Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 714: statistics

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The land of the wilderness is the residence of the Yaozu. The strongest demon people there are the dragons. In the ancient battlefield, the purple dragonfly once killed the demon in the wilderness.

"You meet the Yaozu, the two sides should fight." Mindful thoughts in the heart, Ziyan asked.

Shangguan Feixiong nodded and said: "Yes, the Yaozu is very savage. If you meet, you can do it without saying anything."

It was not unexpected that the two sides played against Zi Yan. After seeing them in the ancient battlefields, they were also very unfriendly. In the end, Zi Yan only slaughtered them. As for the result of this battle with the Yaozu, Ziyan can guess without asking. To.

Losing, and it is a fiasco, or else the overlord forces above the top and many forces will not ask for alliance.

"Where is the ancient beast world?" Ziyan did not say anything about the alliance, but asked the ancient beast world.

Shangguan Fei Xiong thought for a moment and said: "It is a small world, but it is almost the same as a real world. Although it has been discovered for decades, our people still have not found out how big there is, where the distribution is complicated and there are The passage to other regions and exports, we suspect that it is another ancient battlefield."

Subsequently, Shangguan Fei Xiong gave a detailed account of the situation of the ancient beast world. This is the exclusive secret of the hegemonic forces. Many major forces are also heard for the first time.

After understanding the world of ancient beasts, the next step is to discuss the alliance.

"The reason why we formed the alliance in this chaotic land is to avoid infighting, because our enemies are people from other regions." Shangguan Fei Xiong opened and others nodded.

Obviously, many forces have agreed, and now they are waiting for Tianmange to nod.

The purple scorpion is slightly indulged, but it is not immediately agreed.

Shangguan Fei Xiong said: "We have already discussed before the coming. The export of the ancient beast world is completely open to Tianmange. The people of Tianmange can go in and out without any payment, but we hope that in the ancient world, allies In the event of a crisis, the people of Tianmange can make a contribution."

To put it bluntly, they are fascinated by the strength of Tian Mange, hoping to use the Tian Mange to suppress monks from other regions.

"Into a strange world, we naturally can not fight, to unite with the outside world, I am very much in favor of this." Zi Yan agreed to form an alliance.

Next, it is the details of entering the ancient beast world, including the number and time, and the most concerned about the many forces is when Tiangu Pavilion enters the ancient beast world, and the purple will not go together.

Zi Yan seriously thought about it and said: "After half a year, I will personally lead the team."

"Half-year." Everyone heard that it was a glimpse. I thought that Tianguange would enter within a few months, but it was half a year later.

This answer is somewhat unexpected.

Zixiao nodded and explained: "In the past six months, Tianmange will become a permanent ally with Wu, and I will hold an engagement ceremony at this time with the month."

This is the decision made by Zi Yan after careful consideration. The current Tian Mange must be an ally, and the Wu family and the Shangguan are undoubtedly the best forces to become allies. Of course, the most important thing is that Wang Hao and Wu Yu are both. Yue, the same is true when you get married as soon as possible.

The Wu family was naturally happy with the official home, saying that there was no problem, and other forces were congratulated.

After half an hour, everyone dispersed, Wu Yu followed Wu Jiaqiang back. As for the wedding ceremony, Tian Mange will be sent in the future, and Shangguanjia, the same situation, Ziqi did not immediately give the engagement ceremony.

However, at the time of the month's departure, Zi Yan gave the other a beautiful jade bottle. "This is still the king's ancient beast blood, but I specially selected it according to your strength, remember not to give it to others, keep it. Practice yourself."

After giving the jade bottle to the moon, the purple pipa passed the sound.

Shangguan Yueer Zheng’s focus is full of happiness in his eyes.

After that, the month followed the Shangguanfei Xiong into the transmission array, and Ziyan watched the figure disappeared.

"It's gone, don't look at it." Looking at the next Wang Hao, Zi Yan joked.

"You are not the same." Wang Xiao smiled.

"How will the harvest be harvested?" In the returning passerby, Zi Yan asked.

"The harvest is beyond imagination."

The purple scorpion hesitated for a moment and said: "Do you think this thing is too hasty?"

"My lifelong event has been fixed by you. Now I have come to ask the opinion. Don't you feel late?" Wang Hao made a joke, and then his look became serious. He said: "Tianmange is currently under the background. Deep, but there is no later Danyuan to sit in the town. If it is a hundred years later, we have a lot of Danyuan later, the force can shock everything, do not need to deliberately form an alliance, but for now, it is imperative to form an alliance with the hegemonic forces. Lift."

After that, Wang Hao looked at Zi Yan again and said: "If I didn't guess wrong, this time you enter the ancient animal world, you should go to other regions."

"I came back this time. I originally wanted to establish a Promise in the barbaric land. I am going to let Lu Peng build a transmission line to the barbaric land, but Lu Peng is not there. Monks, Zhang Haotian and others are also leaving, no more. If the strong person sits in the town, the construction of the Promise will lose its meaning, and the matter can be slow."

Zi Yan did not hide, directly said: "As far as I enter the ancient beast world, I really did not want to come back, because I have to go to Xianer, but also to find Mengyao and Lin Xue, when Lin Xue came with Liu Chen. In the land of chaos, after so many years have passed, there is no news, and we have made such a big move, did not attract two people, I want to come to the two people as long as they do not have to leave the area."

"People are trying to find someone to talk about easily." Wang Hao sighed.

Lin Xue and Liu Chen both know him. It is the environment where both of them are in the air, and the Imperial Air is struggling in this chaotic place, and it may be dead at any time.

The chaotic land does have a transmission array to the outside world, but the Yuanshi that is needed is also a huge number. According to the situation of the two at the time, it should not be taken out.

Therefore, after Zhai said this topic, Wang Hao did not follow, because of the consequences, he could not imagine.

"After half a year's time is rushed, but engagement and marriage are barely possible, and I promise that Tianmange will do a beautiful wedding for you. These days, you don't have to do anything, waiting for the big day of marriage. Well, the Wang family, I will inform you, there is a bride price, I will prepare for you." After that, Zi Yan said about marriage.

"What kind of bride price." Wang Hao had curiosity on his face.

"The best Dan soldiers and the best defense of the stomach." Purple Road.

Such a big hand, there is a horror on Wang Yan’s face. "So expensive things, you have to know that these things are given and you can’t get them back."

"Looks like I have personally experienced it." Zixiao laughed.

Wang Hao naturally knows that Zi Yan said that it was the gift to the fairy, but it was two pieces of the essence. It was taken away by the Wang family and ignored the teasing of the purple. Wang Wei said: "You sent these two things out, obviously Growing up the Wu family."

"Strengthen grows up, my Tianmangee deputy cabinet is mainly married, the gift of the gift is weak, and there are also whispers in other people's hearts, and it is just a set of best products. After the Liujia forging skills are refined into some excellent refining quality. The district's best product series is nothing." Zixiao does not care.

During the conversation, the two returned to the original trade fair. Wu Liu, Black Wind and other people in the middle of the Dan Yuan are clearing the harvest.

Seeing the arrival of the purple enamel, everyone also got up and respected the ceremony. There were many brochures in front of them, which recorded every transaction record.

"How, statistics are not there." Zi Yan asked.

A few people looked at each other and Wu Liu said: "This time is really too much. At present, it is only counting the quantity of Yuan liquid."

"Oh, I don't know how much liquid we got this time." Zi Yan asked curiously.

"The number of Chinese medicines is 4,158,268 drops, and the next product has 218,733 drops."

"It seems that there are a lot of things, it seems that the underlying power of these forces is also very shallow." Zi Yan has an unexpected expression on his face, and is extremely satisfied with the income.

"Time is tight, you are working hard, quickly count things out, give me a list, right, Qin Xing and Qin He, how can you not see them." After the command, Zi Yan asked.

"They are arranging herbs in the medicinal library." Wu Liu replied.

Ziyan nodded, then left with Wang Hao, went directly to the medicine library, the medicine library is a warehouse with a square of more than a kilometer. At this moment, the warehouse is filled with various jade boxes, and the jade boxes are all placed in medicine.

The two brothers Qin Xing and Qin He are categorizing many jade boxes. When they arrive, they can sometimes hear the whining sound of the Qin River.

"These people are really stupid. They have been told to them before, and the medicines are sorted according to the category. Now it is good, all messed up."

Seeing the big two people, Zi Yan chuckled: "Since it is not good to classify, it is better to call the seniors of Ding Ling. I must have him. You can be much faster."

"Yes, Ding Ling's predecessors are like a torch. Through the jade box, they can sense the medicinal materials inside. He can certainly do more with less." After the purple scorpion reminded, the Qin River eyes brightened.

"Hurry to go to Tianmange to call the seniors of After the good medicine, take time to refine. After half a year, our people will enter the ancient beast world."

The two brothers nodded, and then the Qin River went to call Ding Ling. Qin Xing stayed here to continue to classify the elixir.

Wang Hao has not spoken. After waiting for the medicinal materials library, he said: "After this trade fair, the resources of our Tianman Pavilion have become rich and extreme, and the lack of the strong in the late Dan Yuan."

"Yes, there are not many Danyuan late, we can't really become the hegemonic forces in the true sense. You commanded it. Once any of the Danyuan reaches the peak bottleneck, it will give him the resources to break through the bottleneck."

After the news that the Tianguane Fair successfully opened the perfect closing and passed to the Qin family, the confession in Qin Rende’s heart was once again rich and strong. He had already felt that the Qin family was farther and farther away from the world of Zijing.

Zi Yan returned to Tian Mange. Two days later, the income statistics of the fair were completed. Wu Liu took these statistics and went to the main hall to let the purple eyes pass.


Ps: Good risk, almost broken.

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