Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 662: Before killing

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The morale is improved. The next step is to distribute the liquid. The purple scorpion is given to each Danyuan one drop of the middle yuan. In the case of many Danyuan battles, a drop of liquid is enough, because no one will swallow you a second. The chance of dropping liquid.

If you have not swallowed the enemy, you are not far from being killed.

Of course, it is best not to die in battle, especially Dan Yuan, who came with the purple from the chaotic land. Their duty is not to lay down here at the expense of death, but to go back to the barbaric land.

If everyone is falling here, Zi Yan is undoubtedly a heavy loss.

After careful consideration, Zi Yan has decided to give up the barbaric land. In addition to not wanting to be unhappy with the three forces, the main reason is that there is no energy to create a new force.

Therefore, when Ziyan distributes Yuanliu to Wuliu, it is also specially given a special medicinal medicine for Danyuan. Although the efficacy of this medicinal medicine cannot be compared with Baodan, it adds treasure medicine during refining. The ancient animal blood that restores vitality is in it, which is equivalent to a Baodan with a drastic reduction in efficacy. If used well, it can also save lives at critical moments.

The distribution of the yuan liquid was completed and everyone started.

This time, Zi Yan took a group of Dan Yuan and went straight to the station where the most of the Dan Yuan in the end of the celestial killing.

Seeing Yunxia City over the sky, nearly 200 Danyuan flew over, Yunxia City is the sound of many monks exclaimed.

Just after the group of people whistling away, after the body shape disappeared, they left Yunxia City to attack the news of the murder of the murder, and they were secretly sent out.

Compared with the area of ​​the chaotic land, the barbaric land is almost the sesame grain on the round cake. In the chaotic land, it is hundreds of thousands of miles, millions of miles, but here, the two sides are separated by each other. Just tens of thousands of miles.

The news was passed through secret means and soon reached the station of the genius.

"The timid big courage, we have not found him trouble, he actually took the person to kill." Danyuan sneered after hearing the news, Ziyan took all the Danyuan out, and straight to their resident Obviously, they know their hiding place.

"Our resident has been exposed, and the purple scorpion will soon be killed. Some of their injuries have not recovered. Just because we can't stop the sable, we must call other people." A killer opening.

"The last battle was our calculation of mistakes. If we persisted for a while, Ziyan’s mental consumption will definitely reach the limit. It will definitely die at that time, but this is also good. Ziyan has wiped out these forces, which is equivalent to emptying the barbarians in advance. The land. "Dan Yuan killer flashed a cold light in his eyes. "Go and call the other few. This time, we will smash the purple in this battle, destroy his forces and unify the land of barbarism."

The killer behind him also shook his head: "I thought it would be easy to occupy this place without a single soldier, leaving them a few forces, but also the target of future killers in this place. Who knows that halfway through a purple scorpion It completely disrupted our plan, but it was also unfortunate that such a powerful Wuzu, who did not wait to grow up, died."

"Oh, this is where our squadrons look. The lack of resources can just be a place for trials of killers. In this battle, sables will die, yes, only after the late Danyuan, you can continue. The rest will continue. If you stay there, you can decide the outcome, and only the late Dan Yuan."

The killer of the squadron quickly went to the Danyuan post of the other two stations to report the letter. It is clear that the two sides will have to make the final big battle, not whether you die or I die.

And the sable has already set off. If the speed is fast enough, it will arrive here in half a day. The time will not wait for people, and the battle may happen at any time. Therefore, the people of the genocide are also reluctant to swallow a high-priced remedy for a few people who are seriously injured. The soul is very expensive and gives a treasure.

Obviously, for the last battle, they also got rid of it.

"Today will kill the sable, and then completely slaughter the three forces, one will not stay."

The Dan Yuan, who was originally a major force, was angry and reached the extreme after the injury recovered to know the final outcome of his own forces. The whole body was also surging.

The hatred of the genocide is not shared.

Moreover, knowing that there was a trick in the first battle of the day, they would be able to turn defeat into a victory after a while, and even more eager to vomit blood.

"Death, this time purple will die."

Knowing that the swallowing of a lot of Yuan Li spirits consumes a huge secret, they have more confidence in killing Zi Yan.

From Yunxia City to the place where Tianshen Pavilion is located, but tens of thousands of miles, the speed can be reached in the next half day. The people who have already prepared well are murderous and wait for a day to see the arrival of the people.

"Damn, why haven't you come yet." The strong men were very angry and sent people to explore.

After half an hour, the news was sent back. After the Zixiao group left Yunxia City, they only stopped for a thousand miles.

"It’s just a thousand miles, and this is what I want to do." Everyone is not sure.

After the other two resident Dan Yuan heard that the purple scorpion had been killed in the late period, they also rushed over, so that they had already passed ten in the late Dan Yuan and reached the fourteenth place.

In the late 14th year of the Danyuan, there are ten people who have the basics. This kind of combat power can be described as an extraordinary horror. Once the two sides start the battle, they will lose.

With such a strong fighting force, it is reasonable to say that they should rush to the top without hesitation, and then hold the singularity of the singer and the singer.

However, after the last battle, they knew that the singularity was arrogant and incomprehensible. They had previously threatened to live and die, but now they only advance thousands of miles, and there must be fraud.

Therefore, even if the combat power can complete the purple, they do not dare to take the initiative.

The time of the day passed quickly. The next day, the pedestrians continued on the road, this time it was still thousands of miles.

Traveling thousands of miles, under the purple scorpion, they stopped again.

The Danyuan is unknown, but no one dares to question the inquiry, and the killer of the slaying squad is completely confused by the way that the sables travel thousands of miles a day.

On the third day, Zi Yan is still moving forward.

Next, the distance from the Tianzhu Pavilion is only two days away.

“When you travel thousands of miles a day, what is Purple?”

"No matter what, there are still 20,000 miles. We have killed 14 people and killed them directly."

All the strong people have become very angry, this kind of waiting is very uncomfortable, they are clamoring to go out and kill the purple.

"The purple scorpion is very versatile. It is very likely that we will push us on the road every day. He may ambush something in the place where he stays. We should not be fooled. We will wait here to let Ziyu send it to us on our site. He can't play tricks, he can only fight hard with me, and hard fight is death."

The Danyuan killer stabilized the excited people.

On the third day of the evening, the soul-sucking mouse who went to inquire about the news came back. It told Zi Zi that the other two resident Dan Yuan had left the station and went with other people.

According to the speed of the current miles, everyone still has two days to reach the station of the genius, and there is a sneer in the corner of Zixiao. "Are all the same, then let them wait another two days."

Two days later, Zi Yan finally arrived outside the Tianshou Pavilion. This is a mountain forest, lush forests, and there are monsters in the forest. It is not like a killer station. It is like a primitive old forest where no one has set foot.

"This is the place where the genius is." The three families, Dan Yuan, looked at the empty mountains and the eyes were incredible.

"It is one of the stations." Zi Yan corrected.

In turn, Zi Yan is sweeping forward, indifferent: "Since all come, why do you have to hide?"

"Haha, it really is purple, and sent to death is so eager." There was a loud laughter between the heavens and the earth, and then six figures from the jungle below.

These six people are the Dan Yuanqiang who are the six forces. Their injuries have been restored. At the time of their appearance, the contents of their hands have already appeared.

"Your injury has recovered." Seeing the six people whose spirits are in their peak state, the pupil of the purple scorpion is obviously shrinking.

"Haha, thank you for your blessing, just restored yesterday." Cangjia Danyuan sneered.

Sure enough, I heard this, and the face of Zi Yan is hard to look at once.

"How, knowing that you must die, so you left the other Dan Yuan, but you several came to die." Li Jiadan Yuan sneered.

In the news, Zi Yan came close to 200 Danyuan. Now, there are only seven of them in front.

"Hey, they went to the other two stations to fight, and I must have lost them there now." The expression of Zi Yan was obviously much harder.

"Sure enough, our station still lets you discover, but what can you do, even if you lost the two stations, but as long as you kill you, they still die." A voice rang from the dark, then a killer body.

In the late six Danyuan, there was another killer. Zi Yan’s eyes flashed slightly, and then said: “Only seven people, useless, the last time you eight people are almost killed by us, if there are only seven people That will die."

"I am, purple, what kind of tricks do you play, don't think that we don't know, you were so anxious to chase us last time because you swallowed a lot of yuan, and the spirit is very expensive. If we insist on it for a while, you Four must not support ~ ~ heard the purple battle to mention the last battle, Zhu Jiadan is in a hurry.

After the words fell, they clearly saw the expression of Zi Yan and the other three changed, and then Zi Yan shouted, "You are nonsense, we have endless fighting power."

"Haha, endless fighting power, you go to deceive." Seeing the four people change color, there is a sneer across the opposite side. The fact is that they have a winning heart, and the remorse in their hearts has climbed to the extreme.

"Oh, even if it can be done, seven to seven, the first thing to die should be you." Zi Yan once again gritted his teeth, not gratified.

"Haha, seven to seven, you can see me carefully with your dog's eyes. See clearly, this is not seven to seven."

In the mad sneer, a figure emerged again from the dark, and the number of people in the late Danyuan has grown to eight.

Immediately after the figure reappears, the ninth and tenth appear.

With more people appearing, the face of Zi Yan and his party slowly became difficult to look. When the number of Danyuan was as high as fourteen, the eyes of Zi Yan and his party were obviously frightened.

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