Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 83: Spirit beast

The sky suddenly darkened, creating a hurricane out of thin air, the forest below swaying, a huge shadow, cast from the sky.


The screams were unusually harsh, and the irritating three eardrums were sore, followed by the sound of the wings, and a behemoth appeared above the heads of the three.

"This is, Peng Bird!"

The two elders looked up and gave an exclamation after seeing the behemoth.

This is a giant bird, full of black feathers, dark as ink, in the sun's rays radiating a cold texture, a mouth like a eagle mouth, sharp and sharp, two claws cold, Extremely cold.

Two wings of more than 20 meters, covering the sky, constantly patted, rolled up the gust of wind, flying over the top of the three.

"Oh my God, it’s really a Peng bird. How can there be a bird in here?" Robben is also shocking.

In the mind of Zi Yan, there is an instant about everything about Peng Bird. Peng Bird is a rare and powerful beast. It has high wisdom and can be tamed. Legend has it that the blood of the golden-winged Dapeng is in it. Wang, there will be a golden crown on the top of the head, the speed is super fast, it is said that it can be thousands of miles per day.

The powerful monks will conquer a Peng bird as a mount. The Peng bird is in Tianwu, but it is a hot commodity. It is said that in the big world outside, some people sell these things.

The Peng bird is very fast, and the blink of an eye flies from the front. There is a grace of the Dapeng bird. The purple eyes look subconsciously toward the back of the Peng bird. Far away, he sees a figure and stands proudly. On the back of the bird, the front is sharp and the sky is sharp.

"There is someone." The heart of the purple scorpion vibrates. The breath of this Peng bird is not weaker than the innate state. That is to say, there is already the strength of the innate beast, and it is the weakest force to conquer such a Peng bird. It must also be the real thing.

"This person is at least the strongest of the real world, but he does not know where he is going, that direction, like our Lingwuzong." The two elders whispered, and their eyes were full of envy.

"Yeah, if I had such a Peng bird, it would be wonderful." Robben also thought about it unrealistically.

Purple mouth, no words, the strength of the two, to the people Peng birds are not enough, but also conquered, this kind of thing even if the two have Yuanshi purchase, did not tame his strength.


At this time, there was another tweet, followed by an undulating sound. There were three or four Peng birds screaming, and the sound waves appeared from the air, and the stimulating eardrums screamed.

The sky was once again dark, and the four Peng birds flew over the heads of the crowds, covering the sky and covering the sun. It was like a black cloud. This time, in addition to the violent wind, the impulsive forest below the sway, there is also a chill. From the Peng bird, the rich killing is almost substantial, making the three people can not help but tremble.

"Good and powerful killing, is this going to kill?" Zi Yan is shocked and looks far away. He sees dozens of people in full, on the back of the four Peng birds, flying toward the distance. Grab.

"The big platoon, the five Peng birds were dispatched, so it was so murderous. I don't know which guy is going to be unlucky. It even provoked the existence of this gang." The two elders and Robben were also amazed.

The purple brow was slightly wrinkled and fell into meditation.

"Go, look at what, is that kind of thing that you can hope for this kind of waste?" Robben sneered out as he saw the purple scorpion still not going.

The purple scorpion was awakened by meditation and followed the two.

The two people at this time are talking about the former Peng bird.

"Within a few hundred thousand miles, there are only a handful of forces that are qualified to dispatch five Peng birds. There is only one Wu Zong in addition to Cangli City. I guess the other party must be a person of Wu Zong."

"Wu Zong is in charge of hundreds of thousands of miles. In this region, it is the existence of a giant, allowing them to dispatch five Peng birds, with a large number of strong, naturally a strong one."

"I just don't know which strong man provoked Wu Zong, and even let the other party be so cautious and dispatch so many people."

"Are our lords not going to Wuzong? It has been a few years, and they have not come back. Is it not ready to stay in Wuzong?"

The two talked and laughed and looked awkward.

The purple cicada was in the back, frowning, and fell into meditation. There was no one listening. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, as if there was a touch of electric light, and it became clear in an instant. "No, they may be Go to Lingwuzong."

The screaming screams of the sables caused dissatisfaction. The two elders ridiculed: "You know this kind of waste, and the spirit martial arts belong to the jurisdiction of Wu Zong. If you really want to say it, it is still a subordinate of Wu Zong. They are murderous and go to Wu Zongqian. Well?"

Robben also turned his eyes, and Ling Wuzong had a close relationship with Wu Zong. He was a fellow, and he did not believe at all. Wu Zong’s people would deal with Ling Wuzong.

"No, they are definitely going to Lingwuzong, they have to deal with the elders." Ziyan exclaimed, remembering the tone of the elders on the day.

"Idiot, Wu Zong has invited the elders of the elders to join Wu Zong several times, and they have all been rejected by the latter. Why do you want to kill him? Besides, there are many people who are strong in Wu Zong. It is necessary to kill a elder who is too strong and send some strong strong people. Why? Also send an innate existence?" The two elders ridiculed again.

"It is possible that they want to slaughter Lingwuzong." Zi Yan feels empty and ethereal, and can think of any problem.

"Are you practicing as a fool, but also a sect, you can think of such a funny reason."

"Boy, are you talking nonsense, do you have any thoughts?"

The two looked at the purple sneer.

"No, I have to go back." Zizhen was anxious in his heart. He had no feelings for Lingwuzong before, but this time, Lingwuzong was delicious and good for him, and he used a lot of medicinal herbs, and Lingwuzong also Have his friends.

“Hey!” “Hey!”

"Go back to your dreams." The two looked at each other and their body shape flashed. They had already clipped the purple scorpion in the middle, and the two elders were cold and cold: "You kid, you are smart, find such an excuse, But are you a fool when we are both, now go back, I see you are afraid of death."

"I just want to start slipping, it’s late." Robben said coldly.

"You can go back with me." The voice of the purple scorpion has become cold. The people on the Peng bird are powerful and powerful. If you really want to destroy Ling Wuzong, Lin Xue and others have no way to live.

"Go back with you? Are you dreaming?" Robben sneered.

"Waste, you have two ways to go now, one is to continue, one is to stay here forever." The innate breath surging, the two elders have already had a sense of killing.

"Yes, choose one!" Robben’s eyes sprouted. "I was thinking about letting you live for a while. I can’t think of you playing tricks, so it’s easy to solve your waste here. Let’s go to Xuanwu. Zong."

"I won't let you die easily. I want to interrupt the bones of your body and let you die."

"Yes, I want to use the head of your waste to be a chamber pot, and to hold dirt on a daily basis."

The killing of the two people emerged, and the breath of the suffocating lock on the purple scorpion, obviously there is no room for negotiation.

The purple eyes look extremely gloomy and angry: "Enough, if I am a waste, then what is your nephew, garbage?"

All the way to the forbearance, finally attacked, Zi Yan worried, must rush back to the sect.

"Kid, you are looking for death." The innate temper, the two elders blinked in the cold, pointing a finger at the purple scorpion, sharp swords, pointing to the purple eyebrows.

"Go to hell, you waste, I see who will save you today." Robben is also a force, the two had fought before the purple, knowing to join forces against the enemy, or else can not kill each other in a short time, a 璀璨The fists of the mans, hit the heart of the purple.

"Drink!" The purple scorpion burst into bursts, and the whole body exudes a silvery light. It is like a silver armor. The eyes are cold and the punches are punched toward the front. The silver is surging, the air is torn, and the purple scorpion is punched. A harsh gas burst.


The silver fist, the momentum is like a rainbow, the breath is awkward, like a roaring big hammer slamming into the sword, only to hear a loud bang, the sword gas instantly collapses and disappears. Immediately after the purple scorpion's foot, the figure flashed toward the side, and the thunder and lightning appeared, and escaped the punch of the back.


The fists flew over, breaking a rock, endless smoke, and bursting.

"A good and powerful force, no wonder so arrogant." The color of surprise on the faces of the two elders flashed away. On the surface, the innate anger surging, rushing toward the purple sable.

"Take me another punch." Robben was not willing to show weakness, and he rushed to the top, and the innate anger of the cockroach.

In the eyes of the purple eyes, the cold light flashed, and the whole body was silvery. Even a lightning bolt surrounded the body. He waved his silver fist and went to the two.

"Peng!" "Peng!"

The sound of the forest blew up and down, the purple scorpion was like a rainbow, the fist was fierce, the fist was broken, the sword was smashed, and the strong physique was revealed at this moment.

"You are obviously the strength of the true atmosphere, why is the body so strong?"

The two people became more and more shocked. The strength of Ziyan was not strong at all. It was not congenital, but the body was powerful and terrible. A sword fell on the body. It was only a white mark that could not break the defense.

"Hey!" "Boom!"

The sword qi mang appeared again and again, and flew out toward the purple scorpion, but the smashing fist was the singer's fist above his fist, the silver flashed, the electric snake surrounded, and punched The sword is broken and the fists are dissipated.


The two elders were accidentally rubbed by the purple scorpion, and the body trembled.

"This is a monster, let's not be close."

The two flew far away and attacked with substantial innate energy.

The purple scorpion calmly responded, waved his fists, and attacked and dropped. The attack of the two men did not cause any damage to him.

"Speed ​​retreat, this kid is too weird." The two people became more and more shocked, and now they have already retired.

"As far as your strength is concerned, you still threaten to kill me. I just don't know how to live and die." Zi Yan has a certain understanding of his own strength, a strong congenital physique, able to force Robben this kind of innate early, and a little bit No effort.

The heart is anxious Lin Xue and others, Zi Yan is not nonsense, the foot flashes, the thunder and lightning appear, the body is electro-optic, and rushed to the two elders.

"Go to death!" The eyes of the two elders flashed in the cold. The next moment, a light short scorpion appeared in his hand, with the power of horror, rushing toward the purple sable.

"I don't believe it, you can still block the attack of the innate weapon." The two elders smiled and sneaked into the heart of Zi Yan.


But at this time, the silver fist fell again.

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