Thunder Martial Art

Chapter 872: 2 kinds of innate power

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This human voice is out of everyone's voice, but the response of Zi Yan is also very fast, the dragon soul is turned into a silver light, galloping toward the other side.

The purple scorpion's sudden killer made the person's face drastically change. He shouted and took the Dan soldier to the dragon soul.


The fire splattered and the sound was heard. The trialer blocked the sable of the sable, but he did not wait for his face to smile, and rushed out of the rifle with two innate forces.

As soon as these two forces appeared, they ran into a piece.


With a shock, the two forces exploded and turned into a devastating energy. The trial was instantly swept away by the destruction of energy, and around him, the rest of the trials were evasive.

The screams sounded from the devastating energy, stern and sharp, and extremely harsh.

The sound continued for a long time. After the three-seven interest, the screams disappeared along with the destruction energy. After the energy disappeared, it was an incomplete corpse.

The hand of Zi Yan made everyone look awkward and his face changed.

The dragon soul gun that had just been shot down has turned into silver light and flies back, falling into the hands of the purple scorpion, and disappearing in the next moment.

During this period, Zi Yan did not look back, nor did he pay attention to the dead. He only indicated that the dragon was close and then introduced it to everyone.

"This is a very dragon, I found it in the trial of the ancient road, come, the dragon, say hello to everyone."

After that, Zi Yan introduced the dragon to one by one.

"I know you, Zi Yan told me."

Around the world, everyone looked at each other, and the progress was not. The retreat was not. The battle of Ziyan was too strong. The three-and-five groups of scattered training did not dare to compete with it. As for the forces, they did not dare to move at random.

Because Zi Yan and his party can completely compare one party's forces, at this moment, no one is willing to take the lead.

"What to do now." On the side of the Five Elements, everyone has no idea, and everyone’s eyes are on the lookout.

Kim Min’s gaze has been staring at the purple scorpion, and he took it back after a while. He said: "We have joined forces to kill him."

This is the thought in everyone's mind. Today's purple eyes are enough to make them jealous, but killing the purple eyes, they can only think about it in their hearts. Once they kill, they will bring great trouble to their own forces.

And Zi Yan has a very fast speed. If he insists on running, no one wants to stop him.

"I'm afraid it's not good to kill. If you let him run, then the six jade pieces can't be merged." Next to Luo.

"If you don't kill, you can give up this innate technique." Jin Hao said again.

"This has just arrived at the sixth floor. There must be good things below. We are robbing here. It is not wise." Mujia Mulong is also open.

In fact, during this period, there have been many strong people leaving this place to find the entrance to the seventh floor, and some people are also flying away from the distance to find other techniques.

Most of the people who stay here are the powerhouses who are idle and have nothing to do. They have nothing to do with cheapness, but some are really greedy guys.

No one agrees to the purple scorpion, and it is meaningless to stay here. The five elements of the people have left.

The most powerful five elements of the forces have gone, and other forces naturally follow away. The strong purple scorpion even dare not provoke the forces of the five elements. They are even more afraid. Soon, there is no power here, and the rest are scattered. Repair, three or five groups.

In these scattered studies, the number of congenital martial artists is extremely limited, and it is impossible to pose a threat to the sables.

Zi Yan directly ignored them, and Su Mengyao and others have not seen for many years, and there are endless words between the two sides.

The three women’s openings are naturally chilling, asking what the purple scorpion has been in these years.

The monk is not the same. The first thing he asks is the strength of the purple.

"Not bad, it turned out to be a congenital warrior, but unfortunately, the realm is still too low."

The current monk is already in the late Danyuan period. Wang Xianer is also in the late Danyuan period. Among the group, except for Zijing and Su Mengyao, the two are in the middle, and other people including the dragon and the tiger are the late stage.

Speaking of the realm, Zi Yan suddenly remembered that there are many traces of Lei Jing in the Spirit, and quickly said: "I have something here that is perfect for you."

"What is it." The monk shed light in his eyes and asked.

"Thunder liquid essence can change Yuanli and let Yuanli change."

The monk heard loudly: "Thunder liquid essence, turned out to be the essence of Lei liquid, it is a very magical thing, it can really change the power, but a drop or two is useless, how much you have."

Aster from the channel: "Reassuring, enough for you all to break through."

The six-story world is very big. It is not only Wang Xianer who finds innate techniques, but in other places, there is also a melee caused by innate techniques.

After finding a relatively small, safer area of ​​the monk, the purple scorpion is to take out the essence of thunder.

"You first refine the essence of Lei Li, let Yuan Li change first." In the speech, Zi Yan took out a few drops of Lei liquid essence, and then distributed one drop per person.

"How to give a drop." Wang Xianer and others did not speak the thunder liquid essence, but the monk was extremely dissatisfied.

The purple face is black and white: "After refining, give another drop."

As the Supreme Beast, the dragon tiger is useless. It is the use of the Thunder God Tiger, which is extremely eye-catching.

However, the effect of Lei Li essence on the flying tiger is really limited.

When the monk took the essence of the thunder, he began to refine and reluctantly waste a little time.

But the other three, not immediately refining, but looking at the purple, seems to have a lot to say.

But the three could not be refining, so Lin Xue and Wang Xianer began to refine the essence of Lei Li, leaving a separate time for Zi Yan and Su Mengyao.

"In the past few years, have you had a good time?" Zi Yan sat with Su Mengyao, who leaned against the purple eyes and his head on the purple shoulder.

"There are little tigers with me, everything is fine, you."

Just as Ziyu enjoyed the world of two people, many monks gathered at the sixth floor to the seventh floor.

Like the previous layers, the passageway has a ban. Previously, everyone did not care, but when the ban was broken, after several martial arts were killed, everyone finally looked at it.

And as they face it, they find that the ban on the seventh floor is too strong and can't be broken in a short time.

A strong ban can not be broken, and many scattered trainings have lost interest, so they continue to search on the sixth floor. As for the ban, it is only handed over to the big forces.

The five elements were the strongest among the forces, so they organized the manpower and began to break the ban, but they were banned. Once the ban was opened, they were the first to enter.

The whole world seems to have nothing to do with Zi Yan. He has been with Su Mengyao and others.

Wang Xianer and Lin Xue are refining the essence of Leishui. The dragon and the tiger are flying in the strength of the refining power. The essence of Lei Li is useless to them, but the fruit of strength is of great use to them.

As time passed, just after the monk refining the fifth drop of the liquid extract, the passage of the seventh floor was finally opened by a group of forces.

The seven-story passage opened, and a raging energy came out of it. The terrible beasts were clearly visible, and the powerful forces of the big forces rushed in, and the seven-layer ban was broken, which took more than ten days.

The innate technique has been found in the sixth layer, and the seventh layer is naturally there. When you first enter, everyone has a harvest.

Then the battle happened again.

In addition to fighting the powerful monsters, human trials are constantly erupting to fight the battle.

The sixth-tier testers are drastically reduced, and more people are entering the seventh floor, but there are also some self-knowledge-skilled testers who stay on the sixth floor to try their luck.

After the refining of the sixth drip essence, the strength of the monk's body finally changed. This is a very pure Buddha power, and with the help of the Lei Li essence, it has raised a step.

"Haha, congenital Buddha power, I finally became a congenital martial artist." Yuanli breakthrough, the monk is extremely excited, this is a qualitative change, the monk's combat power is therefore hard and powerful dozens of times.

The former monk, who has the strength to compete with Ziyan, has now become a congenital martial artist, and the monk’s self-confidence has once again burst into arguing.

There are many congenital martial arts here, and there are more adversaries everywhere. The purple scorpion naturally has no interest in the monk. After the purple scorpion takes out the fruit of the power, the monk’s eyes are once again exposed, and the matter of discussion is immediately placed outside the clouds.

Before the Ziyan passed the perfect body to the monk, after the monk swallowed the fruit of the power, the perfect body matched the Buddha's refining magical power, and the progress was extremely obvious.

Ziyan has many resources. When everyone refines and refines, the progress is also very obvious. The ultimate goal of Ziyan is to make everyone become a congenital warrior.

After the seven-layer world broke open for more than a dozen days, Wang Xianer and Lin Xue also made breakthroughs. One person consumed dozens of drops of liquid, and the two finally reached congenital and became congenital warriors.

However, before the breakthrough of the two, Su Mengyao had already broken through. In these days, Su Mengyao rarely refines the essence of Lei Li, and most of the time she chats with Zi Yan, but her progress has surprised the purple tongue.

After Wang Xianer and Lin Xue entered the congenital ranks, they only used one day to become familiar with Yuanli, and then began to refine the power of the Xianer also understood the perfect body method, and did not need to deliberately teach, Lin Xue did not understand, The sable is passed to the other party.

Their perfect body, although not comparable to the purple, but far superior to other powerful physique, the body power is suppressed by the power of the fruit to the extreme, the power generated is also congenital.

It’s just that the innate power is a little weaker than the purple.

Everyone's strength and strength, every day is changing, every day is progressing.

As the fruits of the power disappeared, the power of the monk first reached the bottleneck.

More than a month before and after the use of the monk, the monk has been transformed from the innate martial arts, into a double congenital martial art, the body of two innate power.

Soon, Su Mengyao and others have also made breakthroughs. They must have been more than a month ago. The combat power of these people is really too much. Everyone has two innate powers.

"Strong breakthrough, we should go to treasure hunt." Several people have broken through, Ziyan opened.

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