Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 564: Ancient medicine king

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The energy between the heavens and the earth is constantly surging, and the power of the king is full, until the purple dragon and other people see the two kings and the ancient beasts in a fierce battle.

One of them is a unicorn and the other is a lightning snake.

The unicorn is comparable to a mountain with brown hair on its head. The sharp claws can break the stone and wear gold. The unicorn on the head is extremely sharp and has incredible power.

Every time it hits, it can shatter a mountain and destroy a large part of the ancient forest.

The lightning snake is hundreds of meters long, and its shape is like a large water tank. The body is covered with fine silver scales. The volley moves like a silver electric wave between the heavens and the earth, releasing a silver flash of lightning.


The two confronted, the energy is constantly surging, the peaks of the mountains are broken, the forests are turned into powder, and the waves generated by the powerful force are constantly spreading and spreading.

"Good horrible energy fluctuations."

Everyone stopped in a few miles, and looked far away. They dared not rush to the front. As the king's ancient beast, the strength was terrible. Among the human trials, no one was the opponent of the king's ancient beast, including the fire.

"Ancient medicine is what I found, lightning snake, you give me a roll."

In a rage, the one-horned unicorn on the forehead suddenly lit up, and a heart-rending breath emerged, followed by a thick beam of light from the unicorn, with a horrible breath, hitting the lightning snake.

"Oh, this is obviously what I found, the mean one-horned dog."

The lightning snake makes a cold sound, and the silver scales around it glitter, forming a protective mask. At the same time, the snake tail is like a whip, turning into a silver lightning, and hitting the one-horned dog.


There was a big earthquake between the heavens and the earth. The one-horned dog was shot and flew out. There was a long blood mark on the body, but the thick beam that it shot also left a deep blood hole in the lightning snake, silver. The blood is constantly falling from the sky.

The two kings of the ancient beasts apparently played a real fire, and they did not give each other. In the battlefield, the energy of terror was surging, like a scene of extinction.

"For an ancient medicine fight."

Ziyan and others have heard that there is a puzzle in the face, an ancient medicine only, even if it is a descendant of pure blood ancient beasts, it is impossible to make a big move, but the two kings are ancient animals, but they disregard their identity. Hit the big shot.

"More than a thousand years of ancient medicine." Between the raging energy, the nose of the squirrels moved, and the look changed instantly.

"Wanian ancient medicine." Purple eyes and other people changed.

"Yes, it is definitely the breath of ancient medicine for more than 10,000 years, and this spiritual power is very rich. It is already comparable to an ancient medicine king. It is no wonder that the two kings have to fight."

The spirited mouse is not only sensitive to the nose, but also has amazing eyesight. I saw that the little claw pointed to the front and said: "Look, the ancient medicine is there."

Everyone followed the sound and saw that between the endless energy of destruction, a bright ancient medicine was growing in that area.

The battle of the two kings was amazing, but they all deliberately suppressed the energy while protecting the area below.

It is possible to make the two kings ancient beasts greatly shot. It is obvious that the value of this ancient medicine is extraordinary, even if it is an ancient beast of the king, it also has extraordinary appeal.

"An ancient medicine that is comparable to the ancient medicine king must have endless years. The value of this thing is higher than the average spiritual thing." The spirited rat screamed and the eyes began to shine.

The last time it swallowed a spirit, it was transformed, and at this moment the ancient king of medicine was in front of him, the equivalent of metamorphosis was in front.

More valuable than the spiritual value, this very appropriate metaphor, let the purple and the monk instantly understand the value of the ancient drug king.

The monk looked at the spirited mouse and said: "Then what are you waiting for, still not slamming past, quickly taking away the ancient drug king."

The lingering mouse heard, the excited little face pulled down in an instant, dissatisfied: "Do you want me to die, but the two kings are fighting in the battle, if I slam the past, I will not be killed by the energy aftermath. It will also be wiped out by the moment when the ancient king of medicine is taken away."

There was a disdain in the eyes of the monk, and he whispered, "Hey, what is the unique devouring mouse, even a king of ancient medicine can not get it, it is really white."

The spirit of the mouse is anxious, but knowing that there is a bit of skill, for the monk's radical, indifferent, but also ironically said: "You are not very strong, even the rules are annihilated, then you go to the ancient medicine."

The monk stunned and immediately became furious. He slapped the slap in the face and screamed: "Defeated, dare to talk to Buddha."

This is an ancient medicine that is not weaker than the spirits. It is obviously better sealed. Once it is handed, it is equivalent to the number of ancient animals that everyone has obtained.

At this moment, it is false to say that no temptation is true, but who dares to start under the eyes of two kings and ancient beasts is purely a matter of pulling teeth at the mouth of the tiger. If it is not good, it will be swallowed by the tiger.

The monk is still stunned with the spiriting mouse, and the purple eyes are staring at the ancient medicine in front, and the look is constantly changing.

"You don't really want to go, it's very dangerous." Seeing the expression of Zi Yan, Wang Xianer worried.

"I want to try, you are now detouring into the depths." Zi Yan looked at Wang Xianer, and looked at everyone, Shen Sheng.

"No, this is the two kings of ancient beasts, you will die." Wang Xianer directly rejected the advice of Zi Yan, anxious worried.

"Nothing, I have speed."

"You have a very fast speed, but you don't have the ultimate defense. If you are rubbed by energy, you will be hit hard. It won't work at that time. It's too dangerous."

Wang Xianer said loudly: "We have had enough harvests this time. There is no need to fight for an ancient medicine, and we have offended the two kings."

The words of Wang Xianer are very reasonable. It seems that it is really worthless to do so. At this moment, everyone is also opposed to the purple scorpion to desperately.

"Let's go, since there is a king of ancient medicine here, then there is a second strain, there is a spirited rat, our harvest will never be weaker than the king's ancient beast." The monk spoke, solemnly said.

"Yes, I am confident that I will find another ancient medicine king with you. I want to know that I am a unique devouring mouse." The spirited mouse is also a very intelligent opening.

"I don't have to say it, I have my own size, you are going deeper now, I will arrive later." Zi Yan still insisted.

Everyone is helpless, even if Wang Xianer can't persuade, let alone them.

"Everyone is going, I believe in purple." Zhang Xiaotian, who has always been cold, suddenly opened his mouth.

In desperation, the other people only had a head, indicating that the cicada was careful, then turned and left.

After the devouring mouse explained the value of the spirit and the role of the ancient medicine king, everyone's mood became very heavy. Obviously, Zi Yan insisted on robbing this ancient medicine king, just for everyone to be able to baptize and change.

All the people retreated and detoured into the depths. The purple eyes sighed and looked at the front.

This place is only a millennium, and it is also the only opportunity in his life to arrive here. Naturally, he can't miss it. Moreover, he also needs this ancient medicine king so that everyone can baptize.

And the more times you baptize, the better.


At the last breath, the purple scorpion figure disappeared into the void. The next moment, he was hiding in the void, and he went to the place where the ancient medicine king was.

At his feet, the thunder and lightning appeared, showing a very high speed. After reaching the land where the king's ancient beasts fluctuated, the thunder of his back appeared again. As the silver wings beat, the speed of the purple cicada increased again.

He has emerged from the void, and is placed in the destruction energy of the king's ancient beasts, like a lonely boat in the waves of the sky, which may be shredded by the wind and waves.

Taking advantage of the speed, the shape of the purple scorpion is constantly changing, and strives to walk through the weak places of energy, so as to get close to the ancient medicine king.

The appearance of the purple scorpion naturally attracted the attention of the two kings, but they did not care. The strength of the human trials, they are the most clear.


In the energy storm, the purple scorpion has gone a hundred meters, and as the energy in the depths is more turbulent, he is accidentally rubbed by energy and directly coughs up blood.

The pale golden blood just appeared, and the energy that was ravaged was shocked into nothingness. At the same time, the broken sleeve of the purple scorpion was also destroyed by the energy of destruction.

Walking through the violent energy, such as crossing the wooden bridge, once it fails, it will fall into the cliffs and fall into a land of eternal annihilation.

Everything is slow, but it happens very quickly. Above the silver wing, the light keeps flashing, and the purple scorpion turns into a silver light, passing through the weak energy.

After coughing up a few fresh blood, he rushed out of the raging energy and reached the place where the ancient medicine king was.

The ancient medicine king can be one foot high, emitting a radiant glow, releasing a rich spiritual power, dazzling and dazzling. With a breath of aura inhaled into the abdomen, the purple scorpion suddenly feels that the injury of the whole body is weak, and then his eyes are bright.

Apparently, this ancient medicine king can be compared to a Baodan without refining, so he said nothing, and after he fluttered, he jumped to the front of the ancient medicine king and reached out to the ancient medicine king.


There was a horror in the sky, and the two kings of the fierce battles all felt that the purple scorpion had already rushed out of the surging energy, so they looked down and looked at the other side, with an accident in their eyes.

At a glance, they saw the pair of thunder wings on the back of the purple cicada, and immediately changed their appearance. "It is him, the human who annihilated the rules."

The battle of the day brought a sensational effect. Almost no ancient beast did not know the purple scorpion, and the Tianlei wing behind the purple scorpion was so special. Even at the moment it was reduced to two meters, they are also a glance. I recognized it.

However, after the surprise, is furious.

Because they saw the purple scorpion actually went to the side of the ancient medicine king, and even the ancient medicine with mud, all into the other side of the purple gourd.

"Damn, give me a hand."

The energy in the sky instantly became violent. On the unicorn of the forehead of the unicorn, a large beam of light was shot, with a devastating scent, rushing toward the purple scorpion.

At the same time, the Lightning Snake is also emitting silver light, and dozens of hundreds of silver lightnings are shot in an instant, and the target is also under the purple.


Ps: Yesterday, I can’t really come out. If you describe the scene of killing the Dragon Star in detail, and then match it with various moves, you can also make a chapter, but this is too much water, so even if there is less chapter, There should be less water, so that readers who can afford to subscribe, although not many people.

I believe that when less water becomes a habit, more and more readers will subscribe, and more and more friends will see genuine.

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