

And the other party's use seems to be the most powerful magical power of Buddhism, the six-word mantra.

The word mantras form a strange wave of volatility that oscillates in the void and spreads around. This volatility has not been sensed by ordinary people, and there is no magic force, but it still spreads through the void until it spreads to another mysterious region.

This is a region hidden in the void. This time, it did not appear as the passage deep in the ancient land opened. At this moment, in the moment when the word mantra came, the mysterious region also showed small fluctuations.


In this fluctuation, there seems to be a Buddha sign.

Ps: Hey! ‘Strongly condemn the other’, this sentence is very familiar, very nice!

There is no idea during the day, the brain is like a paste, ready to try overnight, see if there is inspiration, and then break out! ! !

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